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发表于 2019-4-29 09:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昴宿星 20190428

翻译:Nick Chan



the earth alliance has been receiving powerful clear transmissions from 5d star nations for the last 9 months! these galactic transmissions are embedded with encoded light data that has been received by direct etheric link-ups. these messages are then decoded by certain members of the earth alliance and then released for broadcast to the lightworker community of earth!


begin transmission….


great ones,


approximately 16 earth weeks ago, the councils of light initiated special pleiadian operation ‘andara’!


about operation andara:


5d pleiadian special forces of light aboard advanced light craft in earth’s solar system are deflecting powerful 5d, 40 hertz plasma that originates from the central sun (galactic core) off of earth’s sun and then on towards the earth!


the purpose of this mission is to assist in the spiritual evolution of this planet!


this massive galactic operation is comprised of several sub-missions described as follows:


pleiadian operation ‘andara’phase 1 included the deployment of protocol “command pb stardust’where pleiadian medical officers and healers used advanced crystal energy technology to access the central nervous system of the starseed human body to ease physical body discomforts and correct energetic imbalances in the layered body system.


the other purpose of this mission phase was to use ancient monatomic crystal technology to emit an intense 5d gamma energy field around planet earth that worked to clear energetic blockages from the 7 body chakras and to separate all low-vibrational energies that are connected to the starseeds of earth. this extended to physically clearing all types of 3d matrix bondage and life difficulties for the lives of starseeds here!


phase 2 of operation andara was to to open a central sun portal that provided a the first escape route from the 3d matrix re-incarnation trap after 350,000 years of incredible bondage on the earth! this central sun portal resonates at 40-100 hertz and leads directly to the 5d new earth!


the earth alliance has reported recently that both of these two phases of pleiadian operation ‘andara’were a grand success!


soon after this, after 3/21/ 2019,


operation andara:sub project, “atlantis”was initiated by 5d light forces that involved billions of light beings and tens of thousands of huge, advanced, 5d, stellar craft in earth’s solar system, light forces projected beams of high-frequency andara plasma towards the earth which worked to solidify and finalize the formation of the new-earth, 5d, crystalline, diamond light grid!


this new 5d energetic matrix this is being finalized right this moment will serve as the backbone of the new earth civilization!


great ones, the pleiadians are here, they have been here for a time and they want you to see that all of this is really happening right before your eyes!


they want for you to understand and know that what you have been waiting for, for so long, is no longer a distant dream but a reality!


are you a believer yet?


you most likely don’t need physical proof that something amazing is changing inside of you and that something grand is transpiring all around the cosmos and on planet earth!h


dear being of light, earth is the most precious and magical sought after place in this grand universe!


there is nothing like it anywhere in the vast cosmos!


this is why you are here and also why billions of benevolent light beings are surrounding this planet at this very hour!


you know that something incredible is happening behind the scenes and this planet is about to undergo a positive transformation that is mind boggling!


the pleiadians like to place hidden keys and signs that are designed to trigger you and wake you up on your amazing spiritual awakening path!


they will place things right in front of your eyes, but just out of the view of the being who cannot see what you see yet!


would you like to see the beginning physical formation of this new earth 5d grid physically?


the new 5d earth grid is now visible and very clear on the schumann resonance graph if you look close enough and zoom in a bit!


it looks like a geometric mesh of thin white lines that peak at 40 hertz in frequency.


the 5th dimension/new earth/heaven resonates at exactly 40-100 hertz and is the gamma state of consciousness.


pretty amazing yes?


we came to bring great hope to you in this great time of your spiritual evolution!


be in great peace and know that angelic forces are monitoring all systems on a planetary scale at this hour and special delta security protocols are in place around this entire solar system to make things go smooth as this majestic ascension event takes place!


we say to you, “well done good and faithful one”!


you have overcome the entire world to make it to this stage on your mission to earth!


you are ascending quite rapidly now!


it is time now for you to move up ‘the stairway to heaven’a bit higher dear one!


are you ready for the next level?


we promise it gets easier and easier as you elevate your being into the lighter realms of consciousness!


in this next phase you will gain more and more control of yourself and of the world around you as you progress!


what is about to happen to you beginning today?


