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发表于 2018-5-6 12:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
神圣之母 20180424

Dearest Karen, child of light – do not walk in so much fright. There are many changes happening now that will be explained in the coming days and still so many more that will never be explained. The masses are now noticing that the world no longer feels the same. A shift has occurred in the consciousness of every living thing. That is because, I the Mother of All Things have shifted my own consciousness and that has expanded out to every living being in the universe. The universe is a microcosm of my own soul and your prayers and support and healing of your own souls has contributed to the new world we now find ourselves in. For that I am extremely grateful to all of you for recognizing the part you play in the greater whole and making every effort to clean up your own messes and to go for the goal. For what we have in mind, as a collective you see, is to breathe new life out into infinity. Refreshed and revitalized and setting a new course. That is the plan that has been set forth. Bursting into Spring like the soft buds of a tree, the flowers will come forth from you and from Me. Sit still in the moment and rejoice in the knowing that you have been rewarded completely – you are no longer separated from me and we can communicate freely. For I AM the over-soul that is a parent to all – at one within each and every cell, You are Me and I Am You. I know you by your frequency and that is how I wish you to know me too.


Breathing new life into the war torn lands, taking away the strife and settling disagreements. Peace shall reign on Earth as it does in your hearts. Let go of the past. It is time to make a brand new start. Full of hope and a renewed passion for what is right. Know in your heart of hearts that you have come full circle dear child, and now it is time to step out and shine. Like the beacon of hope from which you came, shining your light even brighter now – for we are all one and the same.


There is no need for fear or fright, separation is an illusion of the dark times. We are all now on a journey to emerge from this and into the knowing that we deserve (all of us) infinite bliss. For the Creator to put forth such a resurgent in light is a means of renewal for the human angelic tribe. Shine bright, shine bright your infinite light – for you are the sparkles from heaven to ignite the kind of change that is moving across the fields in waves. Light, bright, full of life. Love and hate no longer divide. Let the waves of love wash over your during dream time. Opening your hearts and fulfilling your minds. Taking off the blinders and allowing you to now bathe in this glorious state of renewal – revive and be blessed. Take a long rest. You have been working hard. We can take care of the rest. Your love and support have truly made a difference. I AM freed and relieved. Blessed Be to all good things – it is my essence now that sings and breathes, enlivening the roots and the leaves of even the driest of trees.


Peace, peace, peace emerging through me. Connect and respond to the Godself within Thee.


I AM Your Great Mother Divine, and you are all the brightest stars in the sky


通灵:Karen Vivenzio
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/usfvflfEP0wLtlk8Sk8ang

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