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发表于 2019-4-23 10:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:Nick Chan

As Mother Earth continues to weather the storm of Ascension in the duality of the 3rd Dimension, the Human Collective Consciousness continues to fluctuate wildly between the darkest negativity and the highest vibration of unconditional love.Humans who are sensitive to the energy of others are finding that they can be joyous in mood one day then desperately depressed the other. For many, finding an equilibrium in the disorganised and unpredictable mix of discordant/violent/love energy circling the globe is an impossible task. For the awakening and enlightened, the powers of the Violet Flame of Transmutation are an absolute necessity, if they are to continue their work of helping others to raise their vibrations and consciousness out of the mire that is the 3rd Dimension.


Amongst the masses, the Violet Flame is unknown and untouched, yet in Wayshowers’and Lightworkers’circles the Violet Flame is an important tool for the survival of Humanity. When the Violet Flame is called upon, it will instantly transmute any negative emotions, feelings and vibrations into love. The sparks of golden light signalling the transmutation are automatically sent out to the world, creating a love vibration that resonates with that of Mother Earth. Because the Flame comes from and is one with the Earth, the effects upon Mother Earth are immediate, causing a ripple effect that goes far beyond the area where transmutation occurred.


The Violet Flame is of the Seventh Ray, which is the overlighting ray of the Age of Aquarius and is radiated by Archangel Zadkiel and his Archeia Holy Amethyst.As the name suggests, the amethyst crystal is associated with the Violet Flame and is used by crystal healers to absorb and transmute negative energies in the home and in personal or sacred spaces. The colour violet is that of the crown chakra and the seventh ray and is therefore the highest healing colour in the spectrum. When used consciously by humans to transmute toxic feelings of hatred, anger, resentment, jealousy, depression and spite, the positive effects on personal relationships, on negative workspaces and on collective or group consciousness are noticeable and far-reaching.


As the attempts of those who wish to rule the masses with fear. terror and violence drastically increases, the daily use by lightworkers and the spiritually aware to transmute their own negative energies as well as that in the collective consciousness is critical to the ongoing ascension of the planet. Archangel Zadkiel/Holy Amethyst, Saint Germain and any of the Masters of Light can be called upon at any time to assist you to call up the Violet Flame whenever the need arises. WE urge you to be proactive in this cause.


WE ARE Archangel Michael and Saint Germain.


原文:https://victoriacochrane44.com/2 ... e-of-transmutation/
通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan

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