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发表于 2018-12-19 17:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings my dearest brothers and sisters! I AM Uriel. I am your brother, Archangel of Love and Silver Light, Bringer of the Future in this now moment, in charge of the Divine Authority, and Bringer of the Truth, and so much more, to each and every one of you.


I come to reassure you that you are powerful and mighty. I come to bring you wonderful news of tremendous progress that you are making on this journey of bringing the light and anchoring the love in the hearts of everyone, despite what some of the news channels out there are portraying!


Yes, planet Earth still is a free will planet, and her inhabitants can choose the light, or can choose to continue on their previous less than honorable and ungodly ways, but these last ones are seen less and less, even when we are talking about the so-called dark ones!


And this is so because there is not one soul that is not yearning for the Mother’s Love and embrace. There is no one in any universe or multiverse that doesn’t want to be embraced and cuddled in Her soothing energy and receive Her utter acceptance.


And when they come in contact with the wonderful messengers of love – just like the brave ones in this forum that we love and respect so much – well, when they feel the energetic messages of love that you carry within, then they really can’t stop but wanting to be like you; they want to be around you, they crave more of your gentle and sweet loving energy of the Mother.


They, too, feel the sudden shift within themselves which is quite a change, and it reminds them of something that they thought they would never be able to access in this lifetime, which is their own source of love and light – the sweetness of their own souls.


When you meet with them dear angels of the silver, I urge you to use my Grayelsha Flame so you can pierce through the veils of illusions and through their thick walls of fear. You can then perceive the entire truth and not only what is seen displayed on the surface – aggressiveness, confrontation, and denial – when all they want to do is to let go of the old misconstructions, and come and embrace you.


Understand that you are mightily protected, your homes, your children, and your dearest and brave selves are guarded constantly by the legions of light and by the entire Council of Love. Do not allow any fears to drain you and lower your vibration, regardless who you meet or what is being thrown at thee. You would not be facing anyone or any difficult situations – you or your family – if you would not be able to overcome them successfully.


You are always operating behind a great veil of protection, and even when you feel strange energies coming to you, it is so because you can consciously feel how many beings you are able to assist in a quiet manner and at an appropriate energetic level.


It takes only a few moments to reinforce your boundaries and then to communicate your no trespassing rules. At the same time, you can send people your unconditional love and uplifting energies. Sometimes they come to you more than once, and that is just fine, for the answer is the same: allowing only love and light to flow to them.


This is how it works dearest ones, this is how many of you are doing a magnificent job just by living your daily lives and uplifting millions on your paths. I thank you for your service!


通灵:Genoveva Coyle
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/U4B0qdbgEBrYO7dFCWBNyQ

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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