大角星团体 20171221
Greetings, we are the Arcturians and we are pleased to meet with you today. We sense both despondency and hope for many of you. We see and acknowledge the integral twisting paths and soul journeys that you each have traversed and we say, “Well done on a road well travelled!” But it is time now to be, and to soak in these lovely, new, high vibrationally encoded energies of love, that are here now, for both your acceptance and your allowance.
Please be reassured that all is proceeding well according to plan, and it is true you all are the forerunners – the hope keepers – and we are pleased in observance of your growth and progress spiritually and emotionally on this long journey. You will be Christ’s hands and feet, the emissaries of love and light, that have been predicted in this glorious timeline, that are currently evolving and unfolding at a rapid clip on dear Gaia.
Ground the light encodements deep into her crystal core and enjoy planetary union of consciousness – no small feat – but you are no longer perceiving yourselves as small beings with limited understandings. No. You are waking up now and realizing the magnitude of you, and it pleases us to no end, for this is demonstrating spiritual advancement and inner knowing that can only be learned though the challenges – the hard knocks. And now that you understand from your own experiences, you will immeasurably be able to assist through love and open acts of quiet humble service the joy and enlightenment that comes from quiet humble service. We have often said that in serving others you find inner peace and healing, and it is indeed true.
You have done much work, you have done the work and now is the time to be lovingly kicked out of the nest of comfort and certainty and begin the planetary work for which you came to serve long ago. Your understandings have added and enriched the collective greatly, and we thank you for your service to Gaia. Yet, it is time now to expand further into your own individual roles of the planetary ascension team so that in serving, all will be served, including yourself.
Time is passing more rapidly – can you feel it and perceive this yet? Your reality is shifting quickly, and will shift and evolve even faster as your perceptions increase in inner knowing and enlightenment. We now encourage you to be at peace – and get ready to fly!
We are the Arcturian Collective and we love you dearly. Please remember you have never been alone and we are here for you. We are, after all, one – albeit very large – family.
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_Wf0ivls82BW1VScq-GoGQ