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注:昴宿星人Semjase是其中一个最著名的,多年来深入参与行星解放进程的昴宿星人。她在古埃及时期非常活跃,在过去几十年她有一些联络人,其中一个是Billy Meier,还有Fred Bell。她是这个行星其中一个关键的昴宿星联络人。
她也是Semyazie族的领袖。 她养育了很多孩子,这些孩子也有了很多孩子就像部落一样。她住在Erra和New Lyra之间,来往于两地。Semyazie族来自她的家系。
Semjazie或者Semyazie,这才是她名字的发音。她在地球周围非常长时间,她与这个行星,与其他人有过很多接触。她曾经是一个大使,一个调解人,一个飞行员,在战争里战斗过,她是我们族人的一位勇敢的战士。现在她非常活跃于昴宿星团体。她非常老,她一直从事长期以来工作。她有着爱与同情。就像我们那样,她想做的是教导那些不知道自己潜力的人,并且平和地教导他们以便他们不会把潜能用在坏的方面。我们教导人们要对我们给予他们的知识负责。就像奥本海默和爱因斯坦,E=mc^2,你看到这个小知识对这个行星造成了什么。如果我们把他们理解以外的科技给了他们,他们就会有战争意图,正如像photoradionic?驱动能够简单地转化为武器,能在这个行星上造成比核武更多的破坏。我们不希望把技术交给人们让他们自我毁灭,这不是我们的目的。所以Semyazie理解这些法则,我们仍然从她那里学习如何恰当教导他人。她教导我们明智地把知识教给其他人,但不要教导那些人们准备好学习的范围之外的。----转自《【地球盟友】Cobra与A’drieiuous昴宿星人采访 - 金鱼报告

在第 10 次接触(1975年3月26日星期三, 下午3:20)中,Semjase的心灵教导简介
  Introduction to the Spiritual Teaching by Semjase at the 10th contact of Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 pm.
    (译者:spirit 包含精神,灵魂的意思,这里主要翻译成心灵)

        1 、2原文缺失

  3 、人拥有一个不会消亡或者甚至在沉睡也不会睡眠的心灵,它记录所有的思想和感情;心灵会告诉人他的思想是否正确,如果他学会专注。
  The human bears a spirit that does not die nor sleep during the deepest sleep; it records all thoughts and motions; it informs the human whether his thoughts are correct or false-if he has learned to pay attention.

  4 、心灵是宇宙创造之域位于人体内的载体,每个人都拥有其自身的心灵。
  The spirit within the human is the bearer of the creative realm, and every human has his own (spirit).

  5 、很难理解为何人要说他体内拥有天堂王国,而不是说:我体内拥有造物主,真理,知识,智慧,心灵,意识和存在。
  It is incomprehensible that the human speaks of a heaven and of a kingdom of heaven within himself, rather than to merely say: Creation, truth, knowledge, wisdom, spirit, consciousness and existence.

  6 、人向往永存的喜悦,不朽的生命,永久的平和,精神和意识财富永不凋谢和褪色。
  A human’s yearning lies in the joy that remains, for the imperishable life, the permanent peace, the spiritual and consciousness-related wealth that never fades and lasts forever.

  7 、天堂和地球终将消亡,而真理,知识,智慧和心灵将永存或不被改变。
  Heaven and Earth will perish, but truth, knowledge, wisdom and spirit will never be changing [change?] or perish.
      8 、心灵和意识探寻什么是完美,和谐,和平,认知,实现,知识,智慧,真理和美,爱和真正的存在(BEING),所有这一切都绵绵不绝( all of which are of absolute duration、 )
  The spirit and the consciousness are on the look-out for what is perfect, for harmony, for peace, cognition and realization, for knowledge, wisdom, truth and beauty, for love and for the true BEING, all of which are of absolute duration.

  9 、所有这一切引导是什么组成了精神智慧王国;所有一切都存在于创造的所在。
  All of these lead to what forms the spiritual kingdom of wisdom; all are existing within what is creative.

  10 、所有这一切都已经存在,是所有创造力的天才,是 ??所有旋律中的一个音符,是所有才能中的才能,是最高级创造性原则,是所有奇迹中的奇迹。
  All of these are here in existence, as a genius of all ingenuity, as a melody of all melodies, as ability of all abilities, as the highest creative principle, as wonder of all wonders.

  11 、人会在梦里出现奇迹世界,就像造物主创建了世界。
  The human may create wondrous worlds in a dream, just as Creation consciously creates the worlds.

  12 、对于人来说,这种能力来自在他的意识之中,已经存在于他自己,同样所有奇迹也存在他自己本身。
  To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is obtainable in existence within himself, in the same way that all wonders are available within himself.

  13 、他自己本身就是天堂之域,创造之域。
  He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of what is creative.

  14 、这就是为什么古老的地球
  That’s why the terrestrial philosophers of old spoke about the human as a microcosm within a macrocosm because everything that is included within the universe is included within the human.

  15 、人的内在维度是无止境的。
  The inner dimensions of the human are endless.

  16. 造物主之境与其心灵--无需任何维度的存在,同时发生于所有维度,超越所有维度。
  The image of Creation, the spirit within him--the existence that is without dimension--it bears all dimensions within itself and, at the same time, transcends all dimensions.

  17 、心灵是所有奇迹中的奇迹,所有一切能量都产生于它。
  The spirit is the wonder of all wonders, and all power emerges from it.

  18 、所谓奇迹就是能完美使用心灵的力量。
  A wonder means using the spirit force in perfection.

  19 、人往往因为缺乏逻辑性解释就把某些东西认为是奇迹。
  The human, however, places a wonder into something for which he lacks all possibilities of a logical explanation.

  20 、如果人觉得幸福,他的幸福往往来自内在,因为幸福是自我产生的状态,从不会来自外在某个地方。
  If a human is happy, his happiness comes from within, because happiness is a self-created state; never is happiness a location.

  21 、快乐来自人的内在部分,产生于精神/灵性/情绪平衡。
  Joy comes forth from the human’s inner part, created by spiritual poise.

  22 、所以,一切来自内在。
  Therefore, everything comes from within.

  23 、人往往认为是外在因素产生了幸福感。
  The things that, or humans who, seemingly form the cause of happiness, are only the external occasion to bring the happiness within the human expressing itself, if he has spiritually worked towards this.

  24 、但是幸福属于内在,它是心灵的特性存在不可分割的一部分。
  But happiness is something that belongs to the inner being, and it is an unseparable characteristic of the spirit’s existence.

