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【波西亚和雅典娜】对与错,谁来决定? (第一部分)









发表于 2019-11-14 12:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings dear friends,
In the light of what has been happening, what is happening now, and what will soon happen in the future, it is important that this message becomes available to all who are ready and willing to be an agent of Light/Love. More and more dominoes had fallen, as the ascension process continues to intensify, within many groups, organizations, industrial sectors, nations, religions etc. The world as you know it right now, will soon be turned upside down and inside out, and like we had said often, we need our light-workers to get ready. Ready to lead from the front lines and always be our voices of Love, Peace and Harmony - encouraging Unity even in the face of many seemingly irreconcilable differences/diversities.
Adele recently wrote in her Facebook post: 'Unity doesn’t mean living with one voice, one united belief about anything. It means living peacefully, harmoniously even with others whose beliefs/opinions are different from ours.' All of you by now may already know the above statement very well, deep within your heart. Now it is time that you, as leaders of our fifth dimensional movement, to demonstrate and act out this belief, through your very own shining examples. It is time to 'walk your talk' and be the kind of person who always 'unites all', rather than one who occasionally 'feeds the energy of Separation/divisions' through your predominant, expressed thoughts, words, feelings, or actions.
In other words, always be someone who includes/embraces those who are different, rather than someone who excludes/rejects those who are somewhat different from you. Different skin color, different beliefs, different cultures/nations/languages, different professions, different sexual orientation, different educational backgrounds etc. - the long list continues.
For those of you here who have never heard of our names before, just like Kwan Yin, we are members of the Karmic Board. This Board is responsible for assisting all embodied souls currently on Planet Earth to fully integrate with the I AM presence within themselves - by sharing much information/knowledge with all Ascending souls about how to, naturally, always adhere to Divine Cosmic Laws.
We are also known as the Lords of Karma; a group of eight ascended masters who are assigned a sacred responsibility by Source, to help each soul find ways and means to:

1) make spiritual progress,
1) 取得精神上的进展
2) balance his/her karmic debts,
2) 平衡他/她的业债
3) master, wield, or control energy, and
3) 精通、运用或掌控能量
4) complete the goal of all life: the Ascension.

All souls must come before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth. Prior to embodiment, souls receive their assignment for that lifetime. At the conclusion of each life, there will be a complete review of their life performance before the Karmic Board. The tremendous fear of 'judgment day' currently still existing within the Collective consciousness of humanity, is unwarranted, unfortunate and based on falsity. It is important for all of you to know, that We are not beings who are waiting around to mete out punishment for the bad, or for those in the wrong. Eternal damnation, a.k.a. hell, or, purgatory does not exist.
During the life review process, you will be watching each scene of your life plays out, from the perspectives of everyone else experiencing that life scene together with you, and from Our Higher Perspective. How each careless, or harmful thought, word and action, combined with your uncontrollable feelings, had affected the people and the world around you. And how each thought, word and act of kindness/love had beautifully rippled out into the universe. If you had been playing the role of someone who (most of the time) adhered to all Cosmic Laws, by the end of the review process, you would probably come out looking/feeling happy and satisfied with your life performance. However, if in your last physical life you had created much suffering in the lives of others, the review process itself may perhaps feel hellish in every way.
You are naturally a being of Divine Light and Love. You are an individualized aspect/spark of God. Whenever you have returned from an adventure in physicality, you will automatically return to your True Nature of Light and Love. And thus, if, in your last incarnation you had chosen to play a 'dark role', you (just like many other souls who had chosen the same) will most probably be feeling so much regret, anger and deep grief; blaming yourself for the words/actions you had said/done in that incarnation. After your life review, we will simply send you off to get training and prepare for your next embodiment.
Members of the Karmic Board had worked very long and hard together - in harmonious collaborations with many brave, courageous souls such as yourselves, to keep alive the flames of Justice, Truth and Freedom in what used to be a harsh, challenging environment that was 3D-Earth. We must always ensure to achieve the proper energetic balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine; and between all the 7 Sacred Rays of God (each Ray must be equally represented by all embodied souls, in any time period - we cannot have more souls whose origins are from the Blue Ray and less number of souls from the Green/Pink/Violet Rays etc.).
Overall, the Karmic Board's most important sacred duty is to ensure that all souls embodied on Earth (and souls who are in a state of 'in-between-embodiments') have an equal opportunity to accelerate their spiritual progress by incarnating on Earth. We carefully monitor each soul's progress, between what was planned, what actually transpired during the physical incarnation, and what more needs to be done in order for you to achieve your own spiritual evolution goals. You are and always have been an Energy-being; a Light-being who is always in a constant state of expansion; creating yourself anew in your journey back to Source.
Your planet successfully arriving at the beginning of Ascension phase in 2012, was very much due to the successes of many past collaborative projects between you and us. Many of you kept dreaming and actively choosing to participate in creating a peaceful Earth where one day, all living beings can live in love, unity, abundance and harmony. This dream had long been your goal and focus, and your own past lives are living proof of your tenacity, determination, and perseverance in making this dream come true.
Now, let us talk about the Cosmic Laws briefly. We had mentioned the existence of these Laws here several times, however, with the exception of Adele's current group members, everyone else here may not know yet what the Laws are and why adherence to these Cosmic Laws is extremely crucial for all members of higher dimensional civilizations.

