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发表于 2021-2-13 03:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, some of you walk on eggshells around others for the sake of peace. But doing this interferes with your own flow and your ability to show up as your authentic self. It also rewards others in their reactivity. So is that really creating peace or is it choosing to help everyone stay in a lesser version of themselves than what is really possible? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Do you settle? The act of settling is always a disservice to yourself and we will explain why.
Settling means you know there’s a better option available but you are choosing less than that. Most people make that choice because they haven’t yet connected with their perfect match and they fear they won’t find it or doubt that it actually exists.
Settling is never a good idea because it amounts to choosing to try to thrive in energies that are already expired. Before long it will be impossible to stay in that energy and you will need to choose again. All you are really doing is adding an unnecessary step in your journey towards your perfect match.
If you know you are settling, you know there is a better option. That knowledge exists within your soul, and if you trust your soul it will guide you there. Settling is the act of giving up before you discover where the unfoldment is really trying to lead you to.
Please be clear, Dear Ones, that if you settle you are not going to be able to stay in that energy for long. Breathe. Trust. Allow the unfoldment. Know your dreams exist because they are the beacons that are beckoning you forward.
Love yourselves enough to discover what exists in the realm of potentiality just beyond what you can see. We highly encourage you to release the old habit of fear-based settling and allow your lives to get as big and beautiful as they are wanting to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We spoke yesterday about why settling is never a good idea. We have also spoken in the past about stepping stones that are part of the unfoldment of your dream. We understand how this might be confusing so we wish to clarify this for you today.
While both settling and stepping stones are less than the full expression of your dream, settling is a stagnant energy. It is trying to thrive in energies that you already know are expired for you. There is no forward movement in settling. Settling can also be done in an attempt to please others. Settling is almost always a decision based on fear and/or doubt.
Stepping stones, on the other hand, have a sensation of forward movement. They come into your awareness through flow and synchronicities. They offer you elements that are essential to help you move closer to the experience of your dream. Stepping stones are supportive of expansion and growth, and they honour where your soul is wishing to go.
One way to take the guesswork out of all of this is to actively work with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, for that is how you continually move towards your best outcomes and highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Some of you may have a very strong belief in angels or God but still feel somewhat separate from them. You know they exist, you just aren’t sure that they are listening or aren’t too busy to help you.
If this is the case, we invite you to simply start connecting with your soul. You understand you are always connected to your soul. You know your soul has a plan for this incarnation, and knows the highest outcomes for you. So we recommend that if you are feeling stuck or lost, you simply say, “Ok soul, you take the lead. Show me where we want to go. Show me the next steps on our journey.” You know your soul is invested in your wellness and success, so you may find it easier to work with and trust that resource.
But here is the wonderful thing. Your soul is part of all that is, a beautiful and beloved aspect of Source. It is all part of a greater, glorious whole that is completely available to you. In your mind you may find it easier to speak to the manager than the CEO, but the reality is everyone’s door is always open for you. It doesn’t matter what aspect you connect with, all that matters is that you find the higher guidance you are comfortable working with and that you know you never, ever, have to go it alone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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