  25 、无限的幸福和无线的能量都包括在此。
  Endless happiness and endless power are included in this existence.

  26 、外表上,人也许很老,但这只是过程。
  Outwardly, the human may be old, but this is only a passing matter.

  27 、50年前他并 ??不老,50年后当他的肉体死亡-他不再存在,因为只有肉体才会变老和衰弱。
  Fifty years ago he wasn’t, and in fifty years--when his body is dead--he will not be, because only the body may become old and infirm.

  28 、而心灵永远年轻永不变老。
  The spirit, however, remains forever young and suffers no symptoms of old age.

  29 、老年,青年和婴幼儿时期,还有悲哀,忧伤或麻烦都会过去,就如世界上所有外在的一些条件和经历一样。
  The old age, and also youth and infancy, and also sorrows, grief or problems, is something that passes, like it is the case with all external conditions and experiences of the world.

  30 、永存的则是心灵,真理,知识,智慧和现实。
  What is lasting is the existence of the spirit, truth, knowledge, wisdom, reality.
  31 、问题是如何去认识和建立它们,它们可以让人感到自由。
  What matters is to recognize and build them, because they only make the human free.

  32 、如果人能认识到心灵的存在,年老对他来说不再是致命伤。
  If the human recognizes the existence of his spirit, the old age is not harmful to him any longer.

  33 、如果没有悲伤,没有苦难,没有麻烦,没有变化,没有生命的高潮和低潮,世界可能会让他沉侵在悲伤之中。
  No sorrows, no suffering, no problem, no changes and no ups and downs of life and of the surroundings, of the environment and the world may still throw him into grief.

  34 、智慧是基本、巨大的能量。
  Wisdom is an elemental, tremendous power.

  35 、智慧是光,
  Wisdom is light.

  36 、哪里有光线照耀,黑暗和无知就会消失。
  And wherever a light shines, darkness and ignorance vanish.

  37 、无知是黑暗,用智慧之光可以消除它。
  But ignorance is the actual darkness, and it is overcome by the light of wisdom.

  38 、智慧是心灵和意识存在的特征,它自我产生幸福,真理,知识,平衡,美,和谐与和平。
  Wisdom is a characteristic of the existence of the spirit and the consciousness, and it bears within itself the qualities of happiness, truth, knowledge, balance, beauty, harmony and peace.

  39 、智慧是光。
  Wisdom is light.

  40 、然而,智慧是人认识到他的心灵存在的一种特性,并且顺从精神法则。
  However, wisdom is the characteristic of a human who has recognized the existence of his spirit and cooperates along with the spiritual laws.

  41 、智慧是使用心灵之力量。
  Wisdom is using the spirit force.

  42 、智慧和灵智是两个不同事物,就如同太阳和阳光。
  Wisdom and spirit are two things that amount to one, in the same way as sunlight and the sun are two things.

  43 、阳光来自太阳的热量。
  The sunlight results from the heat of the sun, which she herself first has to generate through her processes.

  44 、因此,宇宙存在一种万能创造(all-creating existence ),在其力量之下,创造之力永恒---伴随造物主之法。
  Thus, there is also an all-creating existence in the universe that, on the strength of its force, creates forces that constantly and imperturbably follow and enliven the endless eons--as truth, knowledge and wisdom, (and) according to a given uniform guideline--along certain Creative laws.

  45 、这种强有力的存在就是造物主。
  This forceful existence, however, is Creation.

  46 、所以,只有一种存在支配着整个宇宙-只有一个造物主,只有一个真理、知识和智慧--它永恒不变。
  And therefore, there is only one existence that rules throughout the universe--only one Creation, only one truth, one knowledge and one wisdom--and that is synchronous and unchanging for all times.

  47 、永恒的真理不会臣服于任何波动和变化,它的法则永远不应由于新时代而被修改。
  The eternal truth is not subject to any variations and changes, and its laws must never be revised and adjusted to new times.

  48 、精神力量是至关重要和动态的,因为它包含着智慧本身。
  The spirit force is vital and dynamic, namely in such an amount as it embodies the wisdom within itself.

  49 、当人类沉溺于宗教信仰和他们错误的信仰时是一种软弱的表现。 此时智慧不再是真实的。
  It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as instruments of what is creative, and when wisdom becomes unreal through this.

  50 、人类转而在他处寻找力量,自由,欢乐和光亮。
  The human searches elsewhere for strength, freedom, joy and light, but not where they really may be found.

  51 、智慧是造物主的特征,存在于人的心灵之中。
  Wisdom is a distinguishing feature of Creation that, as a fragment, inhabits the human as spirit.

  52 、所以,人需增长他的知识智慧,他将会认识到造物主。
  Therefore, the human shall increase his knowledgeable wisdom, and he will recognize Creation.

  53 、他需努力寻找真理,他将见识到智慧之力。
  He shall increase his search for truth, and he shall know about the power of wisdom.

  54 、认知真理将会从所有约束中得到解放。
  Cognition of the truth brings liberation from all restrictions.

  55 、它带来无穷的知识和智慧。
  It brings boundless knowledge and wisdom.

  56 、智慧是认知造物主法则的强有力的方法。
  Wisdom is a powerful means to recognize the laws of Creation.

  57 、一个充满爱的人将在智慧上也是富裕的,同样,充满智慧之人也是充满爱的人。
  A human who is filled with love is also rich in wisdom, and a human who is rich in wisdom is also full of love.

  58 、然而,人往往欺骗自己,因为他并不知道爱。
  However, the human cheats himself because he does not know love.

  59 、他把感觉和情绪当成爱,而,真正的爱对他来说依然是陌生而无能理解的。
  He interprets grasping feelings and sentiments as love, while, to him, real love remains strange and not understood.

  60 、只有当一个人认识到真理,知识和智慧,虽然他不见得会使用“造物主(Creation)”这个词,智慧是爱的最好形式。
  A human is a human only if he has recognized truth, knowledge and wisdom, even if he never used the word Creation, because wisdom is also love in its best form.
  61 、因此,人会发现启迪和认知是知识、智慧与爱。哪里爱盛行,哪里就盛行智慧。
  Thus, the human always finds that enlightenment and recognition are knowledge and also wisdom and love, and where love rules, there rules wisdom, too.

  62 、爱和智慧彼此拥有,因为造物主和它的法则同时即爱和智慧。
  Love and wisdom belong together, because Creation and Its laws are love and wisdom at the same time.

  63 、哪里有智慧和知识,哪里就有爱和认知。哪里有认知和爱,哪里就是造物主。
  Where there is wisdom and knowledge, there is love and cognition, and where there is cognition and love, there is Creation.

