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发表于 2017-9-20 10:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sheldan Nidle 20170919更新


4 Caban, 15 Zip, 1 Ik

Selamat Balik! Progress towards prosperity continues to be made. All procedures are moving along as planned. What we intend to discuss with you at this time is the growth of higher consciousness within every one of you. When Heaven set about to forge a new earthly reality, the main strategy was simply to ensure that your overall spiritual awareness continued to grow until it approached an agreed-upon threshold. When reached, it was to be a sure sign that a general global disclosure was drawing near. Nevertheless, it was to be taken as a grand portent of change.

Selamat Balik! 天狼星语,衷心欢迎。朝着繁荣继续取得进展。所有的程序都在按照计划进行着。在这个时间里我们打算讨论的是在你们每一个人内在的更高意识的成长。当天堂着手开始打造一个新地球现实时,一个主要的战略就是确保你们整体的灵性意识继续成长直到接近一个约定好的临界点。当达到时,这将会是一个确定的迹象表明普遍的大揭露离得很近了。然而,这曾被看做是改变的重大前兆。

   In this context, we realized that the old powers-that-be were truly reaching the end of "their rope" Accompanying this, you are developing a greater readiness to undo the many beliefs taught by your parents and friends. Our intention is for a new collective to take place in which you can begin to become comfortable with new spiritual realities. These new growing realities are to permit peace, personal sovereignty and greater social responsibilities to grow and eventually to take hold globally. It is what Heaven knows as the beginnings of a 'new you'.


   The purpose of this update is to simply clarify a number of key points. Higher consciousness, as you can well imagine, is a most complex subject. What is now occurring is a sequence of reality shifts that Heaven dearly wishes to make known to you. The series of changes we have noted in previous posts is allowing you to work collectively toward peace and to establish new governance. In this new Light Heaven is in the vanguard. These adjustments are at the same time allowing for this growing consciousness to be applied properly. How they are created is what is currently spreading across the globe.


   Your collective actions are forcing a new reality to form that will eventually turn out much differently from that which the old reality offered. It is this new reality that deeply concerns both Heaven and us. The present sets of impasses are merely illusory. We are more concerned with ensuring that all will conclude as divinely planned. Thus, we simply implore that your visualizations allow all the remaining obstacles to be quickly resolved. The end point as noted is the steady pace of your collective consciousness. It is this that is to swiftly solve all that presently frustrates you.


   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today filled with hope and intention. The relentless series of soreness arising throughout your body is now declining. This decline is yet another sign that the former ways of your body are coming upon a new way. It is not easy to function while being constantly burdened with a multitude of aches and pains. In this, please take heart that you have faithfully passed yet another internal test. We graciously give thanks for your inner strength and resiliency.


   Know as well that your wondrous Spirit is progressing favorably with the many transformations you are now encountering. We have watched faithfully and seen how marvelously you are permitting your growing consciousness to shape you. These results and numerous others show just how much you are changing. We simply request that you keep up the good work. We Masters acknowledge what a truly difficult body of work you are collectively accomplishing. This joint vision that you are holding gives us inspiration for all you are achieving.


   Marvelous events are indeed on your horizon. What we simply ask is for you to remain calm and continue to hold your collective vision. Heaven is in the process of rewarding you for your many ever-growing positive qualities. As this present reality alters, your countless positive characteristics can be most useful to your divine cause. So take heart from your efforts and use these intentions to help all humanity complete this test of Spirit and come out of it victorious! We applaud you, for this is what we truly desire for you all! Hosanna! Hosanna!


   Today we have kept you up to date by conveying the special experiences we have often discussed with you. In this regard, never forget that the never-ending and countless supply of Heaven is really yours! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!) So Be It! It is time for all to come to fruition!


Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)这是让所有事情结出果实的时间!!!

翻译:xiaohaozi0716 http://xiaohaozi0716.weebly.com/2002739029/sheldan-nidle20170919

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