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发表于 2016-10-24 23:18 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

FOURTEEN 14When I, an Initiate of Isis, joined together with Yeshua, there were specific pathways I had to open within myself. I was stunned, however, to discover that many of these pathways were spontaneously opening in his presence. I mentioned at the beginning of this story how I trembled as a woman, having to struggle with my own passions and desires; for the path of the Initiate is to use the energy of passion in a highly specific way, and not to simply be carried off by it; for alchemy requires that energy be contained so that it can be transformed.

Very quickly Yeshua and I achieved the state what is known as the Four Serpents. This occurs when both have mastered the internal Alchemies of Hor us to the extent that they can activate both the Solar and the Lunar Serpents within their spines.

Clairvoyantly there is a central channel that runs up through the spine, and to the left there is a Lunar Circuit and to the right a Solar Circuit, called the Ida and Pingala by the yogis and yoginis.

In the Alchemies of Horus one causes these two circuits to be activated by magnetic fields that are snakelike.

The Lunar Snake on the left side is pitch black, the color of the Void; so indeed, it is the embodiment of the Void itself and holds the potential as the Creatrix for all things.

The Solar Serpent is gold.

An Initiate causes these Two Serpents to rise upward. As they rise upward they pierce the chakras and cross over each other. In the Alchemy of Horus these Two Serpents cross each other through the fifth seal, or throat, and all seals beneath.

They then face each other, at an area approximately where the pineal gland is, or the center of the head. Here a chalice is envisioned with the pineal gland at the very bottom of the chalice itself.

These Two Serpents are living—in that they are not static but vibrate and scintillate and ripple with energy—and the writhing of their bodies within the Ka activates an increase of magnetic potential.
这两条蛇是活的 — 意思是它们不是静态的,而是会随能量振动和闪光 — 而在Ka体内它们身体的扭动会激活电磁势的增加。

There are specific practices, which I will share at a later time, but what I wish to address in this moment is the practice of the Four Serpents.


When Yeshua and I made love, as you call it, we caused our Serpents to rise up ourspines, up our Djed. We did this simultaneously, and at the moment of mutual orgasm the charge released from the first seals in the pelvic areas of our bodies was sent upward, into the Throne, which is in the upper part of tht head—stimulating the higher brain centers.
当约书亚和我做爱时,如你们所称的,我们让我们的蛇能沿着我们的脊柱,捷德柱向上升起。我们同时这样做,在共同高潮的时刻,盆骨地区第一封印释放的电能被向上送往头冠,也就是头部靠上边的部分 — 刺激更高的大脑中心。

At the same time during this moment of sexual ecstasy we placed our awareness fully within our Ka bodies, for the Ka is strengthened by ecstasy. Ecstatic states are nourishing and strengthening to the Ka body, and as I said earlier, with each strengthening of the Ka it becomes more magnetic, drawing to the Initiate that which he or she desires.

The Sexual Magic of Isis has to do with the innate ability of the feminine being to utilize magnetic energies to open deeper levels of consciousness through the act of surrendering to the sexual energies and pathways that are opened.

When a woman is deeply loved and appreciated, as was I by Yeshua, something lets go at the deepest levels of herself, and at the moment of orgasm there is an uncontrollable shuddering that takes place. If she feels safe and allows this shaking, this quivering, to overtake her, there is a tremendous magnetic vortex that opens, the center of which is in her womb.

Two Initiates engaged in the Sexual Magic of Isis can strengthen themselves and rapidly expand their consciousness through the power of this magnetic field.

In the advanced practices of the Sexual Magic of Isis the male Initiate causes both of his Serpents to rise through the Ka body of the female and the female causes her Two Serpentsto rise through the Ka body of the male. The explosive power of this practice is like the energy released by an atomic bomb. The massive tidal waves of magnetics can strengthen the Ka beyond imagination—or destroy it, if not handled properly.
在高阶伊希斯性魔法习练中,男性入门者会让他的两个蛇能从女性的Ka体中升起,而女性则让她的两个蛇能从男性的Ka体里升起。这样做引发的爆炸力相当于原子弹释放的能量。大量的磁能浪潮能够超乎想象的增强Ka - 或者毁掉它,如果处理不当的话。