  64 、爱和智慧的成长,教育人认识造物主。
  Growth within love and wisdom teach the human to recognize Creation.

  65 、然而首先,人学习到真理,因此他将获得自由和和平,一种无终点的和平,一种无尽的力量。
  First, however, the human learns the truth, and thereby he will gain freedom and peace, a peace which is imperishable, a power without an end.

  66 、智慧和爱是创造本身和特征的双翼。
  Wisdom and love both are two stimulating wings of the creative essence and character.

  67 、在智慧和爱之下,人是所有创造的主人。
  With wisdom and love, the human is master over all creation.

  68 、智慧和爱可以增加其履行对创造性自然法则的职责,因为心灵和造物主是大统一。
  Wisdom and love increase his dedication for the fulfillment of the given creative-natural laws, because spirit and Creation are one.

  69 、地球人谈论著他并不懂的爱。
  The earth human speaks of love that he does not know.

  70 、他认为他的情感是爱,他自我欺骗。
  He believes to know that his sentiments are love and, through this, he deceives himself.

  71 、爱无法用词语表述,因为它就像运气一样是一种状态而非一个地方。
  Love cannot be clothed in words, because it is, just as happiness is, a state and not a place.

  72 、爱是永不磨灭的,永不改变。
  Love is imperishable, and nothing is able to change it into something else.

  73 、心灵之力量引导向真理,知识,智慧和爱之路。
  The path of the spirit force leads over cognition of truth, knowledge, wisdom and love.

  74 、心灵教导的意义和作用就是传播真理,知识,智慧和爱。
  The sense and function of the spiritual teachings are to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom and love.

  75 、如果它失败了,就会变成邪教,通过此奴役心灵并导致无知,就如宗教中的错误教义一样。
  If this fails it is not a help anymore but an evil cult which, through false teachings, enslaves the spirit and produces ignorance, as it is the case with the religions' false teachings.

  76 、如果它能用来扩展心灵知识,那它将是创造秩序强有力的工具。
  If it pursues the function of expanding the spiritual knowledge, then it is a powerful instrument of the creative order.

  77 、心灵教导关乎认知,真理,知识,智慧和爱,这些都是永垂不朽,没有死亡、传递光亮,它包含智慧和爱的平衡。
  The spiritual teachings deal with the spreading of cognition, truth, knowledge, wisdom and love, with what is eternal, immortal, (and) imperishable, what overcomes death and spreads light, what embodies within itself the balance of wisdom and love, and they deal with the peace that surpasses all understanding.

  78 、每个人以他自己的体验都认为自己知道和平意味着什么
  Each human believes to know what is meant by peace, in the manner that he knows it according to human experience.

  79 、但是要真正理解无穷的存在,心灵和不朽的造物主,这些远远超越了人类的理解力。
  But to understand the wise peace of the endless existence, the spirit, the immortal Creation, surpasses his human understanding.

  80 、原因在于他只是错误的信仰,错误的教导以及人类物质欲望的囚徒,这些抑制了他对内在体验的理解。
  The reason for this is that he is a prisoner of religious false teachings and human-material things that withhold from him an understanding for inner experience.

  81 、这些体验是通往真知与智慧之门的钥匙。
  The experience that forms the true key for true cognition and wisdom.

  82 、心灵之王国拥有奇迹中的奇迹。
  The kingdom of the spirit holds wonders over wonders.

  83 、可见的宇宙只是奇妙、无止境、精神智慧之造物主的一个小点而已。
  The visible universe with which the human deals, is but a tiny spot within this wonderful, endless, spiritual intelligence of Creation.

  84 、无止境的精神智慧之造物主拥有无数的宇宙。
  Countless billion universes like this are held within the endless spiritual intelligence of Creation.

  85 、人类肉眼所见只是微小的一小点。
  What is visible to the human's physical eyes is but a tiny iota within endlessness.

  86 、还有无数的、不可思议的和无法想像的是他无法用肉眼所见的,这让他非精神的人类智力和心智慧力是无法想像和困惑的。
  What he cannot see with his eyes is immeasurable, inconceivable and unthinkable; it is confusing and unimaginable for his unspiritual human intelligence and (mental) capacity.

  87 、整个所有可见宇宙只是造物主无数房间中的一间,因为宇宙之中存在宇宙,宇宙超越了宇宙,宇宙在宇宙之上和下,宇宙在宇宙之外。
  The entire universe which he sees is but one of many rooms and must be counted as myriads, because there are universes within universes, universes beyond universes, universes under universes, universes above universes and universes out of the universes within this ur-mighty, colossal and all-creative spiritual intelligence of the Creation's existence.

  88 、人类与自己伟大的心灵相连,与存在的能量、造物主、心灵智力(能)相连,因为每个人都拥有心灵智能(spirit-intelligence Creation)之造物主的一小部分,那就是人的心灵。
  And the human is connected with this mighty spirit, with these elemental powers of existence, Creation, spiritual intelligence, because a fragment of this spirit-intelligence Creation dwells within, and enlivens, the human as spirit.

  89 、心灵的能量、欢乐、和平、自由、智慧、知识和能力对于人来讲是无法想像的,人在精神方面无知,缺乏逻辑性,因为吹毛求疵和“无所不知”,因为他们坚信他们的宗教,因为他们堕落而让更多的人走向了弯路。
  Its (the spirit's) power, its joy, its peace, its freedom, its wisdom, its knowledge and its ability are unimaginable for people that are spiritually ignorant, illogical; for critics and know-it-alls; for those dependent to religions; for degenerated ones and other persons that have been led astray.

  90 、只有知道真理并由此获知知识、智慧和爱的人才是有福之人。
  And only a human who knows this truth and produces knowledge and wisdom and love from it, is a blessed human.
  91 、他最终获得了科学、哲学的答案。
  He knows the answer to the last questions of science, of philosophy, and also of the wondering human.

  92 、要成为那个有福之人,他 ??必须寻找真理,并从中获得知识、智慧和爱,人只有在真理,知识,智慧和爱的心灵中成长,他才能才人性的弱点中解脱出来。
  But in order to become such a blessed human it is required to search for and find the truth, to gain knowledge, wisdom and love from it, for the human is only able to spiritually grow in truth, knowledge, wisdom and love, whereby he will be freed from all human frailties.

  93 、人只有在无尽的创造性心灵现实之中才能得到启迪和完全的自由(在思想上)
  The human is enlightened and fully freed only if he--in his thoughts--incessantly and constantly dwells in the endless creative-spiritual reality.

