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发表于 2018-12-7 13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
委员会 20181204

There are many questions about the sources of channeled messages, about what you call guides and teachers. We have chosen one of the many.


“There are many folks who channel , some channel individual energies/entities… others0 channel multiple beings that act as a group.. for example The Council, Abraham? Etc. Are these all separate beings/ or the same just known by different names and is the advice they give all pointing us humans in the same direction? Thanks!”


Understand that ‘The Council’ is not a name we gave ourselves. We have explained, as has our channel, in previous messages, the it is a name he asked to call us by when he tried to explain his experience of us. We do not need names here, but we do understand your need to have a way to identify us when you do not feel the energy of us. But also understand that when you give a name to something, you impose the limits of your understanding upon it. We answer this question in order to expand those limits somewhat.


For some time we have spoken in ways that encourage you to see past your dimensional paradigm and attempt to increasingly realize that separations are not reality, but are only communication tools, at best. In a linear language you need those concepts to help you explain things. It is therefore confusing to you if we truthfully answer to all of your above questions with a yes.


Perhaps the best way for us to illustrate what we are saying is to use your own selves as an example. There is a field of energy called John. There is another called Becky. They appear to you, and you experience them in your awareness, as separate. Yet it is beginning to be accepted by most of you that John and Becky are conscious fields that participate in family, in neighborhood, in town, country, etc. – all the way up to All. Each of those is also a field.


That is where this message is heading – all the way up to All. It will be easier for you to wrap your mind around this if you think of these guides and teachers in terms of functions and purposes. The Abraham has a purpose. The Council of Nine has a purpose. But do you understand that on these planes, an intelligence can be anywhere it is needed at the speed of thought? It can also be everywhere it is needed. Can be and is.


Now, are we all pointing you in the same direction? We will answer in this way. It is obvious that there is an entire spectrum of energies in the universe. There is lower than where you are. There is where you are. There is higher beyond your ability to comprehend. Yet you are made to evolve into that comprehension. And you contain a spark of divinity that drives you to that end. And our role is to help you in that endeavor.


Further, we would ask you to ask yourselves, what if these who communicate with us, are us? If I am not separate from humanity, am I separate from other times? Other planes? Other dimensions? What will happen when my awareness expands?


Let us help you expand your thinking a bit further from what you know. “What is possible for me if what these teachers and guides are saying is true? What may be ahead for me that I cannot even imagine? Am I ready and willing to find out?”


That, dear family, is our purpose. Find that part of yourselves that is already where we are. Begin by accepting that there is such a being that you are actually a part of. It is a process. You are in that process.


Thank you for the insightful questions.


通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/feXuPn3uNDmWz6YQfTDQ6Q

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info



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