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发表于 2019-11-16 13:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Rule-breakers do not exist in a higher dimensional environment, because everyone deeply knows and understands really well what the consequences of breaking the rules are, and how it impacts ALL within that environment/planet. In fact, younger members of higher dimensional civilizations are trained from birth, to always naturally adhere to Cosmic Laws in all their ways of be-ing.
And so with this message, we - members of the Karmic Board - come in Light, and in Love, riding on the wings of nothing but the Highest Truth, meant only for those whose hearts are open and ready for such Truth. Adele sensed that this message can be a potentially 'touchy' issue for many, and what she was sensing was nothing but the core, or the root cause of the human collective's Separation Consciousness.
Simply put, your planet is divided in the many different ways, or, in the state that it is right now, because of humanity's natural propensity/tendency to mostly congregate with like-minded souls. Many times, in numerous occasions, as a race, you all had loved to exclude those who are a little, or, a lot different from you. When/if there is someone within your group (e.g. at work) who is walking around with a physical, mental, emotional or financial disability of any kind, chances are a lot of people in your workplace will be consciously or subconsciously avoiding this person and/or, not feeling interested in forming any kind of friendship with this colleague.
You can easily observe this happening in other daily activities. For example, in a party/gathering you had attended, where people of the same age, same sex, same economic/educational backgrounds, same language/skin color tended to form their own cliques/groups. This may also occur in your own home (e.g. children who are closer in age usually gravitate towards each other, often leaving out the oldest/youngest to play by themselves).
For within the hearts and minds of many souls incarnated on Earth right now, there exists a need to be right. To never be wrong. To be 'in the know'. To be accepted or acknowledged. To belong. To be loved. To have approval from those in authority. To conform to the majority and not create waves. To be important and be paid plenty of attention. To shine so brightly and be admired, respected or adored by many.
You are probably asking us/yourself right now, is that so wrong? Is it wrong to want to be any one of those things? Our answer is: no, loved ones. It is not wrong to want/need validation, love or, approval from sources outside of yourselves.
However, if your goal is Self/Life Mastery, then your conscious/subconscious behavior of seeking love, respect, admiration, acceptance, validation or approval from sources outside of yourself is definitely NOT the road to mastery.
A master doesn't need another person to validate the information received from her own inner guidance.
However that being said, a master will not proceed to brag about his own accomplishments/acquired knowledge; nor condemn others for their opposing beliefs; nor put people down in their places by perhaps labeling them as ignorant/uneducated/spiritually un-awakened. A spiritual master would never insist that his/her way is THE only right way. And that everyone else was wrong, because his inner guidance said so.
A master knows that everyone she encounters in life is at different stages of spiritual development, and thus their expressed beliefs/words/deeds will always be a mirror reflection of the attained consciousness of the soul within. As outside, so within. So why would a master take offense at someone expressing themselves in a way that is completely different from him? A master does not take anything personally. He does not feel the need to 'have the last word'. She knows that it is completely unnecessary to be right all the time, and that it is even okay to be wrong!
The master himself wisely knows that there is infinite learning/expansion to be had. She will never stop learning nor expanding. And thus, being wrong is perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. A master is also quick to apologize or make amends, if his wrong words/actions had inadvertently created disharmony in any way.
Insisting that you are right and another person is wrong only serves to perpetuate Separation Consciousness; to create drama or conflict, which will then inevitably lead you down the path of breaking the Law of Harmony and/or the Law of Karma.
This means, whenever a master encounters opposition/adversity, from someone whose attained consciousness is less evolved than his, he will always respond to this person's provocations only with love, patience, compassion and kindness. Never needing to prove that she is wrong and he is right, or vice versa, for such a need will simply serve to illustrate (or bring into light) an aspect within the master's inner self that still needs healing/releasing.
Whenever you are feeling the need to win an argument, or to defend your beliefs/actions about anything under the sky, please stop and ask yourself the following questions:
1) 'Am I doing this because I am in fact seeking approval, acceptance, love from these people; something that I may have been feeling like I need to get, in order to avoid/minimize loss of any kind?'
1) 我这么做是因为我事实上是在向这些人寻求认可、接纳、爱;我感到我需要拥有的,以便避免/减少任何类型的损失?
2) 'Is it perhaps high time for me to stop needing this approval, love or validation from someone/people outside of myself?'
2) 也许这是最好的时机让我去停止需求来自外在之人的认可、爱或证实?
3) 'Is taking a stand right now, by doing my best to win an argument, overall, serves only myself (e.g. my need to be right), or does it actually serve the higher good of everyone involved?'
Let us give you a real-life example, coming from a recent incident involving Adele.
Adele was walking along the road by herself one night, heading home from somewhere. She proceeded to cross a quiet, dark street, when all of sudden a car appeared from her rear left, coming from the main road perpendicular to the quiet street she was in the middle of crossing. The driver of this car proceeded to turn right into her street at a high speed, almost hitting Adele from the side. Adele's heart jumped in shock and although she was high on adrenaline, she wasn't angry at the driver. Until the driver opened his window and his mouth. She was fully expecting an apology, or any signs of remorse coming from the driver. And what she got from him was angry words instead - the driver was loudly blaming his close call on Adele's choice of attire. She was wearing black clothes, at night, whilst crossing a dark street.
How do you think Adele felt? She was almost hit by a car, plus, the culprit thought he was in the right, and she was in the wrong. Adele felt she did everything right. She made sure to check the street prior to crossing, and was minding her own business when this car suddenly appeared out of nowhere in high speed, almost hitting her. She definitely felt like she was right (i.e. entitled to her anger) and that he was wrong for driving recklessly/carelessly. She even felt like saying to the driver that the entire world should henceforth be banned from ever wearing black-colored clothes again, to help him become a better driver. Adele felt so wronged and although she was aware as one in the path of Mastery & Ascension she must return to the state of harmony by letting go and forgiving this man; it still took her several hours before she was able to successfully forgive him.