  94 、心灵智力由心灵法则启发,将得到启迪并产生心灵创造力。
  The spiritual intelligence is enlightened by lawful spiritual principles, and directed towards the creative being, the perfection and the power of what is creative itself.

  95 、这与人类的智力来说是相反的,因为人类的意识普遍来讲只关心物质世界。
  This in contrast to the human intelligence, because the human consciousness generally only deals with single things of the material world.

  96 、由此,人类在各方面受到限制并且有缺陷,他会被各种不幸所笼罩并被奴役。
  As a consequence, the human is restricted and handicapped in every direction; he even gets captured, suppressed, plagued and tortured by all possible forms of misfortune, frailties and enslavement.

  97 、所以,一个人的自我分析是寻找真理并走向心灵进化之路的必要方式。
  Therefore, a human's individual self-analysis is one of the essential methods to find the truth and to walk on the path of spiritual evolution.

  98 、所以,一个人经常自我反省自己的思想并思考他是何种人,这是必须的。
  Therefore, it is necessary that the human constantly examines his thoughts and may see, of what kind they are.

  99 、他应该注意到一个事实,最终,他往往被创造性
  He has to pay attention (to the fact) that, ultimately, he is always led, directed and determined by creative-philosophical principles and realities, by creative-natural laws.

  100 、人类的内在,常驻着属于创造的持续意识感觉,伴随着他的本能心灵气息,他的本能心灵实体(BEING)。
  Within the human, there should reign a continually conscious feeling of belonging to what is creative, with his essential spiritual breath, his essential spiritual BEING.

  101 、他应该清楚他本能的心灵实体是造物主所不可分割的,有此知觉他可以克服外在的物质世界。
  It shall be spiritually clear to him that his essential spiritual BEING is inseparably one with what is Creative, in order that he may--in this awareness--overcome the material outer world.

  102 、这种创造性
  This creative-philosophical truth and cognition should always and first of all rule a human's thinking, feeling and acting.

  103 、只有具有心灵智慧之人才可以最终认知及做好事,因为他内在拥有造物主。
  For only he who is one with the spirit can recognize and do good in the long run, because he has the possibilities of Creation within himself.

  104 、无穷的宇宙内没有什么负面的事可以奴役和触及他。
  Nothing negative within the endless universe may touch and enslave him anymore.

  105 、In addition to this creative-philosophical consciousness comes the practical, dynamic, creative, i、e、the mystical consciousness that consists of the perception of the one reality in all things、(这句话译者很头大)

  106 、所以,人类应成为实践性
  Therefore the human has to be a practical philosopher and mystic, and perceive the reality in its changeable, passing forms.

  107 、什么是人?
  For what is a human?

  108 、他只是一个形象和名字。
  He is only a figure and a name.

  109 、如果拿掉人的名字和形象,还剩什么呢?
  If one takes away a human's name and figure, what will remain?

  110 、剩下的是最本质的精华,心灵的存在。
  What remains is the fundamental essence, the existence--the spirit.

  111 、如果人忽视这些,哪怕是一点微风也能把他吹得无影无踪而找不到依靠,除非他最终找到真理。
  The human who fails to see this will be driven around and away by the slightest breath of air, without hope for rescue; (he will) always (be) striving to find a firm hold somewhere that, however, will never be offered unless he searches for, and finds, the fundamental truth.

  112 、无数人抬头仰望星空,然而毫无结果或者认识。
  Billions of humans look up to the stars in the sky, however without any results or realizations.

  113 、然而,天
  Astronomers, however, while looking up to the sky, discover new worlds and write books about it.

  114 、然而他们(天
  But what they see and recognize, other people cannot see or recognize, even if they can look up.

  115 、虽然他们拥有双眼但是确是盲人。
  Despite their seeing eyes they are blind.

  116 、普通人和心灵感知之人在这个方面都类似。
  In a similiar way this is the case with the normal and the spiritual human:

  117 、只有真正按造物主法则生活的人,才可以在到处发觉和认识什么是创造,在所有的生命形式之中,在所有一切之中,在所有人的思想和行为之中,在所有一切自然之作中,还有在所有一切可能的环境中。
  The human, who truly lives according to Creation's laws, sees everywhere and recognizes what is creative, in every life form, in every thing, in every thought and act in every human, in all of nature's work and also in all conceivable circumstances.

  118 、但是普通被各种宗教和其他虚构教义所侵害的不按心灵感知思考的人,看不到听不到认识不到哪怕是一丁点的真理。
  But the normal, unspiritual human, who is harmed by religions or other unreal teachings, may not see or hear, or recognize even one iota of truth.

  119 、他的人生脱离心灵本意,而被烙上各种人类物质欲望的烙印。
  His life is unspiritual, all the more pressed into human-material ways.

  120 、因此,他又瞎又聋又无知。
  Thereby he is blind, deaf and ignorant.
  121 、坚持造物主法则的人类是最有福最无畏的人。
  The human who adheres to Creation's laws is the most blessed and most fearless being.

  122 、他的意志是坚定的,他的忘我是无可计量的并且无穷的,他的智慧和爱是不变和完美的,不会反复无常和充满疑虑。
  His will is insurmountable, his dedication immeasurable and endless, and his wisdom and love are constant and perfect, not capricious and full of doubts, like it is the case with those who are dependent from religions or generally those who are led astray in some way.

  123 、他的思想就如无边际的海洋
  His mind resembles the wide, endless sea and does not let itself come out of its rest.

  124 、他不会在恐惧面前颤抖。
  He does not tremble with fear.

  125 、所以,人类会展开他的心灵思想,而不会被任何退化的负面力量所触及。
  Therefore, the human may unfold his spiritual mind that is not anymore reached by any degenerated negative force;

  126. The mind which gives no shelter to negatively degenerated thoughts and supersedes all positively degenerated thoughts and actions.

  127. Only a balanced mind that is rooted in what is creative--in creative service, in creative wisdom, its knowledge, its love and joy that are more real than all material walls around (and more real than) the human environment--is valuable and serving the spirit's development.

  128 、因此,人在任何时候应心灵强大并积极。
  Therefore the human being shall be spiritually great and constructive at all times.

  129 、心灵是一切无尽、创造发展之源。
  The spirit, the source of all endless, creative development, is itself the human's innermost being.

