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发表于 2018-4-19 09:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, April 15th, 2018


Alwaysa pleasure to be with you, to be able to share with you my brothers and mysisters. Those of you that are showing the way, preparing the way. Those of youthat are the light workers and even more importantly now the warriors of light.Those that stand by my side as we continue to battle forth. Not battle forth interms of war and destruction but yet destruction of the old; the old ways, theold paradigm. Tearing down the illusion, the veil that has been placed in frontof your eyes that is no longer there. You only think it is there because ofthat programming.

Butas you continue to move forward in these new times, as these energies continueto rise and rise, and rise they shall, they will continue to rise until thatmoment when you feel that pulse of energy that comes to this planet, that whichis called The Event or the Changeover. All of that is in process now.

Andthose of you those of you that work alongside of me — and many of you do andmany of you work alongside of Sananda, and Ashtar, and St. Germain — you allhave your missions just as we all have our missions. You have heard this manytimes but we are all in this together. We are one. One force that is movingthroughout the planet and bringing change wherever it is necessary. Bringingthe light. Sharing the light, and sharing it forward.

You have a saying: ‘pay itforward.’ And we are saying now, ‘share it forward’, Share the light. Share thelove. Share your consciousness. Be thatconsciousness that you all are. Even though you may not believe that you are,we knowyou are.

Theseare those times, my dear friends. These are those times that have been spokenof for eons; that you have prepared for for eons.

Becauseof the energies that are coming into the planet now, you are continuing to beacclimated to these energies and becoming stronger and stronger as a result ofthis. Know that whatever maladies that you continue to have, whatever continuesto create pain and suffering for you is all in your minds. I tell you this now.You will hear it many more times to come: it is all in your mind. Yes you havethe physical symptoms. Yes it is difficult to rid yourself of those physicalsymptoms. But the more that you believe that it is difficult, the more it shallbe.

Fromyour discussion earlier we would never say to end all of your medicine, todiscontinue the use of your pills that you need at this time. But we do tellyou and I tell you now that as  warriors of light it is time for you tobegin to move away from that old programming, the pharmaceutical programmingthat has been created here. Because that pharmaceutical programming is keepingyou entrenched in their plan.

I know these are strongwords but they are only meant for the strong at heart that you all are. But nowit is time for you to believe that you are strong ofheart, that you have that love, that consciousness that will to continue tobring everything forward in your life and in those around you.

Itis time now for you to share the love, to be the peace, to create harmony inyour lives and in all of those around you. And to bring joy to every momentthat you can to yourselves and to those whom you love. The energies are growingstronger and will continue to grow stronger. The timelines that you are on noware continuing to shift and change but very soon you will find that you are allon one timeline. When those timelines split — they are moving to do so now —when those timelines split you will all be on one. You will all be together inthis working to bring about the New Golden Age of Gaia. For this is thatmoment, that moment just prior to the great many changes that are yet to come.

IAM Archangel Michael. I am always at your side. Always ready to do battlealongside of you just as many of you do now in your sleep state not even knowingthat you are by my side, fighting the good fight, fighting the fight of lightand love. All of my peace and love be with all of you.


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