In the above scenario, who do you think was right and who was wrong, between Adele and Mr. Driver? Were they both right, or both wrong? If you were to put yourself in Mr. Driver's shoes, would you have felt like you were in the right, and she was in the wrong by wearing black attire? Or would you have apologized for your near-miss incident?
I, Portia, as the Goddess of Justice will answer these questions for you all, coming from our higher dimensional perspective. Mr. Driver was in the wrong by almost hitting Adele (by not being a careful driver) and by breaking the Law of Harmony, when he proceeded to blame her for his own carelessness. He had, in that moment in time, created a 'Karma of Distress' for himself with his thoughts, words, feelings and actions towards Adele (as opposed to creating a 'Crown of Light' when one creates an accumulated good for self), which one day he will need to fully compensate/pay back for, when the time comes.
Originally Adele was not in the wrong, however, how she reacted to his subsequent provocations definitely was not a demonstration of how a master should behave. In her shock, she was saying unloving words towards this man (not to his face) as she simply proceeded to finish crossing the street and walk away from the whole situation in a rage. The man might not have consciously known the angry words/thoughts she had about him, but we, members of her spirit team, had heard them all.
Adele, with her mostly loving and patient personality, made sure that she surrounded herself only with friends who are exactly like her. And thus, encounters such as this one, with someone whose attained consciousness is one that is not of Love, Peace nor Unity, rarely occur in Adele's world. Her encounter with him was a test to enable her to see for herself, how much farther she had got to go, before she successfully masters her mastery. Before she becomes the full embodiment of her Higher Self; having mastered ALL the Love, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness and Abundance tests we keep sending her way. Yes, in this incident she failed to keep her peace; failed to stay loving towards her 'enemy' of the moment. She also managed to create karma due to her angry, discordant/inharmonious thoughts and words directed towards this man.
Thus from our higher dimensional perspectives, both Adele and Mr. Driver were in the wrong. As both of them had failed to adhere to Divine Cosmic Laws when triggered by stress factors seemingly outside of their control.
Now let us return to the main question presented, in the title of this message, 'Right vs. Wrong, Who Decides?'
The answer is: We, the Lords of Karma, will be able to give clarity to any inquiring soul, as to who was right and who was wrong in any given situation, based upon God's Sacred, Divine, Universal Laws. Our decision is based only on Pure Truth; the Highest Vibrational Truth that has Love, Harmony, Peace, Oneness at its Core. We give all souls the 'final judgment' based only on God's Truth that no soul can deny, as the Vibrations of Truth will always reverberate/resonate with the soul seeking the answers. Ultimately, the Karmic Board has the last say, the God-given right to 'judge' whether you were in the Right, or in the Wrong, for every single scene of your life. The standards that we uphold are God's standards. The laws, rules or regulations that we uphold, are Divine Cosmic Laws, for which we are also subjected to.
Cosmic Laws are completely different from man-made, mostly 3D-constructed laws. What is acceptable for your fellowmen, may not be acceptable from our higher dimensional perspectives. Adolf Hitler and many Germans living in that wartime period, felt that it was completely acceptable to kill millions of Jews. They felt they had adopted 'the right' cause, or the 'right' belief that the Jews were an inferior race and thus, killing them was completely justified (this belief came from their attained, lower vibrational consciousness of the time). This was a perfect example, how 'Right' and 'Wrong' can be completely distorted, misrepresented or misled, to suit someone's purpose/the ruling authority of the time.
In conclusion, loved ones, suffice it to say that whilst you remain in physicality, there should not be a need to decipher who was right and who was wrong in any situation. One day you might have been feeling like you were the victim of an incident, however, unbeknownst to you, whatever had happened might have been orchestrated to help you balance/repay your Karmic debts. So again, who was right and who was wrong, only We, members of the Karmic Board, will fully know and understand.
Needing to decipher who was right or wrong, is not the path of Mastery. It is definitely not the path of Peace nor it is the path of Harmony with your fellowmen. It is simply a third dimensional programming that you should continuously strive to eliminate once and for all, as it is no longer in alignment with your sacred goal of full integration with your God-Self.
Like we had often repeated in past channeled messages through Adele, your Heart is the most powerful barometer of God's very own Divine, Sacred Truth. Follow your heart's guidance always, as it will act as your ever-faithful compass, always pointing true north, towards Love, Wisdom, Harmony and Oneness.
In the coming days, loved ones, we ask for you to always use your heart in all interactions with the world around you, no matter what. When you do so, you will be able to easily sort out the Truth from the Lies. Only when one is always perfectly aligned with Higher Truth, one can then easily find out the Higher Solution/Answer that will solve whatever dilemma you are facing - for the higher good of everyone in mind. Including those who had done you/done many others great wrong.
Forgiveness and permanently letting go of your Collective past is the key to manifesting New Earth.
Be the fifth dimensional leaders you are always meant to be, by always promoting Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Unity, no matter what.
The key to a peaceful planet lies in the full acceptance of All That Was, All That Is, and All That Will Be, with LOVE as the major healing ingredient/the cohesive agent that must be present within every arising conflict/challenge that humanity will soon face.
Call upon us, loved ones, whenever your Heart; your Truth Barometer ever gets faulty, broken, or seemingly lost along the way. Upon request, we will powerfully blaze the Flames of Wisdom, Truth, Love, Justice, Freedom and Compassion so that you will never ever be lost again.
For only the Truth will set you free - for you to be the God you have always been, within.
With all our Love & Devotion,

Portia and Pallas Athena.

通灵:Adele Arini
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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