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发表于 2019-7-4 04:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昴宿星 20190630

翻译:Nick Chan

The Pleiadians are a very advanced ET race that exist on the higher planes above this 3D planet.If you are aligned with them energetically you will relate to their teachings and understand their world. They are master storyteller’s and teachers, their messages include light codes and triggers to help wake up the lower resonating beings at just the right moment.


There is a Great cosmic drama playing out and it’s just about coming to a close. The human population is now finding out that a group of dark, nefarious beings has controlled humanity and Earth by deception. The reason for the cover-up of our entire existence is so our energy could be harvested lifetime after lifetime. This incredible amount of energy has been harvested and redirected for their use.


These Dark beings knew that when humanity figured out what has been happening to us we would become very angry and revolt and this would be the end game for their heinous plan.This is the game many of us are participating in now.


Unconscious humans are so asleep and so far gone at this point in regards to what is truly happening it’s really irrelevant to be so concerned for their Ascension, you can’t do one thing to help them until they are ready.Until humans stop hurting and killing each other there is no immediate solution for them. So it is wise for you to keep your focus on your progression at this moment.


The Pleiadians are certainly concerned for them that’s why they are transmuting tons of low vibrational energies on their behalf. But, like I always say everybody is on their individual path and everybody deals with their own consequences.


The Ascension Event is going to come up on the humans very quickly and abruptly and the Pleiadians know that most are not prepared for it and are trying to make this transition as painless as possible. They are moving massive amounts of super dense energy out of the way so they have a better chance to make this Ascension. Ultimately, we are here to make this Ascension. Sooo much is going on behind the scenes on Earth and in the higher planes so as many humans as possible will make this transition.


Incredible amounts of high frequency gamma Photon Light is penetrating Earth in the last 6 months or so.These frequencies, these levels of light have been secretly measured by every space agency on this planet and is completely hidden from us.


These space agencies are hiding, trying to anyway, the hundreds of thousands of Extra Terrestrial craft that are being seen around the sun this is the very reason solar observatories were shut down trying not to leak photos and video of these massive armadas of craft and vessels. However, the Pleiadians did agree with this shut down because they know a huge majority of humanity are not ready for such a blunt disclosure yet.


5D is Heaven, a Gamma State, a blissful state.


There are 12 dimensional boundaries in this Universe. Our bodies have 12 primary strands of DNA which work like nano sized fiber optic cables and 12 multi dimensional chakra portals that lets Akashic light data flow in and out of the body. This data is stored in our cellular memory.This information alone should tell you just how incredibly powerful we really are.


10 of these DNA strands were deactivated eons ago by these Dark rulers but they are now becoming activated and this is changing the entire game.Most Starseeds on this planet right now have between four and five of these strands activated.


The old low vibrating 3D Earth Matrix is one state of consciousness and the new

5D matrix is a faster vibrating state of consciousness. When you hear the word prayer in the Christian Bible it simply means meditation. While prayer is a form of asking it means asking for something by matching that vibration. Remember, there is no being higher than you, there is no higher authority than oneself. So, you’re not praying to some outside source you’re asking YOU to match that particular vibration.





The Event...


Those 'left behind' in this 3D timeline won't see people vanish in front of them. Nor will the ones who shift.


Not only will everything change INSTANTLY - it will be as if it had ALWAYS been that way. Like waking from a dream.


The Event and Open Contact are described many times in scripture.


Matthew 24:40


Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.


Luke 17:24


I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left.


1 Corinthians 15:51


Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.


Refs to clouds, 'in the air', whirlwinds etc. are simplistic descriptions of Craft.


In updated words - Jesus will return as he left - on a Pleiadian Craft.


Most importantly it is the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS returning. New Heaven and a New Earth. Unity. Oneness.Heaven is not a physical location in the Universe.


It's a simple term to mean HIGHER dimensions - where negative vibrations can't exist.


Our origin and destination.


Humans will SOON share the same density as other Galactic races and join them as a Galactic civilization.


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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