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发表于 2017-2-23 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

原文 http://sananda.website/sananda-v ... february-20th-2017/

萨南达通过JENNY SCHILZ - 地球上频率分离的开始阶段
我们正在两个日月食之间,我们可以感觉到一些重要的变化。在12月我分享说,到了3月份频率(3D,4D和5D及以上)将开始分离。这里是一个链接到帖子:http : //jennyschiltz.com/update-on-the-new-earth-incoming-energies/  我们现在正在这个开始阶段。在我们之内对每个频率的感觉正变得越来越清晰,我们必须对我们生活的维度做出选择,我们被迫选择在哪一个频率去创造我们现实。
We are right in the middle of two eclipses and wecan feel that something major is changing.  In December I shared that comeMarch the frequencies (3D, 4D, and 5D and beyond) would begin separating. Here is a link to the post: http://jennyschiltz.com/update-o ... -incoming-energies/  We are in the beginning stages of this now. We arebeing shown in clearer and clearer ways what each frequency feels like withinand we are being asked to choose where we want to reside. We are being asked from which frequency do we want tocreate our reality.

Everything that will not stand in the higher frequencies is being shownto us if we take the time to simply observe. Observing requires being presentwithin yourself and not allowing yourself to get caught up in the insanity ofthe outer world.  The ego may appear to be getting louder within as it isbegging not to be dissolved but to be integrated with love into our being. There is a quality to this energy that is demanding us to be still andreally listen to the internal thoughts and beliefs.Anything that does not match your soul, your true nature will show itself.

Physically, so many are being challenged.  I haven’t experiencedphysical symptoms this intense since 2012 and I am finding the need to pullaway from all the ways my energy gets pulled. We are undergoing deep cellularchanges that escalate the more we embody our soul (which changes us completely) and let go of resistancewithin.  Our bodies need to shut down in order to process and when Iquestioned why, I heard “To maintain homeostasis”.  In other words we shutdown during these upgrades to maintain an equilibrium within our bodies. If wedon’t honor this need to rest, to be still, we may find ourselves quite ill.What is taking place is drawing on every last bit of reserve we have in orderto maintain balance within our mind, body, and spirit. It is literally takingevery trick we have learned through the years to stay present and open hearted.

Today I had a conversation with Sananda to obtain greater clarificationon the separation of frequencies.  I hope that this Q&A helps shedsome light on what is taking place.

Me: Can you talk to me about what is happening on earth right now?
Sananda: Yes, you are in the precursor time, where each must choosewithin which frequency is most dominate.

Me: When you say frequency, is this the same as dimensions?
Sananda: Yes, but within each dimension are millions of frequencies.Each with their own nuance, their own signature.

Me: When you say this, a radio dial comes to my mind. It is us who musttune into the frequency and us who must expand our antenna to bring in higherstations.
Sananda: Yes, this is a good analogy. What one will find is that asthey expand their range into the higher frequencies, the lower ones are nolonger accessible.
Me: It has been reported that the 3rd Dimension has collapsed. Is this accurate?
Sananda: The foundationthat holds these frequencies in place within the matrix has collapsed, howeverindividuals may still be attached to these frequencies within their form.
Me: Can you explain this more to me?
Sananda: The hallmark pattern of the 3rd & 4th Dimension isduality. Wherever one allows themselves to fall into judgement, they are thenattaching themselves to these lower frequencies.
Me: This is a hard concept for people. We have been trained to see goodvs bad, right vs wrong, republican vs democrat, etc.
Sananda: Yes, which is why it is so difficult for people to movebeyond these concepts, but it is necessary for the forward movement of one’ssoul.  We ask that each person examine what they have been told, whatversion of reality they have been fed and to see where it is not in fullalignment with their soul. Many will find that the truth is not discernible.With this realization, they will then be able to detach from beliefs that arenot held from personal experience.
However, there is great discomfort when one realizes that such grandmanipulation has taken place. Some will retreat into their world of duality andcling to it tighter while others will begin to see that the journey of truth isonly found by going within.

Me: Is this why the distortions in our world seem to be getting louderand louder?
Sananda: Yes, in your world subtleties are often lost, as there ismuch distraction. Therefore what is inaccurate, what is a distorted must becomeclearer to be heard over the noise.
Me: OK, so explain to me what is taking place with the frequencies? Howthis is the time to choose.
Sananda: All thefrequencies have been available to every person, what one must do is to alignwith the predominating frequency in order to move into that reality.  Thisis still true, however there will be a separation coming. At the moment one canfeel the oneness of what has been called 5th Dimension while in the next momentthey find themselves lost in lower emotions.
It is not to say that theemotions of sadness or even anger are not felt in the higher frequencies, asthey are. Yet, how one moves through those emotions changes. Gone is the blameand destructive lashing out. Instead these emotions when felt within the higherfrequencies allow one to see what adjustments can be made within that willaffect the outer creation of their reality.
With the separation of thefrequencies, the widening of the gap between each grouping, it will become muchharder for one to move seamlessly from the lower to higher frequencies.
Me: Ok, so how do we best stay in the frequencies?
Sananda: Understandthat this process though beginning will take place slowly to allow forobservance. One must look at what is being shown to them through their emotionsand interactions. Where is there disharmony? Where are there limitations? Whereis someone being shown how their beliefs and the information they are allowingin has held them in place?
This is the reason why someare feeling such discord within. It is so that they will find it nearimpossible to stay within the confines of their fabricated reality.

Me: So from your point of view all the chaos of our world is a goodthing?
Sananda: Yes, it is a very good thing as it is the signs of peoplepressing against the chains of sleep. The challenge is for those in the midstof awakening to find their own truth and not blindly accept another. The pathof awakening leads to self-realization that one must never give their poweraway because to do so is to simply allow in a different form of sleep.

Me: Do you have hope for mankind?
萨南达: 我们对人类有巨大的希望。有许多存在正在努力地用无条件的爱注入你的星球。无条件的爱是对灵魂警醒的呼唤。与忆起他们真实的本性相比,没有一种方式能觉醒的更快。
Sananda: We havetremendous hope for mankind. There are many that are working diligently toinfuse your planet with unconditional love. Unconditional love is the sirencall to the soul, nothing awakens another faster than to be reminded of theirtrue nature.
It is time to break free of the roles that have been played in this andother incarnations. It is time for each person to remember who they were beforethese experiences, but also for them to revel in the new richness gained fromthese roles. In order to do this, duality must be overcome.

Me: And this is why it seems more prevalent…
Sananda: Precisely
Me: Thank you for your time
Sananda: Itis my pleasure, you must understand the joy we feel watching so many break freefor the chains that have bound them for so long.
Thank you to all who sharethis work. It means a lot that so many resonate with the messages shared here.I’m sending all of us all the love we can handle as we take our journey inwardto a whole new level.


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