  130 、人的外在充满了局限性,因为它只是一层皮囊,是一切辛劳和痛苦之源,对认知、意愿、自愿做出牺牲、自 ??由、爱和运气都是一种束缚。
  The human outer being is full of limitations, because it is not itself, but only its wrap, its material body, a limitation, a misleading matter, the source of toil and pain, (and it is) limited regarding cognition and will, willingness to make sacrifices, freedom, love and luck.

  131 、如果人以物质的、外在的眼光去看他的同胞们,他除了能看到外在的形式和影像等物质形式以为什么也看不到了。
  If the human looks at his fellowman in an external, material way only, he sees nothing other than just exactly the form and figure, the material of this special person.

  132 、如果他以心灵的双眼去认知他的同胞,那就会完全改观。
  If he looks at him with the spiritual eyes of cognition and knows that this (universally) all-testifying consciousness in himself is also in all the other ones, albeit unknown to them, then the manner of how he sees his fellowmen changes completely.

  133 、他看到的将不再只是一个人,而是心灵的载体。
  He then does not simply see a man anymore, a woman, a girl or a child, but he sees the fellowman as a bearer of a creative spirit that knows about itself, about its existence, and wants to reveal itself through anybody if there would only be offered an opportunity.

  134 、他是认识到真理之人,因此他能从他的同胞中看到创造的存在。
  He who knows the truth sees his fellowman from this knowledge and recognition, because he sees in him what is creative.

  135 、至少这将比他在认识到真理之前知道的更多。
  At least he now knows more than he knew before he recognized the truth.

  136 、这证明无知并不是不可教化的。
  This is the proof then that ignorance is nothing that cannot be changed for all times.

  137 、如果人愿意接受真理,他将从所有的无知中解脱出来。
  If the human is willing to accept the truth he can free himself from all ignorance.

  138 、人可以从任何事物中解脱出来,除了存于他内在的创造性意识、心灵以外一切都可以从他身边夺走。
  The human can free himself from everything, and everything can be taken from him, except the creative consciousness, the spirit, the existence within his interior, this purely spiritual realm within him.

  139 、他可以被夺走一切财产,可以被赶出家门,但是无人可以夺走他内在的心灵领域。
  He may be robbed from all of his possessions and may be driven away from his home, but nobody may drive him away from his spiritual realm within his interior.

  140 、因此,人需时刻意识到创造是什么,否则他不再能呼吸一口气,不能抓住思想,不能认识、看到、听到或者体验。
  Thus, the human should be constantly aware of what is creative, without which he would not be able to draw a single breath, could grasp no thought, could not realize, see, hear or experience.

  141 、所以,就如伟大的贤明经常说的那样:“创造性心灵离人很近,近过他的呼吸。”
  Therefore, the great sages of all times say: "The creative spirit is nearer to the human than his own breath."

  142 、人类迟早都无法逃脱这至高无上 ??的意识,屈从于创造性现实,因为这是他生命中的生命,心灵中的心灵,他意识中的意识,他光亮中的光亮,一切生命中的中心思想力量。
  The human may not escape from this highest consciousness, for sooner or later, he surrenders to this creative reality, because it is the life of his life, the spirit of his spirit, the consciousness of his consciousness, the light of his light, the central thought force of all life, the existence that projects all human thinking by far, against which all power of the human-material-intellectual thinking sinks into absolute insignificance.

  143 、心灵本身可以存在于视力以为,同样,就算没有听觉,没有手臂、腿甚至是外部意识和外部理解力它依然存在。
  The spirit itself is able to live without the light of the physical eyes, in the same way that it may live without hearing, arms, legs or even without the exterior consciousness' exterior understanding.

  144 、总有什么可以驱动他继续生存下去,也就是他自己的创造性力量。
  However, there is always something present that enables him to keep on living, namely his own creative force.

  145 、拥有心灵意识的人,可以透过他的思想和行动看出是什么位于他的思想背后,告诉他是否知道或者无知,那就是创造性,也就是心灵意识。
  This awareness of oneself, this all-observing and all-registering spiritual consciousness within the human, that looks at his thoughts and motions and that stands behind all of his thinking, that tells him whether he is knowing or ignorant, this is what is called creative, the spiritual consciousness.
  146 、常常想到心灵是万能的事实--存在着,无所不知,不止于此的还有无尽的运气,无尽的美,无尽的价值--让造物主这个词成为人最重要的,并为他的内在进化带来变化。
  To always think again and again about the fact that the spirit is omnipotent--always present, all-knowing and, beyond this, endless luck, endless beauty, endless value, actually the value of all things--lets the word Creation become absolutely important for the human and brings forth evolution-related changes within him.

  147 、当他牢记心灵和造物主这些词语时,他的心理将会带来重要的改变。
  As often as the words spirit and Creation are impressed upon him, there occur within him psychological changes of the greatest importance.

  148 、他的感情和所有的感觉将会发生变化。
  His feelings and all of his senses change.

  149 、他心灵智力变得越清晰,他的人格将会获得越多的力量,他的生命也将获得越多的祝福。
  The more clear his spiritual intelligence becomes through it, the more his personality gains power, and the more blessed will be his life.

  150 、一个充满心灵意识的智者将会预见遥远将来发生的事情,也许甚至是几十亿年之后的事情,过去的整个生命形式甚至是整个人类的过去都呈现在他的眼前。
  A wise one full of spirit consciousness sees what will happen in the most distant future, perhaps even billions of years later, and he has the life forms' and humankind's entire past before his eyes.

  151 、因此,伟大的知识将赐予他。
  Thus, the greatest knowledge is given unto him.

  152 、然而,这怎么可能?
  Yet, how is this possible?

  153 、这样的人在他的心灵和他的内在都有必须的要求。
  Such a human has the necessary requirements within his interior, in the spirit.

  154 、从紧闭是双眼可以察觉到光亮,只有那些真正能够通过他们内在的眼睛的人才可见。
  As the light may be perceived through the closed eye-lids, as lies within every human creative presence, the entire spiritual realm; however, it is visible only to those who are actually able to look inward through their inner eye.

  155 、它只对那些提供所有要求的人有用。
  It can only be useful to those who offer all requirements.

  156 、每个人拥有整个心灵之王国,但被无知、错误、缺点、邪恶和各种限制所掩盖和打败,这只能通过对真理的认知和接受才能往积极方向改变。
  Every human bears within him the entire kingdom of spirit, but it is covered and beaten with ignorance, errors, imperfection, evil, mistakes and restrictions of all sorts, which have to be changed into their opposites through the recognition and acceptance of truth.

  157 、人必须通过发展各种能力解决和公开各种邪恶。
  The human must resolve and open all evils by developing abilities that are opposed to everything that is degenerated and which lead to a neutral balance.

