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【克里昂】灵性名词解释 (一)









发表于 2021-11-23 13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
克里昂灵性名词解释 (一)

3D 表示“三维”一词的简写形式,包括长度、宽度和高度的尺寸。



看到数字时钟上重复的数字(例如 11:11、3:33、4:44 等)在人类觉醒到他们在大转变的新能量中增强的灵性时显着增加。这样的视觉效果可以被视为仁慈的“来自精神的眨眼”。这些数字在命理学中也有含义。当您看到这些重复的数字时,请注意您在想什么、说什么或做什么。此外,11:11 指的是谐波收敛/扬升之门。 (见和谐收敛、命理、转变和精神。)

人类阿卡什可以定义为代表地球上过去表达(前世)的所有能量。它通常被称为“阿卡西记录”(见下文)。你的个人阿卡什储存在几个地方,最重要的地方是你自己的 DNA。 (另见创世之穴。)它是一种玄力,随着每个人的一生而产生,包含你所拥有的每一个独特生命表达(前世)的细节。阿卡什也代表未来——一切可能的潜力——你在地球上未实现的未来潜在表达(未来生活)。




Alani'i 是 Kryon 给 Peggy Phoenix Dubro 取的名字。 Peggy 是电磁场 (EMF) 平衡技术的创始人。克里昂告诉佩吉,她曾经在古代利莫里亚的复兴神殿工作。


天使是来自创造源头的多维存在,就像你一样,但他们在他们的意识和理解中包含了他们整个“灵魂群体”。 (见大天使。)他们没有二元性,也没有生物学表达。这意味着大多数人从来都不是人类。在原始希腊文中,天使的意思是“信使”。

大天使是拥有许多天使能量的天使。根据克里昂的说法,他们既不“上位”也不“下位”,也不“掌管”任何事情,尽管有这个名字(从希腊语翻译过来,意思是“首席信使”)。相反,它们充满了其他天使实体的许多碎片和部分的能量。这让他们看起来更重要,但精神/灵性没有重要等级。将它们视为通信站或能量转移的“枢纽”,更容易被整体访问。它们的存在是为了帮助那些无法摆脱 4D 思考的人将一组能量聚集在一起。它们还有助于组织宇宙所需的能量。


这个名字通常指的是导致地球上人类灭绝的许多厄运和悲观情景。哈米吉多顿也是预言中以色列军队在末日聚集作战的地点。 Kryon 实际上在这个地方做了一个通灵(Kryon Book 14: The New Human)。

克里昂将扬升大师称为那些以前作为人类在地球上的人,他们通过地球上的当前人类提供指令集和信息,这些指令和信息对人类来说是实用的。其中一些大师可能包括耶稣、施洗约翰、所罗门王、亚瑟王、穆罕默德、以利亚、佛陀、一些法老,以及那些坐在高处的大智慧。 El Morya、Sananda、Mahatma 和 Kuthumi 等名字



气场指的是人类能量的、深奥的场模式,对能量敏感的读者可以将其视为“气场的生命色彩”。 Kryon 说有七个以上,其余的都在身体的上方和下方。

3D represents a shorthand form of the word “three-dimensional,” including the dimensions of length, width, and height.

4D represents a shorthand form of the word “four-dimensional,” including the dimensions of length, width, height, and time.

5D represents a shorthand form of the word “five-dimensional,” including the dimensions of length, width, height, time, and a new dimension available to Humans in the new energy developing since December 21, 2012 (See the Shfit).

Seeing repeating numbers on digital clocks (such as 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, etc.) has increased dramatically in Humans awakening to their enhanced spirituality in the new energy of the Shift. Such visuals can be seen as a benevolent “wink from Spirit.” The numbers also have meanings in numerology. Pay attention to what you are thinking, saying, or doing when you see these repeating numbers. Also, 11:11 refers to the Harmonic Convergence. (See Harmonic Convergence, Numerology, The Shift, and Spirit.)

