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发表于 2019-9-20 13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:Nick Chan

The most important subject with which humans have to deal is Love –which is their true and only state of being –or the apparent lack of Love they experience while they are in form as humans.But, of course, there is no lack of Love, because there is only Love, which is the infinite field of divine energy in which all sentient life is lovingly and eternally held and embraced. Love is found within! There is nowhere else that it can be, because there is no without, there is no outside, outside is unreal, is nowhere, is the unreal dream-world of form which lasts only as long as the sentient collective that is experiencing form chooses to maintain it.


Initially, when form was first established, the flow of sentience that vivified it was so tenuous that it had practically no presence at all. As form evolved, sentience became slowly more clearly manifest, allowing form to become ostensibly real. Senses then developed that felt, saw, tasted, smelt, and heard its environment through those forms, and as a result of those sensations sentience began to identify with the form in which it found itself. In form it seemed to be separate from other forms and experienced a sense of alienation, abandonment, a sense of being lost or not belonging, and from this unsettling feeling fear arose. There had never been fear because in Reality, in the field of Love there is nothing to fear, because all is One, living in perfect peace and harmony with Itself in a state of eternal joy!


Fear is the main limitation that is experienced through form, and from that all other limitations arise;you could say that the words limitation and fear are synonyms for each other. When people rise above their fears, or move through them and beyond them, limitations just fall away. You have a saying “Feel the fear but do it anyway,”and those that do appear to others to be fearless. They are not, of course, they are simply not allowing their fears to rule or control them. In the gospel of St. John there is the statement “PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR,”and when you engage with Love and operate from Love you find that you have the strength to overcome your fear, to cast it out!


Judgment, blame, bitterness, hatred, and resentment are limiting attitudes that tie people into beliefs about right and wrong –beliefs that are frequently invalid –that makes it almost impossible for them to have meaningful discussions in order to resolve issues that are dividing them. Love is unconditionally accepting of all, and will listen to anyone without judgment. When love is intended and demonstrated all issues can be satisfactorily resolved without blaming, shaming, or punishing, and all will feel honored and respected when that resolution is achieved.


It is the ego that constantly demands a person’s attention, and demands that its opinion be honored as the truth.But the ego’s perspective or perception is always fear driven. Whenever you feel emotionally or psychologically unsettled or uncomfortable your ego is in the driving seat –especially noticeable when actually driving as irritation arises seemingly as a result of other drivers’unreasonable or dangerous behaviors. When you accept and deal with what arises in your lives, without making any judgment and without feeling any need to judge, those feelings dissolve.


Love always honors and respects all with whom It interacts –all sentient life. It has no need to judge or separate beings due to color, race, culture, social standing, or creed, because those seeming differences are only differences of form, an aspect of the dream or illusory world which is the only state in which it is possible to experience form and all its limitations.


You are all perfect manifestations of the Divine One, Mother/Father/God, Source, experiencing Itself in the only way that It can –in myriad reflections of Itself that allow It to know Itself in every aspect of Its infinite and multifarious creative possibilities. You are One with Source, and you have been since the moment of your creation, enjoying with the One the infinite variety of magnificent, beautiful, and amazing creative expressions that It chooses –in every moment –to be.


At the same time, or in the same eternal moment, as a human in form, you are experiencing the unreal, a state of limitation and fearfulness in which conflict is ever present, seemingly threatening your physical existence, your life, at all times.And, until you remember that you are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary and unreal experience of life in form, fear, and the conflicts that arise from it, will seemingly guide and rule your behaviors, your lives, because your behavior is your life, is who you are . . . until you remember.


It does seem to you that life is a one time event, and that when it ends you cease to be. A terrifying thought. Many attempt to collect or gather an abundance of material possessions that experience has shown long outlast a human lifetime, in order that they be ever remembered through these artifacts by the tribe or culture to which they belonged. And your cemeteries overflow with memorial stones and ornaments to those long since returned to the non physical realms. People are terrified of being unseen or forgotten. However, as eternal divine beings you are always seen, you are permanently in the sight of God, and you can never be forgotten.


As Love fills your hearts, as you begin to remember that you are indeed spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form, fear falls away, and with it the need to collect stuff!Many of you know loving souls who have very little in the way of material possessions and who are supremely content and happy. And, in this the age of your awakening, more and more of you are choosing to move away from materialistic wants as the dawning realization or awareness of your true nature becomes more firmly felt. Love flows through you, just as you and Source have always intended.


This awareness starts to dissolve the egotistical fears and needs that have for eons encouraged and led to conflict. Instead, seeing that all are One, and that what an individual says, thinks, or does affects all, the individual now knows itself to be either lovingly acknowledging Oneness, or finds itself blindly and egotistically attempting to maintain the unreal state of separation. With this awareness becoming ever more consciously present, service to others increasingly becomes the motivation for action, and personal peace and satisfaction replace the previous and almost constant sense of need that had been motivating and guiding its path through life.


Life is the field of divine energy in which all exists interdepently, it is Love, from which no one is separate, even for a moment, and when this is recognized it is impossible not to behave in a manner that is intended to be for the benefit of all, and doing this is intensely satisfying. Oneness is realized, known, and lived, bringing lasting happiness that deals appropriately, in the moment, with all that arises and needs to be addressed by beings in form. This is what your awakening process is all about, and it is proceeding apace.


Your loving brother, Jesus.



原文:https://eraoflight.com/2019/09/1 ... ect-manifestations/
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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