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发表于 2018-7-8 11:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ArchangelMetatron via James Tyberonn, July 4th, 2018 (部分翻译)

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord ofLight, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we greet each of you,individually, lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the‘Now’ time that you read these words, and surround you in an energy ofUnconditional Love.

Dear Ones, we share important informationin this channeled sharing. We offer important information specific to thepresent time. We speak of incredible Saturnian waves, of astonishing meteoricenergies, eclipses, the equinox & solstice which will occur in your present, the remaining (2nd-half) of 2018, Year Six of the New Earth. And as always, itis for you to discern what resonates and what does not….for you are indeedMasters in the making. Again we ask you to not dismiss the science that weshare in this message, for it is part of the whole, an integral aspect of thesacred.
亲爱的朋友们,我们在这次通灵分享中分享了重要的信息。我们提供与现在有关的重要信息。我们谈到惊人的土星波,流星能量,日月食,春分和至点,这将发生在你们2018年的下半年,新地球的第6年。一如既往, 这是为了让你明白什么能够共鸣,什么不能。因为你们确实是创造大师。我们再次要求你们不要忽视我们在这条信息中所分享的科学,因为它是整体的一部分,是神圣不可分割的一部分。

The July-August Crucible
There are considerable astronomical tellurictransitional challenges that humanity must contend with in the present phase.You are in a time of extremes, of Crucible Astrology, in which all unresolvedissues are surfacing, by design, as a cleansing process. And there are myriadphysical and psychological anomalies that you are currently having to manageand adjust.

In both July & August 75%, 6 of the 8other orbiting planets in your solar system are in retrograde.

·    Retrogrades in July 2018 – 1) Mercury 2) Mars 3) Jupiter4) Saturn 5) Neptune 6) Pluto
·   2018年7月逆行的行星——1)水星2)火星3)木星4)土星5)海王星6)冥王星
Three sequential eclipses, one every 2weeks for a six week phase of July & August 2018.

This specific amalgam of retro-planetarygravitational patterning can absolutely influence a marked increase inmelancholy, apathy & depression. All of you should make a concerted effortto remain active, upbeat & compassionate at all times, but specifically soduring the timings between mid-July and the end of August.

You may not realize that apathy &depression are as detrimental to the human energy field, as anger. leaving onein a low-energy fatigue, a dull vulnerable state of insipid doldrums. This mustbe avoided. Negative, unrealistic ways of thinking fuel depression, anddepression shatters the aura, causing energy loss thru auric fracture anddisruption of auric-chakric circuitry flow.

When the auric field is bleeding energy,negative energies, including thought-forms, can more easily attach at the 2nd& 3rd chakra areas & vampirically drain you.

Crysto Evolution of the Human Bio-Chassis

We have told you in numerouscommunications that solar radiation and specific astronomical events, primarilysolstices, equinoxes, eclipses & cometesque meteor flurries are embeddedwith the edict & patterning of change. And these are code carrier,transmitting the codes of the upshift. These codes are akin to frequencytransmutation, facilitating the crystalline shift, the expansive change frompolar magnetic to crystalline. They are something like a photonic-sonicpassword that opens a new program!

These codes were first enacted upon theearthen dimensions, in the expansion from 3d to 12d which occurred on theprophesized solstice of 2012. And at that time the paradigm shifted, andhumanity entered ‘Year One’ of the New Earth in 2013. You are now in ‘YearSix’.

Your Edgar Cayce accurately predicted over80 years ago that humanity would evolve into the 5th ‘race’, a new body formatafter 1998. We have told you previously that humanity are shifting from carbonbase to silicon base. That both the planet and humanity are returning to a magnificentcrystalline template.

The Beautiful 4th Trimester
In the final trimester of 2018 (September– December) there are a series of astronomical events that have great impactupon the crystallization of the planet and of humanity. These 5 astronomicalevents are benevolently combined with 7 meteoric energies amalgamated into asingular energy for this period, in what may be termed as the CrystallineQuin-Pentacle:

The 2018 Pentacle Events:
·        July 12 – Solar Eclipse on New Moon
·        7月12日——新月的日食
·        July 27 – Total Lunar Eclipse on Full Moon
·        7月27日——满月的月全食
·        August 11 – Solar Eclipse on New Moon
·        8月11日——新月的日食
·        September 23 – Equinox on Full Crystal Moon
·        9月23日——满月秋分
·        Dec 21 -22 : Solstice on Full Moon
·        12月21日至22日:满月冬至
In the final trimester of 2018, this pentaoccurrence of three tandem eclipses, the equinox and solstice & crystallineinflux are embellished by 7 meteoric energies, these are of great significancein the crystallization process of the planet….forming a 12 point dodecahedralstar.

