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发表于 2020-3-1 11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

You will find that many aspects of yourself will be more than ready to integrate. But what if you have aspects that are not so willing to come back into wholeness?


You may discover that parts of yourself are still holding on to hurt, pain, or fear. Please know if this is the case it is perfectly normal and is not anything beyond what you can heal. Those aspects of you just need a little extra love and attention.


So connect with that aspect of self and tell it, “You are seen and acknowledged and understood. You are loved and accepted, wanted and cherished. It is safe for you to come back into wholeness.” Feel free to substitute any words that you intuitively feel will offer healing to that aspect of self.


The bottom line is those little fragments of you have been yearning to come Home to you, and with your wisdom you can create the perfect environment for them to reintegrate and feel the care and safety they have been missing so terribly. This is the ultimate act of self love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are finding adjusting into the accelerated energies of 2020 somewhat challenging. It has been a monumental shift into the energies of a new year and new decade.


While experiencing intensity is very much an aspect of profound change and rapid forward movement, we wish to reassure you that you will become more and more adept at navigating those energies. The balance point of your upcoming equinox will assist you by helping you ground into the energies of this new phase.


There will also be many pockets over the upcoming year where you will experience great realizations, discover new gifts and abilities, see true progress being made on things you had believed in but had wondered if they would ever arrive, and feel the joy that comes from being in what we call the sweet spot – knowing you are exactly in the right place at the right time on your soul’s journey.


So be kind and gentle with yourselves as you move forward as the intrepid pioneers you are, knowing you are still acclimating to your new reality. This is where the journey really starts to get interesting for you, where you will make transformative discoveries, and start to realize the fruits of your labours in both expected ways and ways that fill you with wonder. It is all a process your soul simply couldn’t wait to experience and that time is now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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