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发表于 2016-10-26 07:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Mary Magdalene(Angela Barnett)Crystalai抹大拉玛丽亚
KaRaYaSaTaHaLa (the Seven Oraphim Suns)(七个欧拉芬太阳)
My name, Krystalai, means Returning the Seven Suns to Oneness (Lai)
The first name God gave me, trillions of years ago, was Of the Breath of Light

MARY MAGDALENE'S GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLDhttp://crystalmagicorchestra.com ... greatest-love-story
is now being heard by a few, about the true story of Mary and Yeshuwa ben Joseph (the one many of you can keep calling Jesus as long as you want to--because I probably will) has brought forth a very INTERESTING question about the Judgement of God regarding proper sexual relationships.


The recording was meant to bring forth the realization that the only thing that God wants is to Understand his Creation better so that he can be more understanding and more Loving. That is the only reason for the Co-Creation team being sent on missions of Love for Love's Sake as well missions of being tortured for Love's Sake. God didn't want his creation team to be immune to the feelings of his creation. This is the reason that I, Mary Magdalene chose before coming to Earth, to come with absolutely no memory of who I was or where I came from. I chose to go through all of the same torture, pain, judgement, ridicule, sexual abuse, poverty, that any normal human being goes through so that I could UNDERSTAND and give this UNDERSTANDING to God.

It is only now, that I have completed my Mission that I have the permission to change my Contract- which was to have AMNESIA when I was on Earth.

Each of us made a similar choice before we came to Earth. Most of you came from the Over Soul with Amnesia and I came from one step above the Over Soul with the same Amnesia.

These things that we experience on Earth help each and every one of us become more sympathetic to others who have similar problems. Now, that we are multi dimensional, we can learn the meaning of EMPATHY instead of SYMPATHY.

Empathy is the ability to see an experience through the other's eyes. Sympathy is understanding the experience because you think you had an experience that was similar to the others experience. There is a HUGE difference. Many of my readers THINK they understand what I am saying because they are Sympathizing with me. This means they are using their background knowledge of their experience to understand my experience.

Now, look at me again. I didn't come from the same place that you came from. I came from a Great Kingdom of Eternal Creation. However, I had to learn to see all of you from your point of view-- rather than from my point of view. I was required to understand the background knowledge of many on Earth so that I could Empathize with many.

This is the only thing God wants. He wants to Empathize with the human experience. He wants to empathize with the experience of the male and female experience and the male and male experience and the experience of multi racial experience and now with the experience of the great HYBRID race lines that will be creating a truly Cosmic Civilization.

This male and female love that Yeshuwa and Mary experienced is an interesting topic. Remember, we were doing this so that God could have this experience, himself. So, that he could understand his children in every possible way.

We also came to Earth and to other Planets in many different forms to experience many different things for God. God also wanted to experience male to male relationships, and God wanted to experience hate, fear, death, persecution, and everything the human experiences. God does not judge anything. He just wants to know how to love his creation more.

In this life, I chose to create myself as male and female. Joe and I are Mary. Joe is Mary and I am Mary. Does this mean Joe is female? No, it means I wanted to experience myself as being both male and female. This lifetime is a different experience than the life time of 2000 years ago. And within that time, I've sent aspects of myself to Earth to experience many other types of relationships.

The entire " coming out of the closet"  time in our evolution was a representation of a more correct understanding of how God loves each and every aspect of his creation in all types of forms, styles, relationships, etc.

When we have this first set of Angels and High Dimensional Beings riding their spaceships through my portals, the Consciousness of everyone on Earth will EXPAND to the Infinite Possibilities of who we really are. Our Consciousness will not become purified into CORRECT relationships of male and female. That is ridiculous.

人类意识将扩展到混血族类(通过El Yaha连接昴宿星、通过天琴座连接着天狼星DNA等等)未来的可能性中。每个族类都有特殊的DNA,包含着意识的不同面向和层次。我们将结合上五次元昴宿星人的DNA、六次元天狼星人的DNA、八次元的仙女座人、七次元大角星人的DNA。(如果我没讲对正确连接次元,请原谅)。我这些天思索更多的是品质,我们生活的时代并没有考虑过这些次元,因为我们现在已经扩展到多次元的品质了。
Our Consciousness will expand to future possibilities of many hybrid race lines combining the DNA of Pleiadian with the El Yaha and the Sirian with the Lyran, etc. Each race line has a specific DNA that contains aspects and levels of awareness. We will be combining the fifth dimensional DNA of the Pleiadian and the Sixth Dimensional DNA of the Sirian and the 8th of Andromeda to the Seventh of Arcturians, etc.  (Excuse me if I didn't connect the correct dimensions to each. I'm thinking more in qualities that in dimensions these days. We are living in a time when we don't think about dimensions because we have expanded into multi dimensionality.

Some have said that  Trump was Sirian, that is interesting. Many had thought that Obama was Sirian when we was running for president.

The truth about the election is the old regiment of control must be removed. Clintons, Bush and everyone who has been puppets of the controllers have already been officially accused of thousands of war crimes. They will make it look like Hilary is removed for reasons of Health, when in fact, she is being removed by God himself.

These decisions of what is happening in our government are happening at an extremely high level. It is so high that Yeshuwa and myself are not even allowed to know. However, what Yeshuwa did tell me is that he is watching over this government of the U.S right now and waiting moment by moment for God's directions. He said that God works moment by moment and is sorting things out in the best possible way.

But, the end result is and will be the return of FREEDOM, the removal of those who do not belong on this Planet or in this Universe. That is the plan.

Mary Magdalene
(Angela Barnett)

【原文网址】 http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net ... ution#ixzz4NJFHAo00
【传    导】Angela Barnett  Krystalai
【翻    译】shan-athana  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bfe09e210102wiof.html
【日    期】20161017


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