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发表于 2018-11-19 12:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昴宿星的米拉 20181117

We are the Pleiadian Collective. We greet you humankind today with warm wishes and arms extended in service. We see much turmoil on your planet in this most rigorous now, but simultaneously we see the light unfolding and literally piercing the darkness…


Greetings, this is Mira of the Pleiadian Collective. I offer my voice and observations this day. We see how hard you ground crew are pressing on. We see your weariness and the effect molecularly the energies are having on your bodies as they are rewoven with more light daily. We applaud you. This has been a most arduous task for you and for all involved. We too are working nonstop for your ascension efforts, it is true. You are supported from above as from below. Many of us have already landed and are incognito serving you ground crew, balancing the energies of the seas, the skies and assisting in healing the waters of your sphere. It is time for you all to know and to feel the great love that we have for you and profound appreciation we have for this dedicated team of light warriors. And in the process of this gathering for the ascension support of our dear Gaia, we have built further alliances within our intergalactic - now brimming over - team that has forged some new and exciting relationships. For the alliances for the light are ever growing, ever expanding and all eyes are on you now, ground crew.


You have all of our support from all corners of the ever expansive, ever expanding universe. For the grand experiment has been a profoundly painful one and we are all eager to get this done, completed, and to send the blessing of your success to the others across time and space. For your skill of ascension prowess will be most surely needed, coveted, and we see you as sharing your grit, your mettle again and again and again. But for now, in this most sacred space where you are receiving these energies of love within my words, know that I am like you. Do not worship us. Do not esteem us too highly for we are you in another time space, for we are outside of it. Remember your multi-dimensionality and embrace the foreknowledge that there are many, many aspects of you out there to enjoy meeting and reuniting with. But perhaps at this time it is enough to feel our love. To feel the love of Mother Earth under your feet and see our smiling ships dance in greeting under the cloak of clouds or dancing lights in the night sky. It is enough. The light is more than enough. Allow it to permeate you friends and be at peace. Accept this healing light and be comforted.


I am Mira. We are very busy up here tending to the variety of requests and commands, ushering in the energies of the new age delicately, toning them down somewhat so as to cause more ease on your fragile morphing bodies. You feel different because you are. Embrace this growth, this difference, and see all is unfolding as perfectly as the Divine Mother, the All has decreed that it should and will. That is all for now from me. I am Mira, I have another meeting to attend to. I wrap my arms around you. Feel my peace. I share it with you. I am Mira. Blessings this day.


翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5_K9FZbKGXIym48uIijhMA

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info



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