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发表于 2018-8-10 12:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I AM your Sananda.


And I say ‘your’ because I am very much involved very much with this particular group, this Ancient Awakenings, just as I am with many other groups. Even at the same time as we are communicating now, I Am in many other groups speaking to many others across the planet. And yes even in many different languages. For it is time to raise the communication to all across the planet, to raise the awakening that is happening.


And an awakening indeed is occurring now. And you are all a part of this awakening. You, those of you that have awakened first are preparing to awaken those who will come after. And then those who awaken will help to awaken those who come after them, and so on. For the energies as they continue to come into the planet now increasing in force more and more each and every moment each and every day. The energies are increasing, becoming more and more powerful, more and more to raise the consciousness of each and every one of you. And each and every person on the planet as well as all life forms on the planet.


And those of you that have been feeling these energies, this one I speak through included, you are feeling these energies in different ways than you have ever felt them before because you are being acclimated to these energies. You are being prepared to handle these energies so that you can work with them; and even more importantly help others work with them after.


Many will be brought down to their knees by these energies. Some of you already have been. Some of you have wondered, am I now leaving this planet. But yet time passes and you are still here because you are meant to be here. You are meant to go through this, to experience this, to have these new understandings these experiences. Because you are in those moments, those moments prior to the great awakening that is now happening across the planet.


And as you are in those moments and as you await the many changes that are not only happening outside of yourself, but certainly happening within. Because as these changes happening within you, that changes everything outside of you as well. It is always so within and so without.


Always remember that if you are waiting for that moment or those moments for the changes to happen, then you are missing the changes that are happening within you in these very moments. Do not wait. Embrace the energies. Embrace the light. Let the light come in and then shine it forth, just as my disciples let the light shine forth when they went about their business.


It is time now or nearly time for you all to go about your Father’s business.


You are all going to find the connection, a higher connection with your higher self this coming weekend. Not only because you attend the Advance, but because those of you — those of you the light workers, the warriors, the sharers, the bearers — those of you are here now to experience the Light, share the Light, to be the Light. Go forth now and be that Light to all.


I AM Sananda. I leave you now at this point but will certainly be back with you strongly, fully, and in many ways much stronger than I have been previously. As will many of my brethren, those brothers and sisters that work alongside of me to help to mentor all of you.


All of my peace and love be with all of you.


通灵:James McConnell
翻译1:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ngjQngAfPogd9eGWxKAU3g
翻译2: 荷光 凯 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_gKFpoaxpPtb8SkvriOpZQ

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