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发表于 2020-2-26 11:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ebb and flow is designed to provide an overall model of balance and support for you. This applies to your relationships, as well. There is a natural rhythm which ideally contains times of closeness and times of solitude within relationships.


This is especially important for those who are energetically sensitive. Space is required to allow time for reflection, connection with your own ever evolving knowing of self, and the integration of shifting energies and your latest levels of attainment. Once that has occurred, you can move back into connection with your partner from a new, deeper, more open energetic space.


Being willing to embrace ebb and flow within your partnerships allows you the joy of reconnection, time and again, which ultimately creates security and satisfaction for both and the experience of safe connection. It provides exactly what you need for the growth and expansion of the individuals as well as the relationship as a whole.


Your soul always knows what exactly what it needs for your fullest experience. Honour your feelings and needs, and understand that a need for space, either for yourself or from your partner, is not a rejection but rather a natural part of the rhythm of the universe that is designed to support you, and your relationships, in the exact ways that are needed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you cannot resist and receive at the same time. Resistance is a loud energetic no that doesn’t discriminate. It announces its no to everything.


Isn’t it better to find things to say yes to? Doesn’t it serve you better to redirect into what you wish to include and experience? If you are experiencing discomfort on any day, we suggest you look around and find all the things you appreciate and you will feel your resistance ebbing away. And the beauty is, through your appreciation you shift into accepting which means you are now willing to receive.


Do you see? You are always running the show. Isn’t it time to say a resounding yes to everything that exists for you that you truly desire and deserve? What can you say yes to today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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