I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The Cosmic Light of the love of the Creator is pouring into the atmosphere of Earth in waves upon waves of high energy. An awareness of it’s presence in the atmosphere around you will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your four body system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.
There are many channels through whom dispensations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you, the reader, to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourselves of these opportunities as they come available. By doing so, you assist your Divine Essence to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer form of its manifestation.
There are many cosmic cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve the higher path of consciousness will continue to be changed through the transmutation process. We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love into the collective human consciousness through the coming months.
It is this energy of higher love that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all to enable them to rise up to a greater frequency by being receptive to it. As you, the reader, receive this greater energy of cosmic love, you, in turn, direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness that encircle the planet.
You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions. Know that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her kingdoms. Envision the energies of love that you send out in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced by each soul.
This daily practice can help awakening humanity become more free from all the distractions and illusions of the old paradigm so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream, the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth’s crystalline core and radiate out into the Universe.
This practice done by many Lightworkers helps set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher spiritual realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with the Infinite One with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you, magnifying your efforts
通灵:Marlene Swetlishoff
翻译:Nick Chan