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【大天使麦克】 独立









发表于 2017-7-10 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【大天使麦克】 独立

Greetings this is Archangel Michael and I AM so very humble and proud to be here today speaking to this group who is on this phone call and this group who will be listening to this in various videos and those who are going to be reading this in various transcripts. I’m here today to talk about independence which is appropriate, is it not, for this weekend in the United States for independence.

问候,我是大天使麦克,我非常谦逊和自豪地 在这里与这个团队说话,这个团队会在不同的视频中聆听,在不同的文字中阅读。我今天前来谈论独立,因为本周是美国的独立日,很适合谈这个

So independence for you, the light warrior, is to be able to ascertain and discern what is truth and what is not truth. Because we are coming shortly to a time where all of us will be incredibly full of action because we are now coming to a place of action for each and every one of us. Things will be moving at such a pace it may be hard for us to discern what is the right thing to do, what is the right action to take, what is the right decision to take. And independence really does require all of us to go within and seek that guidance that is within us and rely less and less for guidance from without us.


So I invite you today as you feel the oneness that you have created during this meditation that preceded this message, I invite you to go within; to close your eyes, to breathe deeply, to do the interruption of the breath at the top and the interruption of the breath at the bottom, and simply ask a question. I invite you to do this now. Ask: Do I have a connection to my Creator? Ask that question now and see what sort of answer that you get.


Many of you will receive that simple one word whisper of that silence, or that whispering voice within. This is your connection to Source. This is your connection to creator. Strengthen this connection. I invite you to strengthen this every day so that as you go into your service work, as you become very active in the various humanitarian projects which will soon require much activity, you will be able to go within. You will be able to ask the questions and ask for help in making the right decisions. This is true independence. So I give you this as a guidance and as a clue that very soon you shall all be very active. This is Archangel Michael and I now present to you Master Kuthumi.



原文:http://sananda.website/archangel ... nell-july-2nd-2017/
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan http://nickchan-love.blog.163.co ... 032201769111435759/


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