  158 、体验心灵的方式可以通过开展意识搜寻和获得真正的知识而得到加速,开展这样的方式引导向真正的和全方位的宇宙智慧和爱,这基于对存在于一切的造物主的认知。
  The way of experiencing the spirit will be accelerated through the unfolding of conscious searching and the gathering of true knowledge, and this unfolding leads to the true and all-encompassing, cosmic wisdom and love, based on the cognition that Creation is present within everything.

  159 、人和一切都存在于造物主,存在于真理、智慧、爱及心灵的王国中。
  The human is one with everything within Creation, in truth, wisdom and love, in the kingdom of the spirit;

  160 、人类通过空间、时间被分开而肉体彼此分离,然而,真理和智慧可以通过内在去体验。
  The truth and wisdom, that the human is separated through space and time and the body from each other; this, however, may be overcome through the internal experience.
  181 、他用不伦不类的光环与虚荣,恐惧,悲伤,骄傲和问题围绕着他的皮囊。
  He surrounds his body with some nondescript halo and with vanity, fear, sorrow, pride and problems.

  182 、渐渐地,只剩这些围绕着他的皮囊了。
  More and more often, everything revolves around his body only.

  183 、往往他更在意他肉体所拥有的物质财富,如果有人触碰他它们他会为此焦虑不安。
  Often he extends his body identity towards his material possessions, or he gets upset if some fellowman involuntarily touches it.

  184 、可是,当人认知到心灵真理的时候他会怎么做?
  Yet, what will a human do about it when he has recognized the spiritual truth?

  185 、他会认同于万物和所有一切的生命和宇宙。
  He will identify himself with all things and all the world's life forms and the universes.

  186 、一个充满了创造性心灵智慧的人,充满了知识,真理,爱和认知,知道万物产生的真理,知道产生永恒和即将产生永恒。
  A human full of creative-spiritual wisdom, full of knowledge, truth, love and cognition, knows that from the truth everything originated, originates and will originate for all eternity.

  187 、所以他认同于万物互为彼此。
  Therefore, he identifies himself with each and everything.

  188 、在他的心灵意识中(spiritual consciousness),在他的内在处他将永远与万物互为彼此。
  In his spiritual consciousness, he will always be--in his innermost part--one with each and everything.

  189 、在他的内在,他的心灵意识中,他将认同于自身与宇宙万物,就如同物质主义者,认同于他的肉体,他的金钱,他的财产,他充满疑问的谈话和教育,他说话的声音一样。
  In his interior, in his spiritual consciousness, he will identify himself with everything in the universe, in the same manner that the other one, who thinks materialistically, identifies himself with his body, with his money, his possessions, his confused speaking and teaching, and with the sound of his voice.

  190 、当人认同于自己与宇宙万物时,没有仇恨,没有贪婪会笼罩于他,因为此时他不再自私。
  But when the human identifies himself with everything in the universe, no hate and no greed may dwell within him anymore, because he makes no more selfish differences.

  191 、他已经成为万物的精华之一。
  He has just become one with the essence in everything.

  192 、其他人会宣称某些东西是自己的私有财产,而那些以心灵思考问题的人则会内在识别真理,所以他会内在拥有一切。
  Other people may claim something as their exclusive property, but he who thinks spiritually identifies it with the truth within and, therefore, owns everything internally.

  193 、所有恐惧都会离他而去,而他会以真理识别自我。
  All fright has left him, while he identifies himself with the truth.

  194 、拥有造物主和心灵的真相之人,虽然他的敌人会对抗他,而最终这种对抗会反弹到他的敌人。
  This truth of Creation and of the spirit, with which he is one, even directs his enemy's hand that will rise against him, in such a way that it falls back to (the enemy) himself.

  195 、心灵感知之人是受保护和荫庇的,整个自然向其示好,是的,甚至最后他的敌人都为他服务。
  The spiritual one is protected and sheltered, and the whole nature is well-disposed toward him, and yes, even his enemies have to serve him in the end.

  196 、在敌人的攻击之下,心灵感知之人会变得愈发强大有力,从而克服一切邪恶,卑鄙和退化。
  With their attacks, they cause the spiritual within him to unfold to even greater strength and power and to overcome all that is evil, vile and degenerated.

  197 、最终,这些敌人唯一的贡献是助长那些以心灵思考的人对真理的认知。
  Ultimately, the enemies only contribute to the recognition of the truth and growth of those who think spiritually.

  198 、敌人希望邪恶,麻烦和坏事围绕那些以心灵思考的人;他们以为他们的批判和无所不知的方式、谎言和毁谤,抱怨和错误的教义,谴责等能够毁了心灵感知之人。然而,他们这是在自毁,因为他们在展示自己的愚蠢和物欲,而借由他们之手,心灵感知之人的心灵感知和意识则变得愈发强大有力。
  They wish evil, troubles and bad things to those who think spiritually; they are of the opinion that they could destroy them through critique, know-it-all manner, lies and defamation, through complaints and false teachings, through condemning and making a fool of him; however, they only cause damage to themselves, because their acting gives testimony of intellectual foolishness and ignorance, from which he who thinks spiritually learns even more and becomes even greater and more powerful in his spirit and consciousness.

  199 、这样的真理会可能这样暗示吗? (suggestions)
  Are such truths perhaps suggestions?

  200 、声称这些只是谎言的言论只能是错误的。
  To claim this would be a delusion, because it is false.
  201 、绝对真理就蕴含在此。
  It deals here with absolute truths.

  202 、通常,那些以错误的方式思考的生命,他们被宗教错误引导,充满了邪恶的建议,充满了幻象,错误的教义和迷幻的结论。
  Generally, the lives of those who are thinking falsely, who are led astray and are depending upon religions, are full of evil suggestions, full of imaginary concepts, false teachings and delusional assumptions.

  203 、唯一能克服这样的破坏方法是从本质上认识真理,废除人类虚构的事物,并依附最高级创造性心灵力量规则。
  The only possibility and the only means to overcome those damages is to fundamentally recognize the truths which abolish the human figments, to adhere to them and to let rule the highest creative-spiritual forces.

  204 、所有不真实的建议和人类的幻象应该这样被纠正:“我,生而为人,是造物主的一部分,作为造物主的一个片段,作为心灵存在,使我活力十足。”
  All unreal suggestions and human imaginations will be corrected by stating: "I, the human, am a part of Creation that, as a fragment, as spirit, enlivens me."

