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发表于 2018-9-2 12:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In the past it was easy to make choices based on what you would do for many years. The energies moved much slower and thus had greater predictability, and this enforced the idea of making a decision and sticking to it. This gave you a sense of control and security. This supported all or nothing thinking (if you were committing to something it would be for a very long time) and also the idea that you could only do one thing.


But the energies of today are much, much different. The energies are not only very fast moving, they are multi-dimensional. This means they hold many different choices and opportunities for you and they are supporting stepping forward as empowered co-creators. So expecting that you can make a decision that will have only one option and expecting it to stay the same is trying to apply old energy thinking to unprecedented creational energies.


The energies of today hold promise, potential, and possibility. They also require you to embrace the idea of unfoldment. The way to work in these types of energies is to make decisions from one Now moment to the next, to flow and continue to co-create as more information comes in. You begin to learn that unlike the old energies where result was of the utmost importance, the value is in experience which leads to your own expansion, freedom, and joyful self expression.


To try to choose only one unmovable thing expecting it to be a match to you in years to come would be to choose constraint for yourself. It would be trying to stay the same in a time of great evolution. Think of when television first came out. Most of you only had one or two channels to choose from in black and white. That is like the old energies. You now have a myriad of channels to choose from that have enhanced colour and sound. You understand that the choices add to your satisfaction and enjoyment and if you try something and don’t like it, you can choose again. The same it is with the endless potentials that are now showing up for you on your planet.


So be easy. Release the idea that you have to have it all figured out and embrace the wonderful freedom and satisfaction that comes from only needing to make decisions based on what feels right to you in any given moment. Navigating in this new way is what will allow you to start to enjoy the magic and wonder of unfoldment, and the remarkable amount of choice you have now on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sBT2PxaFPqorWNOtmT15fQ

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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