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发表于 2019-8-10 12:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:Nick Chan

Beloved Ones,


Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as beyond. Thinking beyond uses one’s imagination and inner vision, one’s spiritual senses, to think in abstract terms and to discover the hidden meanings in prophecy and other spiritual concepts in order to go beyond literal interpretations to encompass one’s body, mind and soul. In the material world, there are the five spiritual senses by which one perceives material things. These are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. These are known as ‘outer’powers’.


Each individual also has a number of spiritual powers, one of which is the power of imagination, another is the power of thought, and also the power of memory to retain what one has imagined, thought and understood. These are known as ‘inner powers’. These powers utilized in unison by each individual are the common faculties that helps bring about a perceptive, thoughtful imagination into all of one’s life experiences. As one utilizes these inner powers, more ‘senses’, more powers, such as intuitive knowing begin to come into play.


By opening one’s eyes and seeing beyond the material world, one becomes aware of so much more than just the physical and material.It is almost like walking through a door into another dimension of reality, because beyond the five senses, the outer powers with which one normally perceives things, one becomes deeply aware of the spiritual world that surrounds them that gives them the sense of the holy which surrounds them. They know beyond any doubt that life has meaning and purpose and has a power and a presence beyond what they know in their material, physical world.


They know that to live with one's eyes closed to this spiritual reality, to go through life thinking that the physical and material world is all there is, is a path that leads to emptiness. They know that material things alone cannot satisfy the longing within the human heart. There is a deep hunger for something more, for contact with another dimension of reality, for interaction with the spiritual realm and for a connection and communication with God.They need to be able to see that there is something more, a spiritual dimension to life.


Their eyes are opened to the reality of the spiritual dimension, the kingdom of God that is within them behind every aspect of the physical world and every part of their daily life.Their eyes are opened to see the depth dimension that gives context, reason and purpose and ultimately, gives glory to God. And then their world becomes a place of awe and wonder, a place of meaning and purpose where they can see beyond and sense and rejoice in this spiritual reality that enfolds them where they live their lives with eyes wide open to this marvelous dimension that surrounds them behind and beyond all aspects of the physical world.


May you discern the presence of God's angels and the essence of God's love in every moment of life.


I AM Archangel Gabriel.


通灵:Marlene Swetlishoff
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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