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发表于 2020-12-7 12:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


There are times where you might find aspects of your past looping around to find you again. This might be for you to experience healing and release, to see how far you’ve come energetically, an opportunity for you to step back onto a path you had abandoned previously, or to step onto a brand new path by making a different choice.
The reason why this happens is your soul is very good at pre-planning the intersection points for the energetic themes you wish to explore and master during your incarnation. You knew you might need several opportunities to look at this specific theme from many different angles in order to fully assimilate all the gifts that can come from that experience.
In no way does it mean you aren’t doing your work, aren’t “getting it”, or have somehow missed the point. It is simply a system of efficiency. When you are truly done with a theme you can look at it without an energetic charge or trigger should it come around again, and simply choose to move on. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Whenever an energetic theme loops back around into your awareness, it is much like a movie you have already seen being rebroadcast. You might have loved that movie and will watch it again just for the joy of it. You might decide to watch it again because you know you always pick up more details from a movie when you see it more than once. Even though you know how everything turns out, there is still value for you to have the experience again. Or you may have already watched the movie so many times you realize there really isn’t anything else it can offer you, and decide to pass.
Be easy on yourselves! Pay attention to how you feel energetically. If you are highly triggered by something there is still something there waiting to be discovered. Can you step back and explore what that might be with your wisdom? What part of you is looking for your love and reassurance around this theme? This would allow you to have a much more empowered experience with that theme. There may be one small aspect of self looking for your loving acceptance or reassurance in order to reintegrate with you and complete that theme once and for all.
Do you feel like you would still like to explore a certain theme from a more empowered place because you feel there is still value for you? That would be like energetic fine-tuning, making sure you have received every bit of benefit from it.
If you are truly not feeling any kind of energetic charge from the theme, you are done with it. It no longer serves a purpose for you. This does not mean you are lazy, avoidant, or spiritually by-passing. If you can take it or leave it, it is a sign that you have become energetically neutral in that area. If it still had value for you, you would naturally feel pulled to it, or would be triggered.
Your wisdom always knows, Dear Ones. Trust in your growth and your attainment, and the incredible efficiency of your enlightenment journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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