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【克里昂】灵性名词解释 (二)









发表于 2021-11-25 13:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




共同创造这个词描述了你的意识与你周围的能量一起创造一个特定的现实。它在每个人的系统中与你一起工作,它需要你注意同步性。它只涉及其他人,因为它与他们在自由选择中所做的事情以同步方式运作。有一个系统可以在您拥有需求之前就看到您的需求。它提供了一个潜力和答案,可以在您需要时为您提供帮助(而不是之前)。它提供了一个系统,在该系统中,您可以了解有关您潜力的所有信息。它提供了排除万难和 3D 的东西。当系统中的每个人都准备好时,你的共同创造就会显现出来。对许多人来说,这看起来像是巧合或意外。但是你们共同创造了同步体验。


这是一个被误解的术语,许多人认为这是上帝与他们之间具有约束力的协议,在他们的一生中是固定不变的。 Kryon 将其称为“多重协议”,随着光之工作者在他们的道路上成长,它会继续变化。所以契约是对某项任务的“有约的感觉”,但是随着人类获得更多的智慧,它可以变成完全不同的东西。克里昂常说:“合同是用隐形墨水写成的,可以随时更改。”

核心记忆是你的 DNA 从你过去的所有生命中携带的记忆,你的阿卡西记录,保存在你在地球上的生命之间的创造洞穴中的灵魂水晶中。 (见阿卡西记录和创造之穴)

Cosmic Lattice 是一个系统的名称,它涵盖了整个宇宙以及更多。它无处不在。这就是你可以称之为上帝意识的东西,然而,它是物理学。晶格的能量包含有意识的爱。虽然它不是网格,但它确实具有对称性。宇宙晶格允许地球上共同创造、同步、爱和奇迹的机制。它对物理学作出反应,也对意识作出反应。它最初是由佩吉·菲尼克斯·杜布罗老师看到和描述的。




水晶网格是一个深奥的(精神/灵性)网格,它位于地球表面,可以记住人类所做的一切以及他们在哪里做的事情。人类的能量正在实时影响地球的振动水平。水晶网格对人类意识做出反应,但它是双向的:它接受和给予。所以它真的做了两件事:(1)它是一个深奥的网格,与人类意识的振动一起工作,在保留和传输回人类 DNA 方面,以及(2)它与盖亚对话,盖亚部分与地壳内的任何结晶体。水晶网格在量子上与创造之穴对齐。

克里昂告诉我们,我们的 DNA,一个由 12 条多维链组成的系统,有一个水晶般的“鞘”。虽然有些隐喻(因为完整的解释是科学和精神的结合),但这个隐喻的某些部分在物理上是准确的。 Kryon 用以下简单的方式描述了水晶鞘:这是与指令集“对话”的记忆,它与它们谈论倾向、契约和业力叠加。它与他们谈论他们所包含的神性。它还告诉指令集如何工作——而 Kryon 说科学家们找不到它。这是一个核心记忆,它实际上是传送到你的细胞的关于你来到地球的目的的精神信息的中心。 DNA 周围的水晶鞘包含完美遗传密码的所有记忆。因此,是鞘在精神上控制着人类的进化。注意:克里昂也将完美的遗传密码称为青春模板(参见核心记忆。)

Cave of Creation
The Cave of Creation is a real place that will never be found on this planet. It connects and unites the physical to the spiritual and the multidimensional to the dimensional. It is a place where there are crystalline structures within a memory vault called the Akashic Record. It is where your essence (soul) comes and goes, from when you arrive on the planet to when you pass over, and it records what happened while you were here. It’s the first place you visit, coming into the planet, and the last place you visit, leaving the planet. The Cave of Creation is a multidimensional place that holds an esoteric crystalline object for every soul that has ever been on the planet, and every soul to come. Each crystal holds the Akashic Record of each specific soul. The Cave of Creation interfaces with Gaia through the Crystalline Grid. When you affect the Crystalline Grid with your consciousness and actions, it then alters the Cave of Creation. In summary, the Cave of Creation keeps a record of who you are as you come and go, and imbues your lifetime of experiences into the vibration of the planet, even after you have gone. It is the multidimensional system that captures the Human experience for Gaia and it stays with Gaia.

