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发表于 2022-5-8 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, many of your core wounds have to do with feeling separate, unsupported, or unsafe. May we offer this lovely and powerful phrase to you today to help you heal beyond those old issues:
I am connected with love.
This healing statement works because love is safe, love is inclusive, love is healing. The most painful thing for you is having an experience, whether it is real or imagined, of being outside of love.
We encourage you to allow this statement to settle into your heart, to connect you, to soothe you, and to realize that love is always available for you. Surrender into the love that is there for you through this statement, and you will find the comfort, alignment, and inclusion you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Power continues to be a theme that is up for both review and transformation. You are being exposed to so many examples of power. You might think of the universe holding each one up in front of you asking, “Is this it? How about this?” until you find the version that feels good and right to you.
True power is not the old 3D version you are very familiar with. True power is empowerment. Empowerment for the one and empowerment for the all. It leads through wisdom and encouragement, always with intention of unity, wellness, growth, and support. Empowerment is grounded in integrity, truth, and compassion for all.
We realize it can be concerning when your planet seems to be going in many different directions with so much division and separation. But we wish for you to understand that these themes are prevalent because they are ready to be transformed into something far more humane, conscious, and sustainable as your continue to move into the new.
You have an opportunity to gain so much clarity with your own personal relationship with power. Become your own wise leader. Make choices that you would wish to see come from your leaders. Be a teacher by example. You can lend your energy to healing separation  and power issues by moving out of resistance to yourself and becoming your own peaceful and harmonious kingdom through your self love/self acceptance practices.
Every shift you take towards your own kind and authentic power allows you to be an anchor for your planet that is seeking support in its own transformation. You are part of an incredible collective of souls that deeply desire true and lasting change that are banding together and gaining momentum towards the changes you truly wish to be and see. Stay true to you and what you know deep in your soul is right, and you can’t help but succeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you might think it is wise to brace yourself for something that you think might be challenging, but bracing is choosing to proceed with resistance. The key to moving forward with the most comfort possible is to work with the elements of surrender and flow. So if you have something to face that you feel you need to brace yourself for, whether it be experiencing intense energies or something more personal on your journey, honour that initial response and then release it. Surrender into your guidance system and allow your team of helpers (which always includes your highest self) to assist you through your process. That combined with your trust in your own divine capability will help move through it with the utmost grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You are not wrong, or bad, or broken. You are magnificent beings who are in the process of both personal embodiment and assisting an ascending planet. You are in the throes of profound transformation on many levels and are handling it in ways that continue to amaze us every single day. We understand that you can’t see things from our perspective, but we urge you to release your self doubt and negative self talk for they serve no purpose, and shift into grace and love for yourselves because you are doing far greater things than you realize. These are the times you hoped with all your heart you would get to experience and now you are and you are doing an outstanding job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



As enlightening human beings you are always seeking expansion. What we want you to understand is that expansion doesn’t only occur during active phases. There is always expansion happening, it is either internal or external. So another very valuable question to ask yourself is, “How can I honour my expansion in whatever way is currently being energetically supported?”
If you are unsure of what phase you are currently in, there are some go-to’s that are supported in any phase. They are presence, gratitude, surrender, faith, flow, trust, alignment, prayer, and visualization, just to name a few. Look for the gifts of where you find yourselves, Dear Ones, because each phase exists to love and prepare you for the next. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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