The primary Cosmic Laws are as follows:

1) The Law of Harmony - intrinsic within this, is the Law of Forgiveness.
1) 和谐发展---其本质,就是宽恕法则
This law is the most important, and the most basic fundamental law upon which, all the other Laws rest on. You are all energy beings. And energy is always in constant motion. This law requires that all energies loaned to all embodied souls (e.g. your physical, mental, etheric and emotional bodies are made up of the raw energies of God, shaped into matter/form that made up the current physical vessel of your soul) must always be used in a harmonious manner, with All in existence.
Your ways of be-ing must always be in a constant state of Harmony in order for you to live in adherence of this law.
To give you an example, let us say that there is a person who plays the role of a religious leader, a servant of God, serving many people at a place where a regular ritual of prayer/worship is held. When leading the ceremony, he maybe standing there in front of the audience in a complete state of disharmony, coming from his angry thoughts, or emanations of any negative feelings about: himself/the people around him/the world. In this scenario, not one electron of his energetic vibrations contributed to the creation of a harmonious environment. And as such, during that brief moment in time, this person (who was supposed to have been a role model of Peace, Love & Harmony) had failed to comply with the Law of Harmony.
To give you a different example, say there was a young woman (who had just given birth to her newborn baby) sitting on her rocking chair; putting her baby to sleep by singing a lullaby softly. Her entire vibrations emanate pure unconditional love for her baby, as well as a sense of wonder and gratitude for the gift of life that had been entrusted to her. She was feeling very much at peace and harmonious with whom she had become, and as her feelings overflow out into the world - merging with the collective energies of mankind - she became our role model of Love and Peace.
Everyone presently embodied on planet Earth, is our agent of Light, Love and Harmony. That is your Essence; your True Nature. Adhering to this basic law can be easily done by making a powerful intention right now to permanently let go of the need to: be involved in any drama, or create drama of any kind - by living as One with all. Respecting each other and treating one another the way you yourself wish to be treated.

2) The Law of Karma, a.k.a. the Law of the Circle.
2) 业力法则,也就是圆的法则
When the Law of Harmony is broken, the embodied soul will be immediately subjected to the Law of Karma. The word 'karma' is always used in a negative sense. There is no such thing as positive karma. A person who has continuously been doing positive, wonderful and loving deeds throughout his entire lifetime, is then said to have created 'accumulated good' - which is the polar opposite to karma.
The Law of Karma states that all energies in any form (e.g. thoughts, words, feelings and actions) originating from you that you send out to the Universe, will travel to reach their intended destinations. And once they did, the same energies will then begin their return journeys back to you - often gathering momentum by attracting more of the same (i.e. more thoughts, words, feelings or deeds with same vibrational frequency) - and when they reach you, you will receive/experience that which you had originally sent out, with accurate mathematical precision.
Please remember dear ones, the Law of Karma is not at all about retaliation or punishment. It is about creating and maintaining a state of balance; a state of harmony - the foundation upon which the entire physical Universe exists.
In order for you to repay the remaining karmic debts you may still have, first you must stop creating more karma for yourself. Adhering to the Law of Harmony starts with the realization that you are ONE with All That Was, All That Is and All That Will Be. You are one with Mother Earth. What you do to another, you are ultimately doing it to yourself. The enemy who is perhaps standing in front of you, is not your enemy. He/she is just another aspect of yourself, playing a different role. He/she has probably been requested by you (pre-birth) to play the low-vibrational/dark role for you, for the purpose of soul growth in both parties.
There is always only ONE of us running around everywhere in the Universe. All are God; expressing themselves as God in myriad different ways. When you have deeply embraced this Truth, that is when you will be able to consistently treat everyone: people, animals, trees, flowers, lakes, rivers, rocks and Mother Earth herself with so much love. Knowing that they are you, and you are them. There never is separation. The illusion of separation used to be so powerful, but now in the year 2019, it is no longer the case.

3) The Law of Re-embodiment (this law mostly applies when you are in a state of 'in-between-embodiments')
As this law mostly applies when you are back in your true form as a being of Light/Energy, thus further explanation is quite unnecessary at the moment, to keep the length of this message as short as possible.

4) The Law of Conservation of Energy
This law states that you must conserve your energy, whenever possible, to ensure that all energies are expended by you in a constructive manner: to support your soul's mission and purpose for each incarnation.
Remember, that all energies loaned/given to you, must be returned by you, towards the Universe/the people/the world in equal proportions. And as such, if you are using the energies given to you in non-constructive activities - such as: idle chatter/gossip, badmouthing someone, complaining/blaming the world for whatever that went wrong in your life etc. - you are exhibiting behaviors that are non-compliant of this law.
If you are wondering why is it important to adhere to the above Cosmic Laws. The answer is quite simple, loved ones.
Different planets, different dimensions, different Universes will often have different rules, regulations, or guidelines to follow. Although the Cosmic Laws on 3D Earth remain the same as the Cosmic Laws on a 5D Arcturian planet for example, however the intensity and velocity of the naturally-occurring consequences/repercussions of non-adherence to these Laws are completely different.
Understand, loved ones, that once you fully reside in a fifth-dimensional environment, everything that you individually and collectively create via your thoughts, words, feelings and actions will be manifested instantly. Simply use the power of your imaginations to visualize living in an environment when there is no gap/time delay between your creations, and your manifestations. Living in this type of environment will certainly be ideal if you (and everyone else on the planet) have mastered your Life Mastery, by always having the higher good of all as the basis of your words, thoughts and actions.
With the consciousness of the human collective as it is right now, if planet Earth were to fully operate within the fifth dimensional environment of NO TIME (where whatever you think immediately gets manifested the next moment) - chaos will probably ensue, as most people today haven't yet learnt how to fully manage their thoughts, words and emotions so that they always reflect their Higher Selves. The time period you are living in right now is in fact your training ground; your golden opportunity to master your vibrations, i.e. mastering thyself.

通灵:Adele Arini
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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