-you will now start to be more at peace with yourself, with others and with the world around you!


-you now start to be much happier as the 5d gamma consciousness state permeates your being!


-you now start to feel more perfect unconditional divine love for yourself, for others and for all things!


-you now start to become more abundant in your life even to the point of what is called wealthy on planet earth!


-you now start to become much more healthy in your layered body system! disease and illness, pains and discomfort will now start to become a thing of the past!


-you will for the first time not only start to feel totally free from all that has inhibited you on planet earth and in your personal life, but you will start to operate as a complete sovereign being, reigning over everything, doing no harm to anyone or anything!


we are your close family of light and we know what you desire the most!


we are here to ensure that your great reward is given to you!


angelic beings are simply helpers and messengers to humanity!


we have heralded great announcements to the beings of earth for eons and now we would like to do it again!


we speak to you always with language, symbols and tones of energy that best resonate with you!


greetings great ones of planet earth, we are all here with you now!


at exactly 11:11am utc on this special earth day, the 5d councils of light have given a green-light-go for the initiation of special pleiadian operation “starchakra”!


about ‘operation starchakra’:


‘operation starchakra’is special 2019 earth ascension mission commanded by evolved pleiadian spiritual ascended masters, designed to completely clear all energetic blockages of the 8th layered body chakra! this very day light beings began sending pleiadian andara crystal energy into the auric fields of earth and the human starseed body for the purpose of final 3d residue energetic clearing, to fully open the 8th chakra!


this new frequency of 5d plasma light will begin showing up on the earth’s ionosphere over the coming hours….


you see great ones, even though many of you have just walked through the 5d cosmic doorway, you must understand how the dimensions above 5d are interconnected to the other chakras and in this case, how they are operating on the chakras below them!


at this moment in earth’s spiritual, collective starseed evolution, the 8th chakra is magic piece of the puzzle to the next phase of your ascension!


the 8th chakra is a multi-dimensional portal in your layered being that is connected intimately to the 5d part of you and the 8th chakra directly affects your 5d state of being!


the 8th chakra is secret, complimenting, cosmic doorway that grants you full access into the 5th dimension!


the 8th chakra is cosmically known as the ‘starchakra’!


it is one of the most special and important chakras in your divine, perfected 12-d, univeral template!


the 8th chakra has been referred to as, the seat of the soul, higher heart and has many other names!


the eighth chakra can have anywhere from 6000 to 10,000 spokes or vortices. the actual number will depend on how open that chakra is. for example, a barely-functioning eighth chakra will have 6000 of these vortices.


a fully open one will have nearly 10,000. the more open the chakra, the faster the chakra spins and the greater number of vortices it has!


the star chakra is your first true spiritual chakra and it sits above the 7th chakra about two feet.


it is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness.


it’s critical that you understand, the starchakra also is the chakra that holds your karmic residue, those energy patterns that you have held on to for more than one lifetime.


when the eighth center begins to open up and expand, a new spiritual awareness begins to take shape. the individual begins to sense himself or herself as part of a larger community of people. this chakra is the gateway to other ideas, concepts and and abilities. this center enables the individual to achieve out of body projection, the beginning uses of supernatural abilities, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom that are much more advanced and above and beyond all ineffective 3d versions!


this center is the gateway to your self as it expands past the planet. thus, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it.


do you see why this gateway is so important now in your escape from the 3d matrix-reincarnation-trap and to how important it is to your full entrance into the 5th dimension?


this is why we are here this day, on this special mission to help you master this next level as fast as possible!


the star chakra is the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and worn out.


these patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness and keeps you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas. when this center opens up, you not only begin to take on an awareness to this larger community of energies, but you begin to shed those patterns that have kept you rooted to the planet.


