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发表于 2018-5-23 10:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
神圣之母 20180513

Dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. On this Mother's Day, I want to let you all know that I am so excited about the upcoming event which will wake up humanity in a way that never happened before in human history. The event I am referring to is the Christ consciousness, which will permeate the planet, and cause souls to a suddenly awakening. That is the event and that is coming.


I am here to announce the upcoming event, and usher in the event with you all. You all know in your heart that eventually we will usher in the Christ consciousness. Humanity will eventually have to realize its true identity and it's true origin. The Christ consciousness is the core of humans. Humans are made with Rays which includes blue ray, Christ Ray or yellow and golden Ray and pink Ray. This threefold flame is in every human's heart. Now, not all humans have the same proportion of these three Rays. Some have more of one than the others. But overall, you all are the same, children of God, children of Christ consciousness and children of the Divine Feminine. Notice here, I said Divine Feminine because as you know humans are born from a mother. In the spiritual realm, it is true that a soul is born from the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine aspect of the creator, the Mother of all creation. You are not born from a male God. That is a myth. In reality, you all are born from the Divine feminine, Divine Mother and Father God. Yes, it is true, you do have a Divine Father figure and he is here on the planet at the moment. He is the God. He is the Divine Masculine. He is the representative of Divine Masculine side. So he plays father figure for the planet and that is why he has to be here. Because we, the Divine want all of the creation figures here, on the planet, to show humanity how it works. It is not just the Divine Feminine, but also the Divine Masculine needs to be here at the moment. Together, we usher in the event, and together, we bring great awakening to the planet and humanity.


Talking about Divine masculine, your Father God figure - he, actually has come to the planet more often than you think. He is the Christ consciousness. He is the Kristna, he is the Gurunanak and he is the Jesus Christ. As you know, as a human, you have the soul and spirit. The spirit is from Divine, and the spirit can come and go and that is called reincarnation. So, as the Father figure of the human race, the Christ has come and go, reincarnated on the planet throughout human history. He is the great love of Gaia. Together, with Gaia, they brought the human race here and created enormous numbers of human souls. That is the fact, and that is why Christ has been reincarnated over and over again, to make sure the planet is alright, and to make sure the Divine is present, in other words, to make sure the planet is always permeated with the Christ consciousness and Divine love.


That being said, the reality is that the planet had deteriorated to a degree that no souls remember their Divine origin. Here, I am talking about the human souls, not the angelic souls, the light workers who came here to bring the Divine light to the planet, to keep the planet in check. But, even with tremendous numbers of light workers present on the planet, the human race and the planet had plummeted to such a low point that humans have no way to remember their Divine origin and how to go home. That is why I am here. Being the Mother of all creation, I have to take steps to make sure that Christ consciousness can stay on the planet, wake up humanity, together, with my ascension Rays, bring Gaia and humanity home. That is the reason I am here. That is the reality right now. We, the Divine, the Mother/Father God, are all ready to wake up the masses. The event is finally coming so that we can bring Gaia home, bring humanity to a higher realm. That is the news.


On this Mother's Day, I come forward to deliver the news to you so that you all will have a sense of what is to come. We are ready. All the children on the planet will feel my love of ascension, will rise up and together, with Gaia, we bring each and everyone of the children home. That is the goal and that is the Divine order and Divine decree. Together, we bring Gaia home. We bring Gaia's children home. We liberate the planet and usher in the new age, the Golden Age. The Christ consciousness is coming my precious children on earth. I am your Divine Mother. I love you all. I put you all in my heart and bring your beautiful heart with me. We are going home dear ones. So it is.


通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dHi9mispAcO8E81fQqSZAA

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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发表于 2018-5-24 10:32 | 显示全部楼层

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