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发表于 2020-3-21 12:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Humanity is approaching a moment of change, a moment of enormous change, and as you all move forward through it there will be much uncertainty and disturbance. You know that God’s Love for everyone of his children is infinite and eternal, and that His Will for you is eternal joy. However, as you move through these times of uncertainty there will be moments of intense disagreement and some conflict will result. The way forward is to fully embrace your true nature – Love – and engage with life and with others in every moment from that state. This is a time when your trust in God’s Love for you, for all sentient life forms, is essential so that you most firmly reset and reset – every time doubts or anxieties arise – your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives. Because to do that is to be who you are, and doing so will help you to remember your divine heritage.

Life in form has been a long and often disturbing interlude in which you have forgotten your true nature, and in which a powerful sense of separation from that true nature seems to have enfolded you. As you have been told so often : There is no separation. Nevertheless, the dream or nightmare of separation that you chose to experience has seemed intensely real for you, as your bodies, with which you almost completely identify yourselves, have undergone enormous turmoil through pain and suffering, both physical and emotional. Because of that you have taught yourselves to disregard it by projecting it out onto others – humans who appear to be totally different from you for any number of utterly invalid reasons – and turning them, in your imagination, into enemies who are forever threatening you. Needless to say those others see you in the same manner.

Over the eons this has led to innumerable wars in which winners and losers are constantly changing places, and during which much suffering is endured as ordinary people, those who are not directly involved in these ongoing conflicts, struggle to support their loved ones and survive in regions where conflict has become endemic. Conflict is the result of massively egotistical behaviors on the part of a small minority of severely abused and damaged individuals as they attempt to escape from or deny their own intense inner turmoil, and who gather around them other damaged ones who will support them. Often that turmoil has been deeply buried because to remember it would cause them further intense suffering. When you find yourselves in situations where people like these are operating from a behavioral pattern of “suppress and control,” it is best to avoid engagement if possible, while intending to reflect back to them the love that is their nature, and which they have never been able to express. This is the most effective thing that you can do. Doing this is what awakening is all about, and it is this that will bring about the changes that are so desperately needed nearly everywhere on Planet Earth.

Engage with Love, and allow It to dissolve your fears and anxieties as you make a point of meeting with and associating with other awakening ones. There are far more of you than you might think, because this is the moment for your awakening, for humanity’s awakening, and many have become crucially aware of the need for a massive Love flow, a “Tsunami of Love,” to envelop the planet. And It is doing that now! Your engagement with It in every moment of your daily lives is an absolute prerequisite. You chose to be incarnate now to engage with Love, and if that does not resonate with you now, because, like so very many, you have forgotten your life’s purpose, then do seek out others who are engaging with Love, so that the flow from their loving energy fields awakens within you your own true and unchangeable nature.

This is the moment for which all have been longing – the Second Coming. But it is not an outward or physical event with people rising up in revolution against oppressors. That is what has been occurring for eons and plainly it does not work. No, the Second Coming is the arrival of an intense inner knowing, that is experienced within the self, a knowing without the slightest doubt that the self and Source are One. Over the eons, every now and then, a few have experienced this state and have shared the knowledge of it with others, and so although it was an individual experience, knowledge of it was shared, and religions were founded on it. Of course each one experiences it in his or her own individual way, so when only a few, from different lands and different cultures, had this most wondrous and uplifting experience, they described it in different ways. This has led to conflicting opinions about what the Second Coming truly is.

Now, with so many being nudged towards their awakening, it is finally becoming apparent that each individual experience of the Second Coming is completely valid. Another expression or definition for the Second Coming is to enter into Christ Consciousness. Your original state, before the separation seemed to occur, was Christ Consciousness, which is your natural state of pure Love aligned with and at one with Source. Love is unconditional loving acceptance of every sentient being, and to be in that state is to have experienced your own Second Coming and know yourself as Christ at One with your Father. It is a state from you have never been separated, but which you had hidden from yourselves behind what could perhaps be most aptly described as a thin diaphanous veil. That veil is now disintegrating.

Now is the moment to throw caution (an aspect of the illusion) to the winds and engage fully with Love, and thus reap the endless and most wonderful benefits that doing so provides.

You are, each and every one of you, eternally inseparable from God, and now is the time for you to remember that and to awaken. Therefore, BE the LOVE that YOU ARE, and assist all your brothers and sisters to awaken into their true nature so that they too can share in the eternal joy that is your divine inheritance.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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