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发表于 2019-12-11 13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear Ones,

It’s time to address your concerns about which of your actions are of 3D and which are of 5D. The only measurement you require is joy. If an activity feels joyful, it is of 5D – for you are of 5D.

Many of you continue to believe you must do this or that before you can be of 5D.

You have not only completed all of the 5D requirements, but you have passed more tests than you imagine.

Even though you may slip into 3D actions at times, you are no longer of 3D. So it is that those 3D actions are becoming less comfortable daily. A bit like picking up one of your toddler toys as a young teen and wondering why you ever thought it an exciting toy. But then, that toy does not make the toddler wrong; instead, reviewing the importance of that toy allows you to acknowledge you are in a different place.

So it is many of you chide yourselves for finding joy or fear of holiday activities.

For eons, you were taught to be right – whatever right meant to your society at a specific time in history. Until you became a punitive parent of yourself. It is neither right nor wrong to enjoy the holiday season. You merely need to determine what is joyful. For joy is now your go-to feeling, just as fear once was.

Perhaps you question that last statement for you believe that many of your 3D actions were joyful. We beg to differ. Much of what happened in 3D was not joy; it was the avoidance of fear.

Now that fear is no longer your avoidance emotion, you have difficulties determining if you are functioning in joy or because you should (fear). So it is we ask that you allow your actions to filter through your thought processes – which most often include shoulds – and then your heart or your inner-being, which is always pointed to your true North of joy.

You can slow your 5D creation process by following shoulds that no longer provide you with joy. But you cannot return to 3D. So it is you are learning how to access joy with a simple exercise. Does the activity feel joyful or heavy? If it feels joyful, it is your 5D path. If it feels heavy, cumbersome, or filled with shoulds, it is of your 3D past.

This holiday season, you are discovering that many of your activities are not as joyful as they once were. Is it because in addition to holiday demands, you are over-burdened with the intense Universal energies now pummeling you? Or is it because those holiday activities are no longer who you are? If either response is accurate, you are attempting to be someone you no longer are.

Your task becomes to either ignore those activities, redirect them in ways that feel comfortable, or allow others to complete the tasks that no longer interest you. Explanations are not necessary, nor is guilt for those tasks are no different than the example we used at the beginning of this piece. A teen does not need to apologize for not wishing to play with toddler toys, nor does anyone expect a teen to do so.

In 3D society, it is acceptable to inform others that you are too frail to prepare the expected dinner or decorate your home. Yet, informing others you wish to change the expectations they have of you seems almost insurmountable. Not because you find joy in completing those tasks, but that someone may not like you if you do not follow their traditions. Traditions that might even have once been yours and others are merely doing what they think you expect. So it is time for you to be honest with others and yourself. What gives you joy? Not what are the expectations of others or yourself, but what gives you joy?

In 3D, you expect to evolve as you age. From toddler toys to walkers or other paraphernalia indicating you can no longer perform as if you were a teenager. But until you are entirely infirm, you often push yourself to do things that no longer provide joy. In 3D, such is accepted and even discussed and laughed about among friends. But in 5D, such is no longer acceptable behavior.

Joy is your key.

Completing a task because you should is of 3D. Doing or creating something because it is joyful, is of 5D.

We will add that even though a task is joyful, it might consume more of your energy than you realize. So it is you stay awake throughout the night designing a new product that provides you with great joy. Or you are awake studying for a class you do not like. In 3D, both actions would likely be exhausting the next day. But in 5D, your creation/joy energies are unlimited. Something you have yet to thoroughly test.

But as you test your new joy energies, remember the days and nights you were fearful of outcomes. Did you not go to work or school or even play the next day despite lying awake worrying about what ifs? So it will now be for joy and more. Not joy mixed with “What if it doesn’t go as planned? or What if I don’t have as much fun as I think I will?” But instead, a knowingness that as long as you stay within your joy parameters, you will have more energy than you understand at first. But if you return to 3D fear, you will find yourself completely depleted of energy.

You are no longer residing in the 3D world of fear. Attempting to return to those fears will exhaust you, for you will be paddling against your stream. Joy is your only direction. Fear no longer feels right, for fear is now like a heavy element contaminating your glass of water. You no longer need those heavy elements to hold you of the earth. It is time for you to fly into your creations of joy. So be it. Amen.

通灵:Brenda Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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