  205 、其他他所知的一切都只是一个印象和幻觉,除了创造性心灵力量,真理和现实,(这样的知识)不会降低人一生的内在渴望,而会让他达到一定的非幻象的高度。
  Yet the knowledge that everything is imaginations and illusions, except the creative-spiritual force, truth and reality, (this knowledge) doesn't diminish the eagerness that the human unfolds in his life at all, but it will drive him up into unimagined heights.

  206 、只有真理会保持永远有效,并且任何时候都不需纠正。
  Only that which is true and which remains truth can be valid as truth; something on which one can depend on through eternity, and that never and under no circumstances ever needs revision.

  207 、真理不会因时代改变,因为它始终保持不变。
  Truth must never be adjusted to some other or new time, because it is constant for all times.

  208 、它永远保持不变并且往往听起来类似,虽然它可能是用不同的语言表述。
  It is eternally constant and always sounds alike, even if it is spoken with other words.

  209 、它是任何时间和空间的基石。
  It is the rock upon which one can build in eternal times and in all spaces.

  210 、真理存在于生命之前,并会存在于以后。
  The truth has been before life, and the truth is afterwards also.

  211 、只有危险,虚假欺骗和错误的教义才是昙花一现。
  What is only of a short duration is danger, a grave deception, a false teaching.

  212 、造物主和真理今天和明天一样,它们永不改变,并保持永恒不变的价值。
  Creation and truth are always the same, today just as tomorrow; they are always unchanging and of eternal, constant value.

  213 、它们的名字和形式同样不会发生改变,因为造物主和真理没有名字和形式。
  They do not change, neither name nor form, because Creation and truth are without names and forms.

  214 、所以,人应该紧紧跟随什么是创造性,因为只有什么是创造性的才是真理。
  Therefore, the human shall cling to what is creative, because alone what is creative is the truth.

  215 、它如造物主本身般不朽,它是永恒并完美的,值得人类为之努力,因为越接近它人类越不需要向幻象祈祷。
  It is that which is imperishable, like Creation itself; it is that which is eternal and perfect, that is worth all of human's efforts of will, because near it the human does not fall prey to deception.

  216 、所以,人需坚持真理并常在一切事务中保持冷静沉着,快乐,知识,爱,力量和智慧。
  Therefore, he shall cling to the truth and become imperturbable in always constant calmness, joy, knowledge, love, strength and wisdom in all things.

  217 、创造性有无穷的智慧和真理,而无一丁点错误。
  That which is creative alone is endless wisdom and truth, with which there is not one iota of error.

  218 、所以,人将能从创造性智慧中得到力量,他将从他自己的心灵搜寻他的光亮。
  Therefore, the human shall get strength from the creative wisdom, and he shall search for his light in his own spirit.

  219 、心灵感知之人非常清楚他并不能在一个房间挥动手就摸到什么是创造性,因为他清楚它存在于任何时代和任何空间。
  The spiritual human knows well that he may not move his hand in a room without touching myriad of what is creative, because it is always present in all times and spaces.

  220 、当心灵感知之人知道什么是真理时他内心充满了欢乐,因为他知道创造性是永恒并难以言表,不管他走到哪里创造无所不在。
  The spiritual human is full of joy when he knows about the truth that the creative--which is eternally and indescribably powerful--surrounds him wherever he walks.

  221 、创造性充满了无穷的和平,充满了无穷的认知和最完备的完美。
  What is creative is full of endless peace, full of endless cognition and the most perfect perfection.

  222 、它是所有最高心灵意识奇迹的源头,无处不在,存在于内在的和外在的。
  It is the source of all wonders of the highest spiritual consciousness that is present everywhere, within and external.

  223 、他的快乐和他的心灵生命本身一样无穷无尽。
  His joy is as endless as the spiritual life itself.

  224 、为得到快速的心灵进步,心灵感知之人看待每样事物为创造性。
  In order to achieve fast spiritual progress, the spiritual human looks upon each and everything as creative.

  225 、当他看到某事物他就看到了什么是创造性。
  As soon as he sees something, he sees what is creative.

  226 、每样事物及其表像的背后,往往站着的是什么是创造性。
  Behind everything and in its manifestations, there always stands before him what is creative.

  227 、所以,心灵感知之人并不会到处走以获得心灵体验,而是不管他在哪里他都能找到最好的地方以得到认知和体验。
  Therefore, the spiritual human does not walk this way and that way in order to attain the highest spiritual experience; instead he always finds the best place to gather recognition and experience wherever he stays.

  228 、存在于他内在的心灵得到了提高,他的心灵在他的内在而不是在其他什么地方。
  His spirit that is to be developed is within him and not at some other location.

  229 、他必须通过他自己的思考和行动才能发展提高它。
  He must develop it through his own thinking and acting.

  230 、通过这种认知,他的态度成了庇护所,所有伴随他的事物成了圣地。 --甚至是他脚下的土地。
  Through this cognition, his attitude becomes a sanctuary, and all things along with him become holy--even the earth under his feet.
  231 、心灵感知之人并不会指望将来体验造物主,因为心灵已驻其体,而是就在“此时此刻”体验。
  The spiritual human does not look upon the future as the time to experience Creation and the spirit dwelling within him, but the immediate "here and now", through which he--in the eyes of the non-spiritual normal people--lives in the most distant future, often totally misunderstood.

  232 、对于心灵感知之人来说,(体验)时间并不是某些时候,即在“此时此地”。(当下!)
  For the spiritual human, the time is not sometime, but always in the immediate "here and now".

  233 、对于他来说并不需要亲眼看到才能看到真理。
  For him it is not necessary to see physically in order to see the truth.

  234 、当他开始在他内在寻找时,真理对他来说变得越来越真实,因为对他来讲心灵是无所不见的。
  He begins to search within himself, and the truth becomes more and more real to him, because for him his spirit is the all-seeing presence.

  235 、他闻所未闻。
  No word that is spoken anywhere remains unheard by him.

  236 、为了加速进步,心灵感知之人听到任何真理的声音,都会渗透进入到他的心灵意识并保存在那里。
  In order to speed progress the spiritual human hears the sound of truth from any sound he hears, whereby each sound penetrates his spiritual consciousness and establishes there.

  237 、同样,所有一切都会提醒他什么是创造性和眼前的事实。
  In the same manner every thing reminds him of that which is creative, and of the immediate truth.

  238 、一切情况都是创造性情况,每一个机会都是创造性机会。
  Every circumstance is a creative circumstance, each opportunity a creative opportunity.

