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发表于 2020-11-4 12:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Imagine before you there is an immense mirror. It is gilded in gold and shows your full-length reflection. You stand before it, unmoving and your reflection does the same. When you move, it moves, when you smile, it smiles, when you cry, it reflects your sorrow back to you.

All humans are mirrors for each other. In any personal exchange, what one gives out, the other reflects back in equal measure. It may not be with the same words, but it will be on exactly the same frequency and setting the tone of the exchange for its entire duration. So, if a greeting is met with a frosty response, then the first person is likely to retreat or pull away. However, if the response is friendly and jovial, the exchange between the two, even if they are strangers, will most likely go for longer and leave both parties feeling happy and fulfilled.

The same principle applies, even when the emotions and feelings of a person are not visible to the person/s within an interaction. A person’s belief system will always underlie what they project out to the world and consequently will be reflected back to them, albeit unsuspectingly, by the people around them. Nothing can remain hidden in the world of energy, because everyone and thing in the Universe is connected energetically. Therefore, any feelings for oneself or others such as weakness, inferiority, lack of self-worth, disrespect or arrogance will be detected and reflected by all within the person’s interactive circle.

The message here is that it is not others that you need to blame for their seeming rejection, lack of interest, disrespect or rudeness towards you in your relationships and interactions, particularly if there are patterns of behaviour towards you over a length of time. Look within to how you feel about yourself, for you are being mirrored by others, reflecting how you see and feel about yourself directly back to you. What do you truly believe about yourself and how well does your life path sit with you? If others make you feel a certain way, it is only because you judge yourself so. See yourself in all reflections and begin to take responsibility for your reactions and responses to what is being shown to you in the behaviour of those with whom you are living and working with.

So, stand in front of the mirror that is yourself and see what God, the Creator of All That Is sees: a wondrous, being of light experiencing the harsh lessons of life on the Earthly plane. Amongst the obvious or perceived flaws, what can you be proud of? What are you ashamed of that you should be celebrating? How are you judging yourself when there is no need to? In the energy of the Universe, there is only love, so strip back the layers, Dear Hearts, and find the truth of yourself, who you truly ARE. A being of love. That is all.

I AM Archangel Uriel.

传导:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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