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发表于 2020-12-28 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


You are in a potent energy window that exists between your solstice and Christmas day. This is an opening of profoundly supportive energies designed to assist you in your embodiment and creation. We highly recommend you take the time to be clear about the core essence of what it is you wish to experience and create and wrap yourself up with that energy as a prevalent aspect of who you truly are. This is embracing your preferences and beingness, Dear Ones, and exactly how you can set the tone moving forward. You are so loved and assisted in all your hopes and dreams because you are the ones who are leading the way forward, with your tender hearts and optimism, into this grand new age on your planet. Keep letting the beautiful luminosity of your soul shine the way forward, for your truth and essence is what is lighting the way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, relationships are a prevalent theme for you right now. Relationships – your family relationships, your love relationships, your friendships, your relationship with power, your relationship with spiritual and government leaders and their followers, your own relationship with God, and your relationship with yourself – all have been up for review.

You are in the throes of moving beyond co-dependency into healthy inter-dependency. You are seeking new ways to dove-tail together in order to support each other in your highest expressions of self and to be stronger as a whole. This has required the awareness, examination, and release of any belief systems that made you feel powerless or supported you in the continuation of victim consciousness.

While this can feel most uncomfortable because it touches on the things that are most important to you, and requires the dismantling of a lot of old conditioning, this focus will serve you well moving forward. You will be better able to show up in your truth, to allow your heart to lead the way in far more empowered ways than ever before, to create safe attachment, and have far more satisfying relationships both with yourself and with others. This is what will knit together the fabric of unity consciousness and beautifully serve you and the whole as you move forward in this dawn of a new age. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you are most powerful when you are operating in full flow. Be open to the highest potentials that are available to you that exist beyond what you can see and be willing to be led into their discovery. By releasing any pre-conceived ideas or constraints, you make it possible to move into your greatest expansion and experiences. It is safe for you to fully surrender with your faith and trust into the grand unfoldment of the new age you are stepping into and allow your life expressions to become as big and beautiful as they want to be. Let the magic of the times you are in point the way to the highest outcomes that are now fully available to you due to the incredible amount of work you have done over the past year. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your holidays are always focused on higher vibrational energies – giving, receiving, gratitude, peace, joy, love, and connection both with each other and with the divine. Our wish for you on this holy day is that you will come to know these elements that exist at the core of each and every one of you, as constants in your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, the idea that you were ever not enough is a complete fallacy. Your continued trouble-shooting with yourself and your enlightenment journey is a continuation of that theme. Your beingness is more than enough. You are more than enough. You always have been and you always will be. In fact, your journey is not meant to be unearthing how you are not enough but rather discovering and celebrating your more-than-enoughness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, what you talk about is who you would like to be one day. What you put action to becomes part of who you are. What small action steps can you take towards your dreams today? More than that, what can you embody today, for that is exactly how you support your becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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