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发表于 2020-9-11 15:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


What can sometimes happen as you start to play with being a creator is you work on manifesting a dream only to have it fall somehow short. This can result in great disappointment and confusion. We wish to address this today.

Manifestation is a process of unfoldment, a honing of energies if you will. Often your first attempt at something may seem to fall short of the mark but this is only so you can further hone it into a better match. It is an energetic starting point.

Often if an experience disappoints it is because it is missing elements you could not have been aware of until you actually stepped into having the experience. This does not mean you should give up! Far from it.This simply means that with this additional information you can create an even better match.

Being disappointed in an experience can also indicate that it was smaller/more constrained than what was truly possible. Rather than give up completely we ask you to explore how you can allow this dream to bloom into its greatest expression of self. What worked? What could have been better? What brought you joy? Is there room for expansion? Is this a near match that is trying to lead you to the true match.

Manifestation is not an endpoint, Dear Ones, it is a continual flow of unfoldment. Let your dreams get as big and beautiful as they want to be. Don’t give up on them but rather allow them to take on the form, direction, and energy they need to truly shine as wonderful contributions for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you would find yourselves so much more comfortable if you would give up your habit of doubt, for it is practicing the denial, opposition, and undermining of your beauty and truth. If you find yourself in doubt, take a moment to lovingly reassure and shepherd forward whatever part of you is feeling insecure or unsure. Doubt itself is simply an opportunity to love yourself back into inclusion and flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



While many of you may feel like you are in a pregnant pause, much is going on that you may not be aware of. You are releasing. You are receiving. You are integrating. You are anchoring. You are getting clarity on your preferences and your needs which will prepare you well for the next phase of your incarnation.

It can feel uncomfortable to have no tangible movement when you can feel there is much going on behind the scenes. It is much like being above water that has powerful undertows underneath. You know there is strong movement happening at deep levels even though the surface of the water may appear quite normal.

Strong lulls are always followed by tangible progress. Action phases are always followed by times of rest and recalibration. Large waves of either phase support each other in equal amounts as well as the larger model of profound, sustainable forward movement.

Trust the process and your ability to move with the flow as well as your ability to create change within that flow with your focus and intentions, Dear Ones, for you are the ones that are the co-creators of the New Earth and all the wonderful potentials and possibilities that will be born from these transformative times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... y-september-7-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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