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发表于 2020-3-27 09:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

If you are being offered a time of reflection through isolation, you can gain much clarity through asking yourself the following questions.

You are being offered the gift of exploring your connections, both inward and outward. Do your connections honour you and your well-being? Are they supportive? Do you honour yourself, or is this time serving the purpose of showing you how out of balance your life has become? Do you give and receive love? Giving and receiving love are an essential part of balance and living a satisfying life expression. Are your connections based in the heart or out of obligation or habit?

Do you trust and have faith? Do you really walk your talk? This is an opportunity to explore your authenticity. Do you lead through your own truth and energetics? Do you take the time to tend to yourself if aspects are coming up that need your love and guidance?

While it may seem like a lot, you are being given the space to explore, to reevaluate, and to give yourself a much firmer foundation before you move out into the world again. The wisdom and clarity that can come from this enforced time out is a wonderful gift that will serve you and others well when you move out of the ebb phase of internal expansion into the action phase of external expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You have all heard how self love is a very important aspect for you moving forward. We would like to explain why this is so.

Loving others without loving yourself as well is an incomplete and unsustainable model. It is based on the martyred service paradigm, which is an old structure that you are now evolving beyond. It is choosing to exclude yourself from the love and support you have always deserved.

In order to move fully into who you are and the balance and authenticity that comes from it requires inclusion, and that means making yourself equally important as everyone else.

By denying yourself your love and care, you are giving a loud energetic no to receiving the love you deserve. You are, in effect, practicing separation. You cannot fully be the love and deny love at the same time.

Further, it is through being the love for yourself that you are able to soothe any fears that are looking for your care and reassurance, which will create a space for healing, congruency, and far greater ease moving forward.

So be the love, Dear Ones, but be sure to include yourself in your own love, too. By being willing to give and receive love, both from yourself and from others, you will open the door to experiencing far more love in your life than ever before, which can only lead to a far more satisfying life expression. This will create the shift into joyful, supported service, that is built on the safe and solid foundation of inclusion and the empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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