  239 、创造性人以这样的认知工作和生活and through this he internally walks on、
  The creative human lives and works in such cognition, and through this he internally walks on.

  240 、什么是伟大,什么是心灵,是存在于他内在最深处的细微之物,因为对真理的认知存在于无限中的有限。
  What is great, what is spiritual, is present within his innermost as little things, because in the cognition of truth dwells what is infinite in the finite.

  241 、每一个人的内在无限都有其位置;然而,只有极少数人能认识到这一点。
  And within each human the infinite has its seat; however, very few are able to recognize this.

  242 、从无限的需求中清醒需要合理的逻辑和从不真实的教义中解脱。
  To wake up the infinite requires reasonable logic and being free from unreal teachings.

  243 、从无限中清醒并让其变得有效是生命的目标--心灵完美。
  To wake up the infinite and let it become effective is the goal of life--spiritual perfection.

  244 、那些在心灵上丰富的人成为了一种工具,通过他造物主表达出了心灵领域。
  Those who are rich in spirit become an instrument, through which Creation expresses the spiritual realm.

  245 、这些最高级的智慧具有的价值就像造物主让天堂浮现。
  This highest wisdom-like value of Creation lets the heaven arise.

  246 、那些丰富感知心灵的人,将从所有界限和自我意识中的物欲中解脱出来,所以,他将永保与造物主相连。
  Those who are rich in spirit are free of all boundaries of any restriction and the material self-awareness, and are, therefore, in constant touch with Creation itself.

  247 、而人类中,物质比重则摆得太重。
  In the case of the human, the weight of the material principle prevails.

  248 、在不远的将来,地球科学将会发现物质的原理。
  In the not too distant future, terrestrial science will discover this principle in the (substance) matter.

  249 、造物主伴随着所有创建的一切,所有一切都在展示它本身并进一步发展。
  Creation is included along with everything that was created; with everything that unfolds itself and develops further.

  250 、只有不受限制的心灵和造物主本身表示着真正的自由,真正的完美,真正的认知,能量,爱,知识,真理和智慧。
  Only the unrestricted spirit and Creation itself represent true freedom, true perfection, true cognition, power, love, knowledge, truth and wisdom.
251 、在它的绝对性里,所有一切都是创造本身。
  In its absoluteness, all of these are the creative itself.

  252 、为在生命中得到一切真正的卓越,人必须真诚于什么是创造性,不受限制和无穷的。
  In order to gain anything truly excellent in life, the human must be loyal to what is creative, the unrestricted and unlimitable.

  253 、所有一切有限和受限的事物都会带来不现实和问题。
  Everything that is limited and restricted brings irreality and problems.

  254 、然而,吸引力终有一日将成为一切问题之源并且不现实。
  However, attractive as it may seem, it will once become a source of problems and irrealities.

  255 、所有一切有限的事物对于内在都是非自然的,所以,人类不能把它们当成真理认知而不给自身造成最大的伤害。
  The finite things of all forms are unnatural for the innermost essence, and, therefore, the human cannot recognize and love them as truth without harming himself most severely.

  256 、任何时候它们都充满了缺点,因为一切有限事物伴随而来的都是问题和困难。
  At all times they are full of faults, because everything that is finite brings along problems and difficulties.

  257 、如果人类爱上或者拥有某些有穷的东西,它会有绝对暂态的缺点。
  If the human loves or possesses something that is finite, it has at least the fault of being absolutely transient.

  258 、他可能以人类对爱的理解非常爱它,然后,当它的时机到来它便会消失,而他则为此哀悼不已。
  He may love it greatly according to the human understanding of love; however, when its time comes it perishes, and he mourns over the loss of it.

  259 、它是有限的并在其他方面也存在不足。
  That which is limited has faults in other respects, too.

  260 、虽然最开始时它不会消失,但它至少会发生变化。
  Even if it does not perish at the first moment, it is at least subjected to changes.

  261 、如果它一时充满了人类的爱,它可能会在下一刻被人类的恨所取代或所充满。
  If it is full of human love for one moment, it may be displaced by, or filled with, human hate at the next moment.

  262 、事物是否改变或者消亡,或者一个人是否改变对他同伴的态度,结果往往是悲伤和痛苦的,而无限的事物则不会改变并拥有绝对持久的价值。
  Whether it is a thing that changes or perishes, or a human who changes his approach towards his fellow man, the result is always sorrow and suffering, while that which may not be limited will never change because it is of unlimited and absolute lasting value.

  263 、当智慧和真理在人内在发出曙光,当人的心灵知识在增加,当他在宇宙之爱的引导下,当他的生命成为自身和他人的福荫,那么对真理的认知在他内在已经成熟。
  When wisdom and truth dawn within the human and when his spiritual knowledge grows, when he is guided by universal love and when his life becomes a blessing to him and other ones, then cognition of truth has ripened within him.

  264 、那么他开始意识到了他内在的造物主片段:心灵---这就是心灵领域。
  Then he becomes aware of the fragment of Creation within him, the spirit--the spiritual realm.

  265 、造物主存在于心灵之爱和智慧中。
  Creation is present in spiritual love and wisdom.

  266 、谁在为心灵感知之光和心灵感知之爱做斗争,造物主之门就为谁而打开。
  He who struggles for spiritual light and spiritual love, to him the door to Creation opens.

  267 、当人热爱真理,他爱那些完美和精彩的 ??事物,并能在内在体现心灵领域,它也是引领往智慧领域之路。
  If the human loves the truth, he loves that which is perfect and wonderful and what embodies the spiritual realm within itself, for it is also the path to wisdom's realm.

  268 、人将会意识到创造性的存在,并让他心灵智力照耀着一切事物。
  The human shall become aware of the creative presence and let his spiritual intelligence shine forth from everything.

  269 ??、他需认识到即使在广袤宇宙空间,创 ??造性依然指引他,造物主是真正的智慧,保佑一切事物的安全并赋予某种意义,并可以回答一切。
  He shall recognize that even in the vast, infinite and open space the eyes of that which is creative are directed towards him, and that Creation is the true intelligence that sees him with those eyes which keep everything safe and are endowed with a sense, and which are able to answer everything.

  270 、所以,他将以"意识心灵"(consciously-spiritually)生活在创造性之眼下;他将生活在心灵意识之下,那是有无限能量,他需常常意识到此。
  Therefore, he shall live consciously-spiritually under the eyes of that which is creative; he shall live with the consciousness of that which is spiritual, that is infinite power, of which he must always be aware.

  271 、那么他将不再软弱。
  Then he can never be weak.



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