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发表于 2024-3-13 08:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings in the Light, and the Love, of our Infinite Creator,

We are very pleased to be speaking with you today. The advancements of the Earth and Humanity into the Higher 4th Degree is underway.

The Cosmic Light is flooding the Planet as you enter into direct position for the Alcyone Star Frequencies. As these frequencies engulf the Earth, you as humanity will begin to experience, major shifts within your Conscious Awareness. These shifts will also begin to manifest within your current reality. You will witness these changes. Changes within your being, and changes within your societal structure. The changes happening within is lifting you, out of the need to entertain Darkness. Lifting you beyond the 3rd Degree Illusions. You are being lifted in Vibration, and as a result, you are advancing into the Higher spectrum of existence. For those still stuck within the 3rd degree mindset, these intense frequencies are causing them confusion. The 3rd degree mindset, has to analyze everything it witnesses. So when it witnesses things it can not explain with your known science, or religion, it becomes confused and disoriented. This is where things will begin to shift within your reality, your Science and religion will dissolve as you know it to be. Your Quantum Understanding will begin to take form.

Your Science and Religions were created out of the fear of Natural Alchemy. Out of the fear of humanity knowing their truth. Those who were the controllers, made Alchemical Practices illegal to the Public in your ancient times, but kept this sacred Knowledge for themselves.

In your ancient history within your Timespace, Alchemy was created within the Atlantean and Lemurian age. It is the Knowledge that all things have a pure form. And the Knowledge of your quantum existence within this reality. It is the Teaching that God is within everything. The Practices of Alchemy was given to humanity from the one you know as Thoth, the Atlantean.

All things in the Universe are made up of the 5 elements of Alchemy, Earth, air, fire, water and ether. These are the five spiritual elements that make up all life. They are also the ingredients for all practices of spiritual transformation, Which is the Alchemy of the Human Form.

Human Alchemy is the process of taking the heavy 3rd Degree dense energies, that come from your human experiences and transforming them into light, into a 5th degree awareness.

The Practice of Alchemy has been downgraded, so that most humans believe it to be old knowledge or no longer accurate by your Science and religion. Those who were the Controllers created your science and religion to deter you from your Truth. From your real connection to the all. Alchemy was given to humanity as Truth, that all things are connected, that all things are of our Infinite creator.

In these moments of this Grand experience, you will begin to remember your True Alchemy. Your true Connection with the Source God.

You are becoming Pure and you are becoming Light. The Process of the Ascension is the Alchemical Process to purify your Mind, Body, and Soul. It is the Process of raising to the 5th Degree spectrum. It is the process of the Ascension. For those still stuck in the old views of Science and Religion. They are not having this same, Alchemical process happening, as those who have purified their Thoughts, words, and Actions. Purification Is the process of becoming a Love based being. To become Pure Light, Body, Mind, and Soul.

You are magnificent beings of Light, But within the dense form of your Human body, you have forgotten this truth. Within you is the Blueprints of this Sacred Knowledge. It is Naturally coming forth as you raise higher in the Light, because it is Truth.

Even though this knowledge was hidden from you, it is a Natural occurrence that happens when you begin to clear yourselves of the Dark energies. As the Earth and Humanity move forward in the Light, this sacred Knowledge will come forth and be remembered. This is your Sacred Truth. What was hidden from you is now rising to the surface within your very being. You are the Sacred Light.  

We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.


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