The Human Akash can be defined as that which represents all the energy of your past expressions (past lives) on Earth. It is often referred to as “The Akashic Record” (see below). Your personal Akash is stored in several places, the most important place being your own DNA. (Also see Cave of Creation.) It is a profound energy that is generated with each Human lifetime and contains the details of every unique life expression you have had (past lives). The Akash also represents the future – the potentials of everything that can be – your unrealized future potential expressions on the planet (future lives).

Akashic Acuity
This is referring to specific Akashic remembrances of what is held and stored within your Akash. It is more about the accuracy of Akashic remembrance now happening in the new energy.

Akashic Inheritance
Akashic Inheritance refers to what you inherit from your Akash (past life experiences). Specifically, it is about that which carries over into your current life (such as, fears or talents).

Akashic Record
The Akashic Record is an archive of everything you have ever done or experienced throughout all your lifetimes. It also applies to your future potentials because time is in a circle, not linear. The past, future, and present are all occurring in now time.

Alani’i is the name given by Kryon to Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Peggy is the originator of the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Balancing Technique. Kryon has told Peggy that she used to work in the Temple of Rejuvenation in ancient Lemuria.

The term Ancients applies to the prehistoric indigenous peoples of Earth, who foresaw and foretold prophecies of humanity’s origins and potential futures, as well as knowledge and wisdom of Gaia. Their ancient wisdom is still preserved among current indigenous elders.

Angels are multidimensional beings from the Creative Source, just like you, but who contain their entire “soul group” in their awareness and comprehension. (See Archangels.) They have no duality and they have no biological expression. That means that most have never been Human Beings. In the original Greek, angel means “messenger.”

Archangels are Angels who have the energy of many angels. According to Kryon, they are not “higher” or “lower” and they are not “in charge” of anything, either, despite the name (translated from the Greek, it means “chief messenger”). They are, instead, filled with the energy of many of the pieces and parts of the other angelic entities. This makes them seem like they are more important, but there isn’t a hierarchy of importance with Spirit. Think of them as communication stations or “hubs” of energy transference that are more easily accessible to the whole. They exist to help bring groups of energies together for those who can’t think out of 4D. They also help in the organization of energy that is needed in the Universe.

Arcurians are ascended beings from the star system Arcturus, who are part of a benevolent group here to help humanity. They will only help and respond to Humans that allow it. Kryon has indicated they are the parents or grandparents of the Pleiadians.

The name commonly refers to the many doom-and-gloom scenarios resulting in the end of humanity on the planet. Armageddon is also the prophesied location in Israel of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times. Kryon has actually done a channelling in this place (Kryon Book 14: The New Human).

Ascended Masters
Kryon refers to Ascended Masters as those who have previously been on Earth as Humans, who, channelled through current Humans on the planet give instruction-sets and information that is practical for humanity to know. Some of these Masters might include Jesus, John the Baptist, King Solomon, King Arthur, Mohammad, Elijah, Buddha, some Pharaohs, and those who have sat in high places of great wisdom. Names like El Morya, Sananda, Mahatma, and Kuthumi, among others, have also been mentioned as Ascended Masters.

In the past, the word ascension has meant “someone who passes on and raises into heaven,” but it now means something totally different. It is an enlightenment vibrational measurement where the biological Human is able to hold the entire vibration and energy of his/her entity – while staying on the planet.

Kryon presents a very different approach to Atlantis. It’s not a place, but an “energy of consciousness” formed in the Akash of a Human who experienced multiple lifetimes on many sinking islands. There were, therefore, many forms of Atlantis, but the Akash within the Human only remembers “one sinking island.” The commonality of all Atlantis remembrances is of a sinking island or natural catastrophe that caused the end of civilization. The origin of this theme comes from Lemuria, where eventually their large mini-continent subsided (sank) into the ocean and created the present-day chain of Hawaiian Islands.

The aura refers to Human energetic, esoteric field patterns, which can be seen by sensitive energy readers as “auric life colors.” Kryon says there are more than seven, and that the rest are above and below the body.

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