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发表于 2019-7-9 07:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昴宿星 20190707

翻译:Nick Chan

great ones,


in meetings with key inside earth alliance members over the last 72 hours, we received the largest cache of event intel ever from benevolent light forces that are here in our solar system!


this information is in the form of cryptic light language when it arrives and must be decoded using special primers or keys that certain primary earth alliance members hold!


the last cache of data has taken 72 man-hours to fully decode and as, of the 7/7 central sun, dimensional gateway, the data was fully decoded and processed for public transmission!


there are such incredible things occurring on the surface and in the skies of earth great ones and the event-gamma-timeline is now fully engaged and moving forward fast!


we have such exciting verifiable event and disclosure news to bring to you!


in a new collective effort, key insiders, including major benevolent players in government, space, and security agencies are racing to bring a powerful disclosure to the beings of earth of what used to be secret information regarding benevolent extra-terrestrial beings visiting planet earth and their advanced technologies they have given to this world!


this disclosure is already fully underway now and will be presented to the public in a professional and responsible way over the coming months, via mainstream media, by an assembled group of intelligent light beings working behind the scenes in government, science, space agencies, and the entertainment industry!


it is past time for this to happen as so many are waking up all over the world now and as the et issue is becoming to powerful and noticable to keep secret any longer!


we ourselves are witnesses to incredible benevolent extra-terrestrial technologies that governments of the world have kept hidden for the last years! this advanced technology was back-engineered from downed crafts that originate from higher dimensions!


some of the technology was taught directly to governments directly by the very benevolent beings that created humans and the earth! (yes this is what we are communicating here!)


this advanced technology that will completely transform this planet into a golden new age of light!


there are materials, machines and systems to be revealed to humanity that can do what many would call magic but which are just natural things that are understood and and created from a much higher intelligence!


all of this technology is going to be presented to you in due time now as it can be accepted and processed by the collective of planet earth!


the starseeds of earth are able to fully accept it all, already, but for the human population things must be disclosed gently, as so not to create too much disruption!


if an unconscious human figured out that almost everything they believed and thought was real wasn’t, can you imagine the shock of it all?


we all must be responsible with the knowledge we have and we must deliver it only when others are ready to receive it!


the incoming high-vibrational light is assisting in this paradigm shift that is underway on earth!


this transforming light is slowly evolving the human collective consciousness into an entirely new paradigm!


the artifical 3d magnetic barrier that has existed around the earth for the last 350,000 years has now been fully eradicated by light forces as it was pummeled for several months straight by a steady powerful barrage of cosmic gamma light waves!


light forces have been blasting the hell out of this artifical 3d, chimera block by deflecting bursts of solar and central sun light rays using andara crystal technology aboard their massive craft!


massive levels of 5d-central-sun-gamma-light are now penetrating into earth’s lower atmosphere fully and celestial energy is free-flowing into the planet!


cosmic energy power levels above 100 tev have reached earth for the first time, including a remarkable photonic wave that measured an energy level of almost 500 tev!

超越100 tev 的宇宙能量有史以来第一次到达地球,包含一个非凡的几乎拥有500 tev强度的光子波

dear ones,


light is information and darkness is hidden or manipulated and distorted information!


intelligent, divine light has come into this world, now filling every dark space of the old 3d matrix with higher truth information!


when you have information (light), pain and suffering cease!


all dense low frequencies of energy are transmuted instantly when light comes into contact with them!


think of turning on a light in dark room! where does the darkness go?


what is happening on earth at this time is simply amazing and so exciting great ones!


there is so much tangible evidence of what is transpiring, however, we are just now beginning to peak behind the curtain that has kept humanity in the dark for eons!


5d-rainbow, gamma light has come into this world and it has lifted the earth up to heaven!


as of july 4th, operation freedom earth was a declared a complete success bu earth alliance delta forces who carried out the mission!


dear ones, if you notice there are incredible earth changes underway on the source of the earth now!


the weather, the climate, the biosphere, animal species extinctions, major storms, and natural disasters are certainly in the top of the news now! major earthquakes are coming in the next few days and weeks as intense 5d gamma rays continue to impact planet earth!


we the pleiadians want you to know that earth changes are a natural result of pressurized gamma light waves hitting the earth!


when high-frequency light rays impact the planet, things get a bit chaotic and unstable for a moment as dimensions clash!