Chemical Inheritance
Chemical Inheritance refers to what you inherit from your biological parents and ancestors – your genealogy.

City on the Hill
This is a reference to the New Jerusalem and is Kryon’s metaphor for the New Earth. This scenario involves peace in the Middle East. It is also part of the Sermon on the Mount from Holy Scripture (The Bible).

Co-creation is a word that describes your consciousness working with the energy around you to create a specific reality. It works within the system of everyone with you and it requires you to pay attention to synchronicity. It involves others only to the extent that it works in a synchronous way with what they do in free choice. There is a system that sees your need long before you have it. It provides a potential and an answer that can help you if you need it (not before). It provides a system where all things are known about your potentials. It provides something that is against all odds and out of 3D. Your co-creation will manifest when everyone in the system is ready. To many, this looks like a coincidence or an accident. But you have co-created the synchronistic experience.

Consciousness (physics)
Humanity defines consciousness as a concept, and describes it as the self-aware state of a Human. However, Kryon states that consciousness is actually part of physics and that there are rules of consciousness, which are also part of quantum physics. There are rules, postulates, mathematics, formulas, and new inventions coming from it. There are beautiful attributes, as yet unknown, of the physics of consciousness. When you start to see this, it will begin to explain the way of the future.

This is a misunderstood term that many feel is a binding agreement between God and themselves, which is set and immutable for their entire life. Kryon speaks of it as being a “multi-agreement” that continues to change as Lightworkers grow on their path. So a contract is a “feeling of having an appointment” with a certain task, but then it can change to something entirely different as the Human obtains more wisdom. Kryon often says, “Contracts are written in invisible ink, and can be changed at any time.”

Core memory
The core memory is the memory your DNA carries from all your past lifetimes, your Akashic Record, as held in your soul crystal in the Cave of Creation between lifetimes on Earth. (See Akashic Record and Cave of Creation.)

Cosmic Lattice
The Cosmic Lattice is the name for a system that encompasses the entire Universe and more. It is present everywhere. It is what you could call the consciousness of God and yet, it is physics. The energy of the lattice contains conscious love. While it is not a grid, it does have symmetry. The Cosmic Lattice is what allows the mechanics for co-creation, for synchronicity, love, and miracles on the planet. It responds to physics and it responds to consciousness. It was first seen and described by the teacher Peggy Phoenix Dubro.

The term Creation describes the totality of what God has created in this Universe.

Creative Source
Kryon uses the term Creative Source as synonymous with God, the Creator, and Spirit.

Kryon uses the term Creator as synonymous with God, the Creative Source and Spirit.

Crystalline Grid
The Crystalline Grid is an esoteric (spiritual) grid that lays over the planet’s surface that remembers everything that Humans do and where they do it. The energy of humanity is affecting the vibrational level of the planet in actual time. The Crystalline Grid responds to Human consciousness, but it goes both ways: it receives and gives. So it really does two things: (1) it is an esoteric grid that works with the vibration of Human consciousness, both in retaining and transmitting back to the Human DNA, and (2) it talks to Gaia, and the Gaia part talks to anything crystalline within the Earth’s crust. The Crystalline Grid is quantumly aligned with the Cave of Creation.

Crystalline Sheath
Kryon tells us that our DNA, a system of 12 multidimensional strands, has a “sheath” that is crystalline. Although somewhat metaphoric (since the full explanation is a combination of science and Spirit), there are parts of this metaphor that are physically accurate. Kryon describes the Crystalline Sheath in the following simple way: This is the memory that “talks” to the instructions sets, and it talks to them about predispositions, contracts, and karmic overlay. It talks to them about the divinity that they contain. It also tells the instruction sets how to work – and Kryon says scientists won’t find it. It’s a core memory, and it is literally at the center of the spiritual information transferred to your cells about what you came to Earth for. The Crystalline Sheath around the DNA contains all the memory of a perfect genetic code. It is the sheath, therefore, that controls Human evolution spiritually. Note: Kryon has also referred to the perfect genetic code as the Youth Template (See Core Memory.)

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