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【sheldan nidle】2016年11月22日 更新









发表于 2016-11-25 10:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sheldan nidle20161122更新

2 Cib, 19 Xul 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! At the present time, anoperation is working toward the goal of isolating the remaining illuminatirogues left in power positions in the American corporate government. Thisprocess has taken longer than was first expected by the Chinese and EuropeanElders and Royals. In a preliminary mode, the new legal American government wasdeclared in the latter part of what you know as the Gregorian calendar month ofOctober. What is left is a more formal declaration that is to be made shortly.Meanwhile, a mopping-up process is under way. We are overseeing all of this andsetting up parameters that are to make this operation successful. We expectthis to clear the way for the new American Republic, and NESARA to be publiclyannounced. We have continued to carefully monitor all that is developing and togive a full report to the special council that is to be the guardian of the newGESARA governances. Our liaisons form a key part of this vital council for theElders and the Royals. Our goal is to see these new governances come to poweras efficiently as possible. This action would also bring disclosure evercloser.

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) 天狼星语,处在永恒的喜悦中。当前,一项行动正朝目标推进,这个目标是将仍在美国公司政府权力位置上的剩余光照派恶棍隔离。这个过程比中国和欧洲的长老们和皇室们最初预期的耗时更长。在预备模式中,合法的美国新政府在10月末被宣布。所剩下的事情就是很快就要进行的更加正式的公告。同时,一个收尾过程正在进行中。我们正监督着所有这一切并设立一些参数会使得这项行动成功。我们期待这会为新美国共和国和将要公开宣布的NESARA法案扫清道路。我们继续小心地监督着所有正在发展中的事情并继续完整地报告给特殊议会,这特殊议会会成为新GESARA(全球版NESARA法案)政府的守护者。我们的联络员形成了这个至关重要的议会中为长老们和皇室们工作的关键部分。我们的目标是确保这些新政府尽可能有效地执政。这项行动也会使大揭露更接近了。  

  This whole process is all about preparing this global realm to accept anever-growing consciousness. This consciousness is what makes it possible foryou to accept us as your teachers. The Anunnaki had long made you believe thatyou were lesser Beings. This is how they were able to easily manipulate you. Wehave often reiterated that this coming time is when you are to become able toaccept your abilities and see us as your future. The many technological devicesthat you have accepted into your reality are just the tip of a gigantic icebergof new innovations that are to suddenly appear before you. These newtechnologies are finally to permit you to see how amazing this new reality isto become. It is to be a world that can easily accept what we intend to teachyou. You need to quickly make up for the perilously slow track that the late20th century was known for. A swifter pace can allow you to see the broad reachof this new electronic technology. Yet, it is only a brief glimpse of what yournear future holds!


  Your world is growing from a society based upon primitive technology toone built on electronic devices. This alters it into a realm that primitivelymimics ours. What is to happen next is for this electronic technology to becomeglobal, a development that is occurring now at a much greater rate. We lookacross this globe and see how the electrical grids are expanding every day inAsia, Africa and the Americas. These electrical grids can then become thefoundation for the wireless electronic revolution. Although this process isstill slow in most of your world, the new prosperity is going to end suchlimitations. Your planet’s surface world has been largely controlled by theWestern-based Illuminoids. Such centralized control is to be much moredifficult in a time of great global prosperity. It is this reality that is thetrue basis of GESARA. It is essential that the limited power base be eliminatedand a new, more open concept be substituted. As that power widens, the worldbecomes more able to accept new realities. It also becomes more open todisclosure and mass contact.


  First Contact is the primary goal of our Welcome Home Mission. We arededicated to helping those on your world who are determined to end the controlof those who became the powerful minions of your former masters, the Anunnaki.Brave Souls have worked for decades to set up a way for this magnificent goalto be accomplished. When we arrived, we began immediately to discover who theywere and to gain their trust. Only in this way could our mission be quicklyaccomplished. As we have noted in previous reports, we were able to do this upto a point. What is needed now is for us to be able to go beyond our presentposition of trust and really help them to succeed in every measure possible.The present slowdown is to be remedied by a joint force comprised of all whoare working to achieve success. This coalition is to make possible theprosperity and new governance that is to enable us to achieve our mission – tobe acknowledged and then to be able to address you. This makes Heaven mosthappy and allows us to see how we need to adjust our present timetables.


  Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The time has come to thank Heavenfor what is about to transpire. The old corrupt political process is destinedto disappear and be blessedly replaced by a new one, called NESARA and GESARA.Truly, It is a gracious blessing. Through it, inestimable prosperity is tomanifest and freedom from debt slavery is to appear as a vast and resplendentjubilee that is to come, prior to a new global banking system. This is a holygift to surface humanity! It ends a system that first raised its head inancient Babylonia. This tyranny is nearly over. You are to bask in the divinelight of freedom, with the capacity to fulfill your joy. It is this inner passionthat drives you. It is this great joy that is to be Heaven’s greatest gift. Itis a sign of just how much Heaven Loves you and deeply wishes for your greatestpersonal success! It is your reward for everything you do to thank Heaven forits wondrous work in fulfilling your dreams!


  The divine purpose of all of this is for you to use this new prosperityto raise your consciousness and your joy. It is often said that the collectiveenergy of this global society is raised by lifting its joy. This process worksby releasing your passion, leaving you able to easily envision what you canaccomplish by letting you finally undertake your personal projects. As youbegin, the initial energies swirl around the world, adding even moreencouragement to the collective achievement. The active process of carrying outthese projects is very empowering. A kind of global energy continues to reboundand spiral upward. It is this development that is at the core of it all. As youfeel ever more empowered, networks form and a new divine attitude ismanifested. This re-forming reality is, in fact, your envisioning in action.


  This divine operation is what we began many decades ago. Your reality isnow at a major crossroads. We ask simply that you continue to hold your visionand, shortly, you are to see the wondrous results that we long have describedto you. America, in reality, is a testing ground for how this new consciousnessis to manifest. Our associates have taken our resources and begun to distributethem across this globe. Be patient. Know within that a momentous sacred plan isunderway that is meant to sweep aside all who strongly oppose what itrepresents. What is unfolding is the reformation of this new and prosperousreality. Each day, many sacred decrees have been pronounced and unfolded. Apristine new world is to manifest, and all present obstacles are to betransformed. Enjoy what is transpiring and let this gracious new realityappear. Let us do this in the name of all that is sacred and profound!Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


  Today, we carried on with our general report on the current globalsituation. Much occurs that is to alter this world in a wondrous way. We askonly that you remain patient, focused and willing to aid this wondrous cause.Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity ofHeaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for BeOne! and Be in Joy!)

今天,我们继续了有关当前全球局势的综合报导。许多会改变这个世界的事情正以一种美妙的方式发生着。我们只请你们保持耐心、聚焦并愿意协助这个美妙的世界。亲爱的人们,要知道天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat GajunSelamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)

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