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发表于 2018-9-20 12:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What would happen if you replaced the need for battling against anything with simply embracing self expression?  What if you gave up struggle for flow?  Doing for being? Martyred service for joyful service? Feel into it. If you pay close attention when you feel into battle and then feel into self expression, you will sense they exist on very different energetic lines of potential. You will feel yourself shift sideways onto different timelines. This is because there are new possibilities that come from every change of focus you make. The same will be with the energetic difference between struggle and flowing, doing and being, sacrificial service vs supported service. Notice how each feels in your body and which ones feel aligned with you and where you wish to go.  What choices allow you to anchor the energy of peace?

如果你把与任何东西对抗的需求替换成拥抱自我表达会如何?如果你为了流动放弃挣扎,为了存在放弃行事,为了喜悦的服务放弃殉道者服务会如何?好好地感受一下。 如果你密切关注,当你感受对抗然后感受自我表达,你会感到它们存在于非常不同的能量潜能中。你会感到自己侧滑到不同的时间线。这是因为有着新的可能性从你每一次焦点的改变而来。在挣扎和流动、行事和存在、殉道者服务VS支持性服务之间的能量差别也是一样。注意每一个在你身体中的感受,哪一个感受起来与你和你希望前往的地方对齐。什么选择会让你锚定平和的能量?

So we will answer what will happen if you make these shifts.  You will start to move forward from the strongest power centre you have – your own authentic power and innate wisdom. You will embrace your divine ability to co-create that comes from expressing your own energetics and choosing the highest energetic matches to who you are and what you wish to experience.  You will begin to navigate your life expression based on your own truth, preferences, and what the higher dimensional energies are supporting, which is exactly what will further honour and expand your profound role as a participant in the great shift of humanity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZJ_hQnwrLPs-Ha1Moc1jFA

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