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发表于 2018-10-12 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. Divine has been busy implementing the Divine agenda in Washington DC. As you know, our Divine government has been established energetically in Washington DC, and Christ Jesus will be the one who will run the Divine government. As for today, we have established the entire Divine government successfully and our Divine Mother will be the one who will run the Divine team so that when the Divine government starts, we will have all the Divine team members ready, along with our Divine Mother, together, we serve the Mother and Gaia and humanity.


As you know, our Divine team is made up of our beloved team of archangels and our Divine and the company of heaven members. Some are already in the known and serving in their posts. But a lot of them are still in the process of getting ready and moving. For that, the Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly sent out clarion calls to make sure the Divine team members hear the calls and act. However, despite the Divine effort and our continuing calls for the return to the Mother, we have a large number of the Divine team members who are either not aware of the fact that they are being called or, who just refuse to listen to the calls. And that has to change. Today, my message is particularly directed to the Divine team members who have heard the Divine calls, and yet haven't moved to act, or who are not listening at all. I want those souls to hear me out. You are being called by the Divine and the company of heaven. You are on duty, and according to the Divine laws, refusing to respond to the duty call has serious consequences. You don't want to defy the Divine laws, and be sent home, or take further lessons which you already have learned. Being a human doesn't mean you no longer listening to your spirit. Quite the opposite, you are a human being, yes, but you are a Divine sent human being, and in essence, you are a Divine light being sent to this planet with a mission to serve and help. So, when the Divine clarion call comes, the first and foremost thing you can do and must do is to answer the call, answer the Divine and the company of heaven so that Divine knows you do indeed remember who you are, and are ready to serve. In that sense, you have the responsibility of being the responsible one and answering the Divine clarion calls.


For some reason, Divine has called our Divine team members numerous times, and yet, we just don't have a response. And that is why the Divine has to call again in the hope that our Divine team members can hear the clarion call, and start the process of getting themselves ready.


The Divine government is coming online very soon, and the Divine needs our Divine team members together so that together, the Divine and the company of heaven, can usher in the new golden age, and together, the Divine and the company of heaven, can bring Jesus the Christ up to the stage so he can start his reign over the planet.


Christ has been prepared and he is ready. Currently, the Divine wants him to lay low and wait for the Divine timing. And he understands that his mission is critical, and he literally has no room for error. The Divine has made sure that his entire time on the planet is just for the purpose of serving his planet and his children. And when he and Gaia met in this lifetime, they made a promise to each other and to the Divine. No matter what the circumstances are, at the end of the day, they are the Mother and Father of this planet, and together, they will do whatever it takes to bring Gaia and their offsprings home. Now, Gaia is waiting for that time, so is Christ Michael (Jesus Christ, Christ and Christ Michael are the same energy). Together, they will work and bring the planet back to her pristine condition, and bring humanity to the 5th dimension. That is the beautiful promise Gaia and Christ made to each other and together, they will honor that promise.


I love you dear heart, I am Mother Mary. We, the Divine have everything ready, including the Christ, he is ready to start. Now the only thing left is the Divine team members, and we, the Divine and the company of heaven, are indeed anxiously waiting. We are waiting for the response and we can not wait any longer.


I love you dear ones. I am Mother Mary. So it is.


通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HkQpCOzIlGlYg23h_dZilQ

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