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发表于 2018-10-28 10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I AM your Mother God, the Divine Feminine, the Sacred One. Your Father God is here too, he shares his energies also but has asked me to speak. We have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this fair evening, during your full harvest moon.


Things are shifting and changing quickly now, dear Children. You all feel it and see it all around you. I'm not speaking of your news programs. I'm speaking of your beautiful Gaia, Planet Earth. Have you noticed how sparkling and beautiful she is now? Can you feel it in the air? Have you noticed the crystal blue skies and fluffy white Sylphs making appearances for you? Yes, they do! The animals and insects too; all know that something has changed!


Gaia herself has fully ascended now and she is awaiting for you all in the 5th dimension and beyond. Even in your present state, somewhere between 3rd and 4th density or dimensions as you have come to understand it, you can see her beauty reflected back to you. But let us say that in the 5th is where her beauty shines. Truly. She is very grateful for all that you have done for her; you Lightworkers of Earth. She is also grateful to your Galactic families and all of her Kingdoms who have all helped.


Symptoms for Lightworkers


Those of you who are closest to her are feeling the effects of Gaia's Ascension now. You may feel light-headed, have headaches, body aches, stomach and intestinal issues, feel scatter-brained, exhausted and many other symptoms. How could you not be affected? The one whom you have lived upon your whole lives has changed and morphed into a new body. This is quite exciting stuff!!


Of course, this great change in Gaia's make-up is also occurring as the same time as my (our) Tsunami of Love, so the energies are 'off the charts' as you say. Please give yourselves extra rest, clean food and clean fresh water when you can. Try your best to let go of as much as you can. Your lives are changing and will continue to change dear hearts.


We will step away as we know this One needs her rest. Your Father and I love you all more than you know and send it to you continually. Go rest now with our love.  


通灵:Dancing Dolphin
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O6HAaR1BBIWJ96CzT01nTw

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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