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远古和未来的启示 1-6









发表于 2017-8-16 10:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
远古和未来的启示 1-6



It was evening when the groups began togather up the canyon for holograms and speakers. As Steve and the Earth group joinedthe audience they noted many people whom they had not seen before. Thegathering was situated in a widened area and those in attendance sat clusteredfacing a sheer cliff wall with an outcropping of rock at its base. As thenatural light faded, it was replaced by a "spot-light" from the spacecraft which lit the "stage" area. It was wonderful as the sky was visible above the stream of light. Theycould watch the stars take their places in the universe while waiting for thesession to begin.

Spotted Eagle climbed to a point near themiddle of the rock outcropping and raised his hands to the Heavens. There wasthe scent of smoke wafting on the air and 'Spotted Eagle carried some feathereditems, in addition to a beautifully decorated, long-stemmed pipe. The audiencefell into immediate silence as he took his place and prepared to speak.

Spotted Eagle spoke of the Ancient Ones andof the relationships of every creation on Earth, of the relationship of humansto all of those creations. He spoke of the beauty and harmony of Earth as ourmother, and as he spoke the cliff became a huge "screen" upon whichwas projected a collage of action pictures. He continued to narrate as sceneafter scene was illuminated before the group.

The projections showed the devastationperpetrated by man on the two beautiful continents known as the Americas. Amongthose things shown were consequences of acid rain with dozens of examples ofstreams, rivers, large and small lakes, and oceans being polluted anddestroyed; there were pictures of forests being poisoned by pollution,devastated by man for industry and cleared for agriculture. The consequentialterrible flooding from the stripped watersheds was shown. He showed pictures ofdozens of electric power plants, oil refineries, chemical and industrial plantsbelching forth pollution . He showed the destruction resulting from miningactivities (there were also demonstrations of Earth collapse into some of the underground mine shafts as the Earthshifted). The examples seemed endless.

Spotted Eagle even showed examples of man'sdesecration of Earth's most sacred areas; the human faces carved onto the face ofmagnificent Black Hills (one of the Indian's most sacred spiritual places).Diana was openly sobbing and Bob could not stop the flow of tears from hiseyes. Somehow he knew the subject matter would not get easier as theevening progressed. He would be correct in that assumption.

John, too, was accompanied by projected visual holograms which madean individual have the feeling of actual participation within the scene itself. As he spoke, appropriate visualizations moved with his verbalillusions.

He said he would simply begiving a description of things as directly handed down to him, without personalcomment. He then launched into his teachings:

"And it is said thereshall be winds, and there shall be, in the time when it is winter; and thetrees shall bow down their boughs, and the winds shall sting with the cold; andthere shall be great suffering among the people and they shall fall down and cryfor mercy.

"And there shall be a mightyearthquake and it shall split in twain the country of North America, and itshall be as nothing the world has known before, for it shall be thatthere shall be a great part of the great land of the north continent go downand a great sea shall form within her center part from the Dominion of Canadainto the Gulf of Mexico.

"And there shall be greatocean liners, liners which shall travel within its waters which will bepropelled by solar energy of the next age. But with this, they shall be unableto travel east to west or from west to east, through what is now the Atlantic Oceanfor it shall have a mountain range which has been thrown up from the bottom ofthe Atlantic; and it shall be extended into the air to the altitude of tenthousand feet and it shall be the City of old, for it was the Light of theworld. She went down amid a great shock and a great wave; and it shall be thatshe shall come up the same way as she went down.

"And the west side shallbe as the sheer side of granite, and it shall be without foothold; and the wayshall be as the eagle flies from the place which is Upper Virginia threehundred miles due east; and at this point it shall be one thousand and eighthundred feet from the waters; and not an entrance through the land shall therebe to the east, for it is not for them which are to be the remnants, tocommunicate by water; for it shall be with a new science, and a new methodshall be given unto them. For there is not a place which is that shall remainthe same in its present state.