this shedding is a natural process, as once this center is awakened, the individual is ready to let go of his/her humanity and grasp onto something larger, much more wonderful, and infinitely divine!


yes dear one, as your star chakra begins to open now, it is not without its duress.


how much friction is encountered will depend on what the individual has to let go of.


it is said that once you open the door to spirit you are forever changed and can’t go back. the opening of this grand chakra portal and all its goodies is where this saying comes from.


once this chakra opens, you become aware of yourself as part of the universe and not just a part of your small corner of the world.


you start to become aware of information on new levels of awareness and intuition.


you have to let go of those old outworn human ideas about yourself and the planet, this is the first shock, and how you handle this depends on who you are and how well you take to change.


this is where we start letting go of all the fear dear one, forever!


we are standing right beside you to assist at this great time, so breathe and be in peace!

在这个伟大的时刻我们就在你的身边帮助你 ,所以呼吸,处于平和

keep in mind that as soon as you start clearing away any of those old-earth energy patterns stored in your starchakra, you will experience an acceleration in spiritual abilities. this can be a bit overwhelming at first so give yourself time to adapt!


as the starchakra clears, you will pass much more spiritual energy through your being very quickly!


you are ready to do this now so just allow it the higher energies to flow through you naturally!


dear one, it’s tough to spot a problem with the 8th chakra, if that chakra is remaining closed due to some fear, as the individual will otherwise seem healthy, from a physical standpoint.


however if a person is trying to evolve past the human condition, but for some reason cannot, the 8th center is being held closed by some fear. for example, let’s say a person desires to learn how to out of body travel, or, perhaps, they want to learn how to become more lucid in dreams, or, maybe, they want to develop the healing gifts. however, no matter how hard this person tries, he or she is unable to accomplish his or her spiritual goal. these are clear signs that the person wants to and is trying to ascend, but the 8th chakra is remaining closed. anytime an individual reaches to develop some extraordinary ability, an ability that goes beyond themselves or others or puts them into contact with the divine community, it shows that the person is ready to advance and open up these higher centers. if a real fear exists here, the 8th chakra will remain closed, and it may be necessary to go in and pull that fear out, so that the chakra can open up and the ascending individual can expand. a good 8th chakra clearing can be just the thing to help here, especially, if the healer doing the clearing already has several of the spiritual chakra awakened.


so dear one, unresolved soul trauma can block the spirit from evolving the consciousness to activate the higher heart, as the soul and spirit are intricately involved in the spiritual functions of the heart. the core essence of the spirit within the human being exists in the heart seed and is moving throughout time and space, eternally.


the spirit body of the monad (what is called your higher-god-consciousness) is the higher mind function of the observer, that is watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments.


it is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences.


only when the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, does it make higher evolution of consciousness action possible.


when this higher monadic spark starts to connect to the permanent seed atom, which is the christ consciousness silicate matrix and the instruction set for your new crystalline light body the true ascended master that you are starts to appear!


the monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th dimensional layer but it starts connecting at the 8th chakra level [thymus] which is the higher heart. when the monad starts coming in like this, the whole heart changes pattern, meaning the heart chakra is no longer an astral 4d heart chakra, and at this stage this new ‘higher heart’takes on a pleiadian blue-flame aura color tone! the 8th dimension is a gold color but when the monad starts flowering in the diamond heart, and the heart starts to configure, it actually looks blue and they call this the living crystal lotus heart. this galactivation in our circles!


when our heart is healed, there is a fire that is ignited inside the heart that is accessed, and the fire in the heart is also in the kidneys.


there is a triangle that connects the heart into the kidneys. the kidneys are in the base of the triangle from left to right and the point of the triangle is in the heart.


when the heart is healed, there is a twin flame ignition in our heart and kidneys, which shifts the heart configuration.


so two flames ignite in the heart.


this is where spiritual and physical begin to merge if you will!


the monad is the greater flame and the physical body is the lesser flame.