It was this advanced practice of the Ka that Yeshua engaged that night before the Garden of Gethsemane. For him this tremendous increase of magnetic potential within his Ka strengthened him for his hardships and for the task that faced him in his final Initiation through the portal of death; so that when his physical body dissolved into it's constituate elements it was done so in a flash of light and heat—that the church calls the Resurrection. But this was simply an effect of something that was occurring much deeper within him. It was caused by the magnetics of his Ka body, for it was through his potentized Ka that he journeyed through his underworld, through death itself.
在客西马尼花园(受难地)的前一晚约书亚进行的就是这个高阶习练。对他来说,他的Ka体中这个磁潜能的巨大增加是为了让他更强大,以面对他穿越死亡之门的最后入门过程中会经历的困难;所以当他的肉体化回其组成元素时,是在一道光和热中完成的 — 这就是教会所说的耶稣复活。但这只是发生在他内在深处的一些事情引起的效应。是由他Ka体的磁场导致的,因为就是通过他强大的Ka,他穿越了他的地下世界,穿越了死亡自身。

As Yeshua and I engaged the Sexual Practices of Isis in our relationship we both understood that this was the purpose.

For him each union with me was a means to strengthen his Ka. This is why I said earlier that he came to my well, for the well that the woman Initiate offers to the male is an endless well of magnetic potential. But it is only opened when the female feels safe and loved. Only then will the practices work. For the practices without the nurturance of love become just techniques and will not give the result required or desired.

For me, I was both woman and Initiate. I had been trained for years and knew what to do with the pathways, but I was surprised to find myself swept away as a woman.

I found myself waiting in deepest anticipation for a look or a touch by Yeshua, and our times together alone were the most precious times I had ever experienced. Something about his touch and his eyes一the feel of him—caused something within me to open, and I found myself sometimes almost laughing at myself.
我发现我自己在最深的期待中等待着约书亚的一个目光或一个抚摸,而我们单独在一起的时间则是我经历过的最珍贵的时刻。和他的抚摸,他的目光有关的一些东西 — 对他的感觉 — 导致我之内的一些东西打开了,而我发现我有时候几乎在笑我自己。

I, who had been trained in the most secret practices of the Sex Magic of Isis and had been judged by my Priestesses to be very advanced— this Initiate — found herself, a mere beginner in the presence of the woman.
我,在伊希斯性魔法中接受过最秘密的训练,并被我的祭司认为是非常高阶的 — 而这个入门者 — 却发现她自己,在做女人上却只是一个初学者。

For I tell you now that within the heart and the mind andthe body wisdom of the feminine lie some of the greatest secrets and greatest powers—and they await to be revealed.
现在我告诉你们,在女性心灵,思想和身体智慧中有着最伟大的秘密和力量 — 而它们正等着被揭示。

And all of it is laid open by the touch of another!

And so whenever I speak of Yeshua I am overcome by my love and the feelings that I hold for him throughout all time.


The Sex Magic of Isis is based upon the realization that the feminine principal holds within her nature, specifically her sexual nature, an alchemical key. This alchemical key is revealed in the act of what you call love一sexual love. When this is activated strongly enough, the Alchemies of Horus spontaneously present themselves.
伊希斯性魔法是基于以下的实现:就是女性主导者在其天性,尤其是她的性天性内保有一个炼金关键。这个炼金关键会在你们所称的愛 —— 性爱中揭示。如果它被激活的足够强,荷鲁斯炼金术就会自发呈现它们自己。

Within my training it was understood that there were two paths, alchemically speaking, to the same goal.

TheAlchemies of Horus were the foundation of both alchemies, or practices, since the same fundamental pathways were used. For those who did not wish to engage in partnership, the Alchemies of Horus would provide a means to strengthen and activate the Ka body to the levels of High Initiateship.

For those in partnership, the Sexual Magic of Isis would provide the wings by which they would ascend the Djed and enter the Throne of Highest Consciousness.

From my vantage point I see a great tragedy in that the secrets and the holiness of our sexual natures was made evil by the Church一 by the Church Fathers. And for nearly two thousand years now the most dynamic and one of the most rapid ways to God Realization has been made wrong.
从我有利的视角,我看到我们性天性的秘密和神圣性被教会 — 通过神父 — 变成是邪恶的真是一个巨大的悲剧。到现在已将近两千年了,而最强有力和最快速的通往神之觉悟的方法之一却被曲解了。

And I find it indeed ironic that the Church has made it a sin —— and therefore terrified those who might have stumbled upon it.
而我发现教会把它变成是一种罪恶真的是很讽刺 —— 这样就好恐吓那些或许会偶然发现它的人。

原文: http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_539ee1ae0102wuvq.html?type=-1


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