"And not a person shallbe left which is not prepared for that which shall be. And there are manycalled but few are chosen: for there are none which have been chosen which havenot been carefully prepared; and they have been unto themselves true, and theyhave given credit where credit is due. And now it is given unto them to be theseed of the new Civilization which shall come upon the Earth.

"And within the timewhich is left before this shall come upon the Earth, it shall be that many willbe called: and they shall doubt; and they shall fear; and they shall faint; andthey shall fall by the way; and they shall be in no wise, for it is given unto manto fear that which he does not understand--and for that does he wait.

"And it is said there shall be winds,and there shall be the winds, and they shall be as none the Earth has known;and they shall be as the winds from the sea and from the land all rolled intoone great tempest. And they shall be as the winds of the North and the Southand East and the West, and they shall tear that which is in their path and theyshall be as the reaper who mows down that which is in his path. And they shallsing with the bitterness of the cold. And they shall be as the elements of theEarth, for they shall contain both rain and wind; and the hail shall be as bigas bird eggs, and it shall split that which it hits.

"And it shall be thatthe suffering shall be great upon the Earth, for it is given unto man to knowsuffering. And he has not known such suffering before, and when it is come uponhim, he shall fall down and shall cry for mercy.

"And it shall be thatthe winds too shall be great upon the Earth--they shall blow east, west, northand south and not a place shall there be upon the Earth which shall escape thewinds which bloweth; and when this tribulation has come upon the Earth, it shallbe that there shall be many who have kept within the law.

"And with the coming of the winds andbelching of fire from within the Earth there shall be--MORE!"

John continued by telling ofhow things would be. He said that no one would be responsible for the words ofanother nor would any man take upon himself that which would be done byanother. Each entity would be responsible for his own. He said man had lost hisidentity with the Father God which had sent him and that if he Would not awakenand return to the Father he would surely perish .

John spoke on for a very long time givingillustration after illustration. He concluded by saying it was time to talkmore about the present.

The Phoenix Journals are intended as a“real time” commentary on current events, how current events relate to pastevents and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies ofmankind.

All of history, as we now know it, has beenrevised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieveand maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything iscomprised of “energy” and that even physical matter is “coalesced” energy, andthat all energy emanates from God’s thought, one can accept the idea that thesuccessful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will causeit to happen.

如果许多预言在几千年以来都被接受,这是“终结时代”(特别是2000年,第二个千禧年,等等)。这将使我们处于“拣选”时期,距离终点线仅有短短几年时间。神说过,在“结束之日”会用到这个词——世界将来到十字路口——所以,每个人可以决定他/她自己的道路方向,或远离,神性——基于真理之上。所以,上帝派他的代言人——使者——呈现真理。这是他选择呈现的方式,通过凤凰期刊。因此,这些期刊是真理,是不受版权保护的,他们汇编的信息在地球上已经被核实,调查编辑经由那些人(他们,毫无疑问,为了这个目的)不受版权保护。因此,这些期刊没有版权保护(除了SIPAPU ODYSSEY那是“小说”)。
If the many prophecies made over thousandsof years are accepted, these are the “end times” (specifically the year 2000,the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the “sorting” period andonly a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the endtimeswould come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each coulddecide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH. So,God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in whichHe chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals areTruth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of informationalready available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt,for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journalsare not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is “fiction”).

The first sixty or so journals werepublished by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyrighthad been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary forbooksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primaryauthor and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to ourknowledge, none were. If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world,it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to dothat, keeping it in context, of course.

What Are The Phoenix Journals?

Many people have asked us what the  PHOENIX JOURNALS  are. They contain the true history(His-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about themost asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spirituality, E.T.s, ourorigin, our purpose here on this planet, etc.). Commander Hatonn and the otherHigher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these  JOURNALS, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lieswhich have been deceptively forced upon us, throughout time, by the Eliteanti-Christ controllers. These JOURNALS  are the  "DEAD SEA SCROLLS"  of our time. Their importance in the growthof mankind cannot be overstated. They are the textbooks of understanding whichGod promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times".








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