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发表于 2021-12-17 09:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear brothers of this planet!  I AM KWAN YIN!
My heart rejoices a lot when I have this opportunity to bring a little more love to every inhabitant of this planet.  We are all moving in a great cloud of Light and Love.  This cloud is getting bigger every day.  We call a large gathering of energy a cloud, which unfortunately you are not yet able to see it, but we call it a cloud so that you can get an idea of what it is.
This cloud is being charged with the love and compassion of all Beings of Light in this universe.  Every Being of Light who brings infinite and unconditional love into their heart is being invited to leave some of that love in this cloud.  And believe me, it is growing fast.  There is not only sadness and pain in the universe, on the contrary, there is a lot of Light and a lot of love and this is what reigns in the universe.  There is pain, there is suffering, yes there is, because the orbs that need to live the Third Dimension, each one lives it in a way;  that's where the learnings are, that's where there are the lessons that souls need to go through in order to evolve.  But the vast majority of the stars of this universe, have gone through this and their beings vibrate unconditional love or vibrate only the Light. It is as if a call had been made in the universe, so that every being wherever you are, sends light and unconditional love to this cloud.
And what is the purpose of this cloud?  Look at your skies and see what a cloud is like.  A gathering of them is capable of covering a large area of ​​the planet, but this one will not be part of a gathering of clouds;  this will be just a single cloud that will encompass this entire planet.  And just as your clouds give you back water in the form of rain, this cloud when it finishes its creation and it takes the form of the entire planet, it will also empty itself;  but not in the form of rain, it will come in the form of love, like little sparks, like golden dust, like an extremely fine powder, but extremely powerful, that when you breathe in this tiny dust, this tiny particle, it will have the capacity to be expand within your bodies and emanate from exactly what she was made of, which is Light and unconditional love.
This cloud is not being formed as of today, it has been forming for some time now, so that exactly, it is able to cover this entire planet.  This planet is huge, so we need a lot of energy, a lot of love for this cloud to be able to cover the entire planet.  But rest assured, that each being of light that is around your planet now and that participates or participated in the liberation of this planet, is doing their part, at all times, contributing for this cloud to grow more and more.
This needs to happen.  Love has to be brought to the surface of your planet and in a complete, homogeneous way.  It couldn't be a cloud here, a cloud there, or just a punctual energy emission, it has to be global.  The entire planet, every millimeter, every bit will receive these particles.  Nothing, nowhere will be left out.  The great objective with this is to raise the vibration of the planet, is to contaminate every inhabitant of this planet, with the feeling of unconditional love and with the Light.
It is clear that in the hearts of those who vibrate Light today, this tiny particle will have the ideal fuel to expand.  So the more love you vibrate in your hearts as you inhale these particles, they will expand in proportion to the amount of love you have in your hearts.  And you will feel this immeasurable wave of love and Light emanating from within the heart of each one of you.  Proportionally, those whose hearts are darkened by pain, by revolt, by violence, the particles will also get there, but they won't expand, because they won't have the adequate fuel for this to happen.
And in this way, more and more, the chaff is being separated from the wheat.  There is no discrimination, no privileges, no one or nothing that is more important than the other;  everyone will receive the same particles of love, everyone, regardless of who they are.  Now the result will be up to each one to obtain it.  So for us it's becoming very easy and very simple to visualize each one of you, who are going to ascend, as every single procedure we do, it all becomes easier and simpler.
Important moments are on the way, the great turning point of planet Earth, the great moment of the new journey towards the Fifth Dimension;  where everyone will know everything, where everyone will have the knowledge to understand everything.  And this great cloud of love, will bring understanding, will bring calm, will bring balance to each soul, so that it knows how to accept, understand and support everything that will be said.  We are looking for the lightest and easiest way for all of humanity.  We don't want suffering, we don't want lack of love, on the contrary, we would like everyone to rise, everyone to absorb these particles and lighten up.  But we know that many have already made their choices and within those choices is standing in no light.
Every decision will be respected, but we all try to do the impossible, because the possible has already been done, to improve even more the big moment.  So to each of you I say now: Keep your hearts fluttering love.  Love, love deeply, but love in the perfect way of love.  Even if you still can't emanate 100% unconditional love, love without asking for anything in return, love without blackmail, do it because you want, don't charge later.  Just love.  This is love, light and easy, without suffering.  Love with suffering is not love, it is dependence, it is subjugation, it is slavery.
Love is light, love is easy, when you just love, you don't expect anything back, love because you want to love.  And even if the person doesn't pay you back, it's all right, because you did what you thought was right;  You loved.  If the other didn't love you, that's okay, it's his journey;  don't judge him, don't condemn him, don't be angry, it wasn't time for him to love you.  Look for another love.  So never forget my brothers, love is light, it has to be light.  To love is to respect, to love is not to impose anything.  Love is listening to the other, accepting the opinion of the other, respecting the other, no matter which path he chose.  You made one choice, your brother made another choice.  Would you like him to interfere with your choice?  So don't criticize or condemn him, just respect him.

来自:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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发表于 2021-12-19 00:44 | 显示全部楼层



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