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发表于 2021-2-13 13:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness. It knows that its own luminosity is the only thing it needs to be the light and honour its purpose. It is the same for you, Dear Ones. All you have ever needed to do is embrace your beingness and allow the beautiful, luminosity of your soul to lead your way forward. Anything that is not supportive of that will naturally be dispelled or transformed through the effectiveness of your own light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You may have a situation that has some unknowns and you aren’t sure to proceed. Your mind, in its desire to micro-manage and control, may urge you to take action. If you feel deeper, you may discover another quieter, calmer intuition that encourages you to wait until you have more information. That calmer voice is your inner wise one and it will never, ever steer you wrong.
If you use your awareness, you will be able to tell the difference between the two. You will also very clearly feel which one is more empowered, because the mind often feels quite frantic while the heart is the soul centre you take wise action from.
There are no special skills required to connect with your inner wise one, as it is a part of you. All you must do is give yourself the time and space to acknowledge that knowingness and to listen to its subtle guidance. It is not loud and flashy but that is exactly how you know it is the voice of your empowered self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, during times of intensity and change, people can get triggered and act out in sudden and surprising ways. This may feel shocking and confusing to you.
When people are having an experience that threatens an unhealed aspect of self, they are not just reacting to the experience at hand, they are reacting to the entire history of that wound. That is why it can feel so much stronger and out of proportion to that singular experience.
If someone has reacted in such a way towards you and it is completely uncharacteristic, we urge you to focus on the entirety of your relationship with them. From a place of compassion and by looking at the whole picture, you can embody the energy of grace and forgiveness, just as you would appreciate someone doing the same for you. Because you are not triggered, you have an opportunity to hold the space for them until they can regain their balance. If you get triggered by them being triggered, you may wish to explore what is coming up for healing for you, as well.
But if someone is in a cycle of reactivity towards you and are defending their actions rather than taking responsibility for their healing, you may need to decide to remove yourself from that situation until such time as they can become a safe connection for you again. This is not being punishing or unforgiving, but rather taking yourself out of a recurring energetic cycle that is not serving the highest good of anyone involved. Stepping out of that pattern allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new energies or not.
Continually allowing yourself to be hurt by another keeps you in a victim/martyr role and the other in a cycle of abuse/shame which furthers reactivity. Stepping out of that pattern with loving and firm boundaries allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift that creates space for healing on both sides to occur. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new dynamics or not. If they choose not to, it is an indicator they are not an energetic match to you, or a safe person for you at this time.
These are complex times, and no one is going to navigate the energies you are in with beautiful grace and ease all the time. With your wisdom you will be able to tell what is a rare occurrence and what is an ongoing situation that is no longer acceptable. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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