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发表于 2019-5-12 07:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:Nick Chan

It is time to claim your truth, to be in your own light and energy and the truth of your being.This is not an easy task because you have done this before, usually with terrible consequences. Claiming your truth means that you stand in your own light, no matter what others may feel or think about it or how they respond to you. The opposite of your truth is not a lie, it is denial and you must now choose to live in truth or to live in denial, to stand in the bright center of your light or in theits shadowy edges.


The light you carry is brighter than you can imagine and for some it is not only too bright, they feel that it lights up their limitations and fears. So they reject your truth not because it is not true but because it is too true. You may feel that the cost of claiming your truth is to become a target of rejection and persecution by those who do not want the light of your truth to shine too brightly. Do you have to choose whether to shine your light because someone else things it is too bright?


How often do you dim your light in response to others’fears that your truth will reveal who they are?What do they believe your light will reveal? Do you want to have their approval or is your truth enough approval for you? Are you willing to live in the shadowy edges of your light or in the center of its brightness? The choice is yours and the choice is now in front of you. Today’s battles for truth and over truth were begun long ago, the final struggle is the ascension cycle and the full 3D/5D integration.


No one can tell you to dim your light that is something you volunteer to do to keep the peace, to heal your karma, to complete healing cycles. But dimming your light was never the answer because peace and unity cannot always be the outcome and this is what has kept karma in place for so many lifetimes. The truth you hold within the light you shine is the cure for karma, the solution to present the choice for truth or denial, light or darkness, joy or fear. This is your mission as a light beacon and a ray of divine truth.


Your truth, the light you shine, is the choice for ascension for you and for your karmic partners. Do not dim your light or hide your truth because you are afraid they will not choose the light if it is too bright. Instead, let them choose their light path now as you shine your light brightly and free yourself and them to move into the new light of truth or the darkness of karma so everyone can ascend into their own frequency now. Give them a true choice for the light by shining fully and at your brightest then accept their choice as their ascension path and your light work is done.


通灵:Jennifer Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan

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