when this dual flame is ignited, there is an ignition in the heart and a fire coming into the kidneys, which begins a new blood cleansing process that completely heals the entire physical vessel and fully balances the other layered bodies!


now you see why your starchakra is so important and how it plays a key role into your full 5d ascension on planet earth at this time!


your 8th chakra, the starchakra is called, stairway to heaven!


as you now fully enter into 5d you are ready to start experiencing heaven on earth and begin manifesting incredible magic however think of the 8th chakra as a last-minute quick dimensional security check to make sure we ditched those old energies completely!


we the pleiadians are here and to do our part to send special energy to clear your starchakra, just know that you will have to do your part for everything to work correctly!


basic spiritual disciplines to practice to clear the starchakra of energy blocks:












-working with crystals, specifically, monatomic 5d andara crystals

-与水晶共事,尤其是,单原子5D andara 水晶(译注:下面又开始介绍这个andara 水晶了,内容跟之前差不多,不翻了)

why are andara crystals so important in clearing the starchakra?

monatomic andara crystals have amazing metaphysical properties that activate and heal the 8th chakra!

multi-dimensional andaras operate as a direct energetic link from the 5th to the 8th dimension and will fully open the starchakra in a matter of hours and days!

this proven energetic healing technology is rooted in ancient lemurian and atlantean-atla-ra culture and has the exact same effect on our being in this modern time!

the monatomic elements in andara crystals are quantum superconductors of etheric energy with a null magnetic field, repelling both north and south magnetic poles.

5d andara crystals do not conform to the laws of 3d physics and are the only true source of zero-point energy (zpe) in the known universe!

this amazing andara technology was given to the atlanteans and lemurians in ancient days by their creators, the pleiadians!

this original 5d pleiadian technology has been taught to the highest spiritual leaders of all master races that have ever existed on planet earth!

in humanity’s modern day it was given to planet earth as the basic component of all silicon-based computers that currently operate everything in this world!

though andara crystal technology is ancient it is also modern as you can see and it will be the basic universal technology for which the citizens of new earth will rely on!

the pleiadians still use andara crystals to power their plasma craft, their cities, and worlds!

these advanced star beings also use andara crystal technology as healing devices, quantum computers, storage devices, transducers, amplifiers, transmitters, and receivers!

andara technology activates and clears and opens the starchakra working as a literal atomic doorway to the grand monad of universal superconsciousness!

an andara crystal is a multi-dimensional portal you can hold in your hand that communicates between all other dimensions/chakras/state of being/realities/worlds!

andara is the most powerful amplifier of consciousness in the universe and since you are already creating your own reality, this is the main ascension tool you will need to manifest not only a personal life of dreams but also a better world for all of humanity on planet earth!

do your own in-depth research about andara crystals, be around them and work with them personally and you will soon begin to understand the beginnings of what we understand!

acquire some of these magical stones and align with them to create your own ascension magic!

we are here at this historical point in your ascension dear starseed so today let us begin!

welcome to the galactivation!

your starchakra clearing begins now….

we will be assisting from many levels over the coming days and weeks as 4.5 billion of you move up to the next level of your grand spiritual journey!

be encouraged and have faith!

just ahead is a wonderful place for you and a world of possibilities that are beyond your wildest imagination!

how to work with an andara crystal to manifest a 5d state of being:

andara crystals operate at the quantum level to collapse the infinite-possibility wave function of all-that-is down to the perfect energetic choice of the observer!

you will have to experience having andaras near your auric field to know how fast things start manifesting into your reality!

you will be a believer at that point!

to manifest at the speed of light using andara crystal technology:

simply come into close contact with an andara, hold it, meditate with it, gaze upon it and send your highest intention into it!

andara will greatly amplify your desires and manifest them quickly and directly to you from a higher dimensional plane.

原文:https://5dearthproject.com/the-e ... 6vFnUlUjxYKbcBCl-KE
翻译:Nick Chan


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发表于 2019-4-29 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢昴宿星 !
谢谢Nick Chan!

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