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发表于 2020-6-21 11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, just a reminder that you will almost always sell yourselves short when you try to micro-manage what the universe can deliver to you because there is so much more available for you than you could imagine from your side of the veil. Flow. Trust. Be open to receive and allow the universe to love and guide you into your ideal solutions and experiences. There is great freedom and opportunity for discovery when you finally accept you do not have to know all of the steps and answers to move into your highest alignments. In fact, that is exactly how you make room for miracles. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Accepting yourself with unconditional love will not make you fall into ego or stay in old patterns. In fact, when you are not in resistance to yourself you create the safe conditions necessary for your own healing, growth, and expansion. Isn’t it time for you to hold the space that supports your own conscious evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We have spoken extensively that you are in the profound shift from doing to being. This can be very difficult for you to get used to because you have been conditioned to be very action oriented. Perhaps it would be easier for you to get used to if you understood there is still doing involved, it is just what you do and how you use your energy that has changed.

When your main focus is on being, your doing shifts to the internal rather than the external. Your doing could be surrendering into the flow, or practicing presence, acceptance, connection, and gratitude.

The time for external action becomes known from riding the waves of the flow and choosing what is supported, matches you energetically, comes together with ease, and brings you joy. This is your internal doing manifesting externally to match your being. The old way you attempted to use externals to define self. Now you are using internals to create externals that truly reflect who you are.

So you see, Dear Ones, you still get to do, it is just the style and direction of your doing that changes, and that is a wonderfully expansive shift, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Shifting to being from doing is advancing to a life path without pre-sets, or what we have previously called the to-do list of your incarnation. You are used to having energetic structures and agreements to best help you have your pre-planned experiences. It amounts to agreeing to a course of study.

Shifting into being is much like graduating from a higher learning institution and stepping out into the world poised to choose a new path based upon the completion of a degree. You no longer have the pressure and structure of your course schedule.

This is a profound shift. You are no longer learning a specific set of skills, but rather have reached a level of competency where you can simply go out and apply them. This can come with many questions. Have you learned enough? Are you ready? Is this even what you want to do?

This new level of freedom can come with the fear of assuming responsibility of self, of assuming your authentic power. Dear Ones, if you have a fear of your own power, you are ready to assume it, for your concerns show you will be mindful and conscious with your choices. Trust in your growth and your divine capability.

Freedom is a wonderful thing!  It is exactly what you have always wanted because it is how you grow and expand into your greatest expression of self. You are ready to step forward, to pioneer into the new, to try many things and if you don’t like them, try again. Operating from freedom is a skill, and while it may initially feel undefined, you will get used to it very quickly because it is a natural state of being.

If you find yourselves getting overwhelmed by the lack of structure, simply become present and make your highest choice, one now moment at a time, based on what feels most aligned with who you are and what would bring you joy. That is how you will flow into the new and before you know it you will start to get clarity on what you want to create and connect with for the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... esday-june-16-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

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