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发表于 2019-12-7 12:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I come on the wings of love! We, the Family of Light, realize that many of you, our beloved Lightworkers, are in the midst of trying to assimilate the intense cosmic energies that are streaming into the Earth’s atmosphere and that along with awakening humanity, you are feeling the intensity of these energies as they purge old energies from your human operating system.

The energies are increasing in intensity day by day and it behooves you, the spiritual alchemists, to stand firm and practice the disciplines that have raised your energetic frequency levels and vibration to a point where you are truly making a difference in this world. If you continue with this daily discipline, it will stand you and the entire world in good stead. All that you have been working for has been and is now, making a HUGE difference.

It may not be apparent to you, so I have come to lighten your hearts, to lighten your path, to assure you that as you do your decrees each day, it increases the Light upon the Earth, within yourselves, within your family members and within your communities. As you do this, your Light radiates further and further out across the planet, not only vertically but also horizontally. As this occurs, sooner or later, your individual Light will join together with those of other individual Lights on the planet.

This is when the implosion of the Light within each man, woman and child upon the Earth will take place, the implosion of their awakening to the memory of their own Divine Self. They will awaken and remember why they are here at this time and that is when there will be great massive awakenings taking place. As you have already surmised, this process has already begun. It is now a matter of maintaining the intensity of your focus and persistence in this endeavor.

Do not despair for your loved ones as they go through the changes within themselves, releasing the old mental and emotional patterns. As this process of cleansing and purging continues within everyone upon the planet, know they will be safely brought through the great changes that are occurring. Be at peace, for each of your loved ones has chosen to be a part of this great and wonderful adventure of moving into the new Earth consciousness.

Know that all of humanity upon the Earth has chosen this, so do take heart, continue to stand firmly in your Light, in your faith and in your purpose. Continue to be the Light beacons who are changing this world by being the willing transducers of the new higher cosmic energies. Anchor these energies into the crystalline core of Mother Earth and spread this Light across the surface of the Earth.

As you do this, it increases the wonderful change that is taking place. It may not seem wonderful to you as you are experiencing this change but truly, from a higher standpoint, it IS an incredibly wonderful event. It means that humanity is remembering, it means humanity is awakening, it means ascension for the Earth and all the Earth’s inhabitants! This is a wondrous occasion! Be aware that this is not something that will happen immediately in the next week or even in the next month, it will continue on. This has been ordained so that all upon the planet can ascend enmasse.

Know that we are in the times of NOW! The changes we have worked so hard to effect are taking place. Believe in yourselves as we believe in you. Believe in your Light, believe in the radiance that you are, in the goodness that you are, in the high spiritual integrity that you are. You have loved and served this purpose so unconditionally that we honor the greatness of your willing spirit, as you blaze a trail for others to follow so all upon this planet can move forward into the new horizon.

Know, as always, that we are ever with you and you have but to call upon us.

I AM Kwan Yin.

通灵:Marlene Swetlishoff
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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