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发表于 2020-3-16 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

As you move further into the energies of 2020 and beyond, many of you will be called to move into service for the first time, or will be called to change your service offerings. This is the natural unfoldment towards the next phase of your incarnation.


Although many of you are aware of your soul’s desire to do so, you hesitate because you may feel like everything has already been done before by others and doubt that you have anything new to offer. Please dispel this faulty belief! While many others may have done similar things before you, there has never been a you on the planet at this time, providing that service. Your energetics make your gifts unique and unprecedented.


Think of it this way. You could go to a library and find many books written on the same topic. But upon looking at them all, you will find one that feels best to you. You may like how the book is laid out the best, or the authors writing style, or the use of graphics, or just the feel and overall presentation. It resonates because it is the best energetic match to you.


The same it will be with your offerings. They will be a unique blend of you and your purpose, which will be what resonates with someone else. Your style and presentation will be exactly what someone has been looking for as the perfect match for them.


So if you have been feeling guided to do something new, please follow your heart’s guidance and step into offering your gifts, whatever they are. The fact that you are being called to do so is a sure sign it is part of your next highest expression of self and exactly what the world is waiting for because no one has ever said or done it exactly like you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



A very common issue creatives face is not the creating itself but rather how to know when something is finished. How do you know when a painting is as good as it can be? How do you know when the story is done? How do you know when the song is complete?


Did you know you can ask your project? Simply go into a meditation, connect with your creation, and ask it! Every single creation has its own consciousness and it will tell you when it is completed.


Once you know it is done, ask it if it would like to be shared! Your pieces of art, whatever form they are in, are pieces of heaven on earth. So many of them are glorious emanations of connection and energy that have much to offer others and have a greater purpose than hiding away from those they are meant to serve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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