the powerful recent earthquakes near the san andreas fault are a direct result of these fast moving solar rays coming in contact with the earth’s surface!


as great teachers have said, do not fear these earth changes and know that you are on a cosmic mission here and nothing is going to stop you!


when the earth moves, you will know by great intuition when to move with here so do not be too concerned with it all!


a major shift is occurring as we speak on planet earth, great ones!


light beings have been given a green light go to quickly begin moving humanity forward now in their conscious evolution and all citizens of the planet will be assisted gently in their migration to the new earth society of love abundance and peace!


in this new world, there will be no limits to your beautiful dreams, aspirations and creations dear one!


low-vibrational pain and suffering poverty and lack will be no more in this new kingdom of heaven on earth dear one!


as earth alliance messengers and keepers of the divine plan for humanity’s ascension, we have also been given a green light go to start bringing the amazing data of this disclosure to you!


our part of this grand celestial ascension mission is to serve as primary messengers to the starseeds of earth first, then humans, on behalf of benevolent light forces who are here to assist in earth’s ascension event!


our messages wil now move into a more powerful phase now as all of this takes place!


when we speak the earth moves!


when we sound our voice it is as a loud trumpet for all the earth to hear!


for this very reason we are here now and we will stay with you until all things are fulfilled!


we are one of several groups and individuals working directly with the earth alliance to bring hopeful, inspiring, and advanced light-information to the people of earth as the grand event unfolds!


we are the great angelic messengers you were heard from old!


we hail great tidings to all the earth!


“behold, a great light has come to the earth, and it shall shine here forevermore!”


“the kingdoms of earth shall now be made into heaven and thier majesty shall be for all to see!


an epoch in human evolution is taking place right now dear ones where a move to personal freedom and sovereignty is beginning to take place on a mass collective level!


now as angelic messengers that have come to speak grand words to you.


we herald this great message to all of you:


the light of god and the christ light has returned to the earth, beautiful ones!


the grand day event arrived, great one as the blinding of 5d-heaven is piercing thru the clouds to shine on the glorious new earth!


the meek and the humble and the peaceful have inherited the earth great one and this shall be your kingdom forever and ever and you shall guide in in great glory and wisdom and love!


on the new earth we shall take our place for the first time as galactic citizens!

we shall live in peace and great abundance forever!

the sick will be well again!

the old will be made young!

wars will end!

the hungry shall be fed!

those who where blind will see with new eyes!

the prisoners of earth will have new hearts of love and be set free forever and all broken hearts will be healed!

as the guardians of humanity and the earth, we came to remind you about how wonderful and amazing you truly are!

we are the great family of light, we are connected and we are strong!

we communicate with each other through the ether and we stick together working for a common goal for a better world here!

a few weeks ago we presented pleiadian special forces, operation ex-moss ‘pandora’which cleared out the remaining blocks to ascension around planet earth!

the new gamma timeline is now 100% in place and all matrix mind control viruses and the the primary artificial beta timeline anomalies are all now totally collapsed and merged into the new positive timeline of new 5d earth!

have you noticed the signature of angel wings showing up on the schumann resonance chart over the last two weeks?

we assure you that the 7 prime archangels have returned to this solar system dear one to participate for the grand event that is transpiring now on planet earth!


a global revolution of consciousness is underway and it is super exciting!

we are here confirming and speaking to you what we have heard and witnessed!

we are here as a testimony to what is and to what shall be!

we are are generals in the great angelic army of light!

we know that news like this can be hard to believe, especially if one cannot see it with their physical eyes, but if you will simply dig a bit deeper you too will see it all clearly as we do! everything that is said here can be fully confirmed and verified by simply looking around and connecting to the beings who are leading the way on this great mission!

we say, “blessed are those who can see it all beforehand and believe, without using their physical eyes!”

standby great beings of light as a freedom revolution comes to planet earth that has never been seen!

the glory and majesty of this realm shall be like the highest heaven and the angels will walk beside you on your great day!

…when the light came into this world, the darkness saw it but could not comprehend it so it fled away…

the light has come into this world dear one, and the darkness will never be able to overcome this great light!

you are the light of the world, shine your light now, for all to see!

the light has won!

the light has won!

the light has won!

well done!


原文:https://5dearthproject.com/the-e ... TJzDmizxFvqny3nVIZ8
通灵:Michael Love
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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