The 2018 Meteoric Events:
·        July 29 – Aug 23 – Delta Aquarids Meteors
·        August 13 – 23 – Perseids Meteorics
·        Sept 12 – Oct – Orionids Meteorics
·        Sept 21- Dec 5 – Taurids Meteorics
·        October 8 – Draconids Meteorics
·        Nov 17 – Leonids Meteorics
·        Dec 13 – Geminids Meteorics
7月29日     - 8月23日 - 宝瓶座流星
8月13日     - 23日 - 英仙座流星
9月12日     - 10月 - 猎户座流星
9月21日至12月5日 - 金牛座流星
10月8日 -     天龙座流星
11月17日     - 狮子座流星
12月13日     - 双子座流星
The 7 Meteorics: Celestial Crystals of Energy
We tell you that comets spawn meteors,that you term as ‘ shooting stars’ , for after a comet has orbited the Star ofyour solar system many times, it imbues and imbeds trails of its energy essencealong its celestial path. And when your planet earth intersects this trail, sodoes it interface the vibrational energy of its life force, so does inencounter the frequency of that termed life force units. And this vitalcrystalline Akash effects your planet, and humanity. Meteors are the catalysts,the drivers of change, for the core nucleus of these energies is one ofluminosity, one of coherent crystalline source. And so it is that the ancientsassociated all comets and their meteoric offspring as the forbearers oftransition.

The 12 Dodecs in Linear Chronological Sequence:
·        July 29 – Aug 23 – Delta Aquarids Meteors
·        July 12 – Solar Eclipse on New Moon
·        July 27 – Total Lunar Eclipse on Full Moon
·        August 11 – Solar Eclipse on New Moon
·        August 13 – 23 – Perseids Meteorics
·        Sept 12 – Oct – Orionids Meteorics
·        Sept 21- Dec 5 – Taurids
·        September 23, 2018- Equinox – Full Crystal Moon
·        October 8 – Draconids Meteorics
·        Nov 17 – Leonids Meteorics
·        Dec 13 – Geminids Meteorics
·        Dec 21 -22 : Solstice on Full Moon
·        7月29日 - 8月23日 - 宝瓶座流星
·        7月12日 - 新月的日食
·        7月27日 - 满月的月全食
·        8月11日 - 新月日食
·        8月13日 - 23日 - 英仙座流星
·        9月12日 - 10月 - 猎户座流星
·        9月21日至12月5日 - 金牛座流星
·        2018年9月23日 – 秋分-满月
·        10月8日 - 天龙流星雨陨石
·        11月17日 - 狮子座流星
·        12月13日 - 双子座流星
·        12月21日 - 22日:满月冬至
Masters, the period between the new moonof August11th and the full moon of September 25th, represents the fulcrum ofthe crystalline code receival in the Crystal Vortex, with the energysequentially increasing in the lunar phase, with apex occurring for one weekbefore and one week after the Equinox.

There is divine planning & intelligentdesign, in this timing, for it is a unique astronomical phase, within the finaltrimester of 2018. It is indeed why we have directed the channel to host thegathering of the Code-Carriers & Gridwerkers of the Law of One tocongregate in Arkansas in this phase of September during the mega Equinox andCrystalline moon.

Dear Ones, in closing, let us expressunequivocally that we of the Angelic Realm are in a special role of supportingyou, far more than you may realize. For you too are Gods in creation, sparks ofthe divine becoming again as divine crystal stars of the All That Is. Forindeed you are begat as the morning stars !

We love each of you, all of you, andbeyond the veils you are part of us. We spin a light vortex of great honor andappreciation to you! We are sending this energy to each one of you in the ‘NOW’moment that you read or hear these words.

Can you feel it, open your heart andreceive what we send forth in love.

Be strong, be joyful…be fully awakened !Dear Ones, look for a bright & brighter completion to a powerful &intense year. You have earned it !

I am Metatron with Tyberonn of CrystallineService, and we